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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4Sn91t1V4g Your post made me think of this :lol:
  2. Many, many people told us we should not be getting married. We were too young. We should live a little, blah blah, blah. Our church required pre-marital counseling, but all the pastor said was "Make sure you use birth control in the early years." My husband's uncle is the minister that married us. His brother, sister, and several cousins who had been married by this uncle told us that his counseling would make us think that he was trying to talk us out of marrying each other. He actually told us that even though we were young, he knew that we were mature and responsible and he hoped that God blessed our marriage. In retrospect, all but one of the couples that warned us are divorced. Maybe he was trying to talk them out of it.
  3. Different guns have different power. We have one that is not to be used for shooting each other. The others are fun for getting together and having a battle. It does not hurt like paintball. My son's first one would not even pop a balloon when he shot it.
  4. I live in the south but always covered my babies' diapers.
  5. My kids all love it. My 10 year old is a little freaked out by a few episodes. He always says that it is really just aliens, not monsters. We get cracked up at the cheesiness of some of them sometimes. Some of the monster/alien things actually look like they'd be at home in an episode of Power Rangers.
  6. You can either use a landline, or you can use a headset to make calls form your computer. As long as you don't have an issues with things with your internet connection failing, I don't see why it would be a problem.
  7. I am so sorry. Praying for your family
  8. http://www.virtualofficeva.com/apply.html I do this. It is a pain some days and some of the investors are harder to work with than others, but it is a dependable pay check. Plus, starting pay is 9.00/hour, which is more than you'd make with some companies that you'd have to leave home for work. It does not require anything other than a phone and a computer.
  9. I have a Shark Navigator and loooooove it!! My dirt canister can open from the top or the bottom. I use the bottom hatch. It makes less of a mess for me. The cord is long enough I can reach two bedrooms and the entire hallway by plugging the hall. It is not silent, but much more quiet than the Bissell I had before. It get cat hair and stray pieces of litter with no problems. I will never buy a Dyson or Miele. There is no way I could love them like I do my Sharkie!!!
  10. I wash and dry them, but I take the sock liner out first. eta: washing the laces separately is better than leaving them in during the wash cycle
  11. I am glad other people have brought this up. I have never heard anyone in my life use that as an insult. The only time I have seen it used that way is on the internet. Maybe it is something that is used different ways in different parts of the the south.
  12. I don't really care for it, but it happens so I just kind of go with it. My husband was called "Sweet Love" by some woman at Jack's when he went to get some biscuits one morning. That one really weirded him out.
  13. I think that a lot of it depends on the people in question. My husband and I are very similar in temperament and we just grew closer as we grew up. I had a boyfriend before dating him (as in broke with guy on one day, went out for first date with hubs the next) that I cannot see us growing up together. We are VERY different now. I am not by any means saying that there have never been any rough patches in our marriage. Growing up together worked for us, though.
  14. I have a friend that is infertile. Mother's Day was really super hard for her before she adopted. I don't know if she just hides it better, or things really are better. I think that celebrating mothers is a great thing, bu it does feel insensitive for some.
  15. I hate that one, too. We were married when I was 19 and my husband was 18. He graduated high school two days before our wedding. Both of us started college, but did not finish. I knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom, not a career woman, so what was the point, kwim. He had a job from age 14, so all that work/school exhaustion had already set in. Sooo many people assumed I MUST be pregnant or we wouldn't be getting married. I think there were some who even thought when our first son was born (over a year after our wedding) that I was. There are people who think we threw our lives away by getting married young. (both of us had full scholarships that we did not use) I have no regrets. Sure, there are things I might do somewhat differently if given the chance, but overall, I love my life. I had some female complications a few years after my last son was born. If we had not married and had children early, I might never had had the chance. While I don't think that marrying young is always the right thing for every couple, I would definitely not discourage a couple who truly loves one another. We have been married almost 18 years. My husband made the comment a few days ago that not only are we growing old together, we grew up together. I think that is a sweet thought.
  16. I am so sorry. Prayers for you.
  17. I love pantyhose. I don't like to wear a dress or skirt without them, not because of my pasty white legs, (although, there is THAT) but because I am forever in fear of my undergarments falling down. Yes, I know that is ridiculous. But there it is.
  18. Nathaniel- gift from God Benjamin- Son of my right hand Samuel- Heard by God We chose names that we liked and had special meanings
  19. Yeah, that is where some of the worst that I know about happened, so I didn't want to say anything. So glad your friend is okay!!
  20. That was how it happened with my middle son. He has had amoxicillin before, but that one time, he broke out. The doctor told us that happens sometimes. We were told that after week of antibiotics, he should be infection clear, but to keep a watch on him to see if it comes back. Hope your daughter is feeling better soon!
  21. Football helmets, batting helmets, bike helmets, what ever you have on hand to keep heads protected from flying debris. A few years ago there were things blown hundreds of miles away. Our yard was full of of insulation and lumber from who knows where.
  22. We are a bit south of the bad stuff, too. (Marshall County) Our trusty weatherman just announced that the bad stuff would probably get here around 11:00-12:00. YUCK!
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