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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. I prefer my skinny boys to do this. My middle son used to be more average sized, but he has hit a growth spurt and now he is just as skinny as his brothers. They eat constantly. The men in my husband's all have one of two builds: tall and skinny, or short and beefy. My husband and his father are on the short and beefy side; our boys, tall and skinny. Push-ups etc. help them go from skinny little wimp looking boys to thin, muscled boys.
  2. This is me. I see myself getting snappy with my kids and husband when things are messy. It's almost like I feel that I am suffocating if there is clutter.
  3. I know a lot of people who feel that babies should only wear white/pastels, but I like variety. Granted, I don't like seeing black, skull-covered baby clothes, but I dressed my babies how I wanted them, so other people can do the same.
  4. A LOT of Dickens makes me cry. Once we saw an ad for a movie version of Oliver Twist. When he carried his empty bowl and said, "Please sir, can I have some more?" I cried like a baby. My husband, having never read the book, looked at me like I was crazy. A Christmas Carol, especially when he is talking to the ghost of Christmas present and Ignorance and Want show up. The end of A Tale of Two Cities. Several places in David Copperfield. The Last Battle. The ending. Les Miserables.
  5. Completely worth it!! I used to think because they were on informercials that they were probably a waste of money. After reading reviews on Amazon (because he didn't want to fork over the $$$ for a Dyson or Miele) my husband suggested it. I am so glad he did! I have never been so amazed by a vacuum cleaner before. I know that sounds corny, but it is true. One of our cats peed on our rug. The carpet cleaner we have did not get all the smell out, so I took it outside and sprinkled baking soda on it. When I vacuumed the baking soda off, you could actually see it flying off the rug as it was being sucked up.
  6. I have two cats. I got a Shark Rotator Professional and think it is amazing. I have never seen a vacuum that works like this. All the power of a Dyson and half the price. The litte pet hair attachment is awesome! One swipe and it is all gone.
  7. I like it. Some old lady names are actually quite beautiful but haven't been used in a long time because they sound too "old". My cousin named his daughter Martha Madge (after our grandmother who he adored) I remember thinking at the time "how can he put such a nme on her?" she is now a beautiful, talented college freshman. The name works for her.
  8. I had forgotten about that one! Uhm, no thanks on cold water! My church supports several missionary families. Our pastor is in Lebanon right now teaching a conference for new believers. All of that (and more) can be done without without making goofy videos.
  9. I am so sick of seeing the "no makeup for breast cancer awareness" pictures on FB. If you want to put unflattering pics of yourself, feel free. Just don't pretend it helps cancer patients. (Just so no one thinks I think women should be made up all the time or something, most of my friends have been taking very close-up, not so great lighting pics. I have seen some of these people without make up and they really don't look nearly as bad as their pics appear)
  10. Never going to be a member of another Southern Baptist Church. Ha. We found one and it is wonderful. I don't care what organization it belongs to. Years ago I was NEVER going to let my kids watch Barney. Ha. It was introduced to my oldest at my mother's house. He and the middle one loved it. We even bought Barney VHS tapes.
  11. prayers for your whole family to feel peace and comfort
  12. It has seemed lately that everything has been coming much slower than normal for us, as well. We have some books that were ordered Saturday and are still not here. (Wednesday) We do have Prime.
  13. garfunkel. If it's really bad we say gar-stinkin-fukel.
  14. After my mother died people kept putting things on her wall. I thought about signing in to her account and liking the posts just to freak people out. I refrained.
  15. I like the name. My husband's grandmother's name was Evelyn Cleo. I think it was really pretty. Along the lines of people associating it with Clifford and the psychic ; Once, many years ago my oldest son was playing with his toy phone. He was "talking" to Cleo. My husband thought he talking to Miss Cleo, while he was really talking to Clifford's friend. Different people are going to associate names with different things. You can't please everyone. Name your child what you and your husband feel is best. Raise her in a way that everyone who knows her associates her name with good things.
  16. Oh, I was right there with you until you knocked circus peanuts. I know I should hate them-artificial color/flavor in a squishy giant peanut form, but alas, I love those things.
  17. I filed my in-laws' taxes on the 26th and then filed ours on the 29th. Our refund is expected on the 10th, while theirs is still not approved. I think I am not going to tell them when we get ours. My mil calls me very day to find out when they are getting their refund. I wish I could just ask the IRS to hurry it up for them.
  18. My oldest son (July birthday) began his freshmen year at 14y 1m. My middle son (November birthday) will be 14y 10m when he starts.
  19. My oldest and youngest sons are like this. They need meat. They can eat beans, veggies. etc.. all day long, but without meat they are weak and sickly feeling. The oldest once ate a 24oz steak followed by a chicken breast. (with side items). Our food budget is killing us, but we do what we have to.
  20. When I saw your daughter's name, I automatically thought of Seven of Nine. I chuckled a bit when I kept reading and saw that is where you got it.
  21. We rarely get snow, so yes, we take the day off.
  22. Not sure about the well water question. You can use scented castille soap to make the detergent have a scent or add Purex Crystals to it. What I use only takes a tablespoon. Our laundry comes out clean and fresh. (I only started using it 6-7 weeks ago. I have no idea if it will cut through the funk of summer time work clothes) I use a powder because A.) I don't want to have to cook it. B.) It takes less space to store powder. Here is the recipe I have been using: 1 1/4 cups Borax 1 1/4 cups washing soda 1 bar castille soap or Fels Naptha or Zote, shredded Blend well in a blender or food processor. This can be used as a powder as is or it can be mixed with a little water to make a paste, put in ice cube trays and let dry. If you go that route, use one cube per load. I have not tried that because I was afraid that it would not dissolve in my washer.
  23. No hand-holding or memorized prayers. We thank God for our food, for other blessings, ask him to bless others, and to help us be ambassadors for him.
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