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Everything posted by mominco

  1. Take her shopping for clothes twice or thrice a year and tell her those are her Birthday/Christmas gifts! That way you are going with her and buying the things she needs and you are not giving her a gift card(esp if she forgets to use them) and you will have the joy of seeing her using the gifts.
  2. Wow,I only read a part of it and love it! Great job Abigail. Off to read more......
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: Eaglei Sending prayers your way!
  4. I did not read thru this entire thread so sorry if I am repeating it did you look at Tablet class? http://tabletclass.com/ She can do it on her own or get a one on one coaching with John Zimmerman. I found it recommended here and took a chance. Now both my kids are doing it,1 is non mathy and one is extremely so. Working for both.
  5. DD has done a lot of classes in these last few years. She asks them as gifts for her birthday and Christmas. She has done Drawing,painting and atleast 4 -5 crochet classes. I took a cricut class. We wait for a sale on the classes she likes and she has a wishlist so I know which she is interested in and when its on sale I buy it for her. trying to link the free mini classes http://www.craftsy.com/classes/free?_ct=sbqiiui-cuwqsqjuweho-ikr-dql-byda&_ctp=Classes,free
  6. OP where are you looking,Dallas area is huge so any specific areas? I think Lanny said Sherman I would agree. Traffic has gotten crazy and of course like PP said we have a lot of ppl moving in from CA. The area the Toyota folks are looking at is Plano. Coppell is another area where the houses are selling quick. You said your DH will be working from home so can you pick a house for 3 moths in any of the decent suburbs and then buy? Look at Allen,Mckinney and Frisco.GL ping me if you need more info.
  7. Geometry-Tablet class with or without the one on one? My kids are doing Oak meadow for English and History.
  8. Some of the gifts that have been a hit over the years. Harry and David fruit Vera bradley bags ( check their website for sale items) A blood pressure monitor ( :) Really ) I sent a Bird Spoon holder by Jonathan Adler,I saw some on Amazon. Hand towels with soap Both Mil and mom like these the most. What never works for either is sheets,Throws,lotions and gift cards!
  9. Cilantro or mint or combination! Likes others have said it would not be a tikka masala then. I am also wondering if they gave you a different dish. Hope you reported them.
  10. Jenny I am glad you are going.I have a friend who just went thru this. Keep us posted.
  11. Walking,Gardening and Coloring,I have gotten good at doing a little everyday. I started coloring with one of the dover publication books that Dd got for herself and now I have moved on to the adult ones. Its easy to take to the dr's and various appts.I have also gotten into watercolors. I actually prefer coloring books as i dont have to think of anything to draw.Its all done,all I have to do is make it pretty. (((hugs)))
  12. My son's open heart surgery and almost 1 month of stay in 2014 co$t 1.2 million dollars! We thankfully had good insurance but we did pay about $8000.
  13. Dh had this and was positive for h pylori and got treated for it. But the heartburn did not go away till he started HCL.He took Thorne Betaine hcl&pepsin and enzymedica's Digest gold both from Amazon. He took it for atleast 6 -9 months and was seeing a naturopath as the pcp just gave him ppi. I know the book why stomach acid is good for you by jonathan Wright was recomended by the naturopath. Also with H pylori your breath smells weird.There is a breath test for testing H pylori. GL
  14. Thank you for asking,Yes I am almost back to normal,the floraix made a world of difference for me,It was the iron level that was really low. The B I am taking is natural factors. You could be right it could be that the dosage or the type you are taking may not getting absorbed by your body. You said your thyroid levels looked fine right? I actually searched here for the iron and told my Dr about it and he was fine with me getting it.
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