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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. :iagree:It seems like every time we turn around we find out something else is bad for us. I do not like to give my kids campbell's soup because of all the msg. But then I'm sure that the grocery store chicken that I put in homemade is just as bad or possibly worse. :tongue_smilie:
  2. I really like themed trees. I like white lights and gold and white ornaments/bows etc. Yes, they are boring, but I think they are beautiful. We have three sons. Sons who love to make things for the tree. Sons who like to run in the house, even thought they are told millions upon millions times NOT to run in the house. So, my nicer ornaments have been broken over the years and replaced by things made of glitter, craft foam, popsicle sticks and light bulbs. I have really hated the tree, until this year. I started thinking about how much they love the colored lights. And what would I do with the ornaments they have made over the years? Some of our ornaments may not be much to look at, but there was a lot of love put into them.
  3. Me, too. My husband grew up on peanut butter sandwiches, cheese sandwiches(where the Kraft cheese had to be cut just so, and he dipped it in ketchup with sour cream and onion chips crushed up in it :ack2:), burgers and chicken fingers. We have come a long, long way in our eating.
  4. I voted other because it does not bother me if someone adds a condiment to their food. Different people just like different things. My husband very rarely eats meat without ketchup. Its not an insult to my cooking, its just what he likes. We have kids in our youth group that will ask (before they ever take a bite of something) if we have tabasco or ranch dressing.
  5. We are working on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. I had never even heard the word "Catechism" until a few years ago. Like someone else said it comes secondary to memorizing scripture, but I do think it is wonderful!
  6. We had a psycho boy come to our youth group meetings for a while. He was wearing satanic symbols on his clothing. People started asking my husband and me to stop him from wearing that stuff. This kid wrote a paper about killing two of his teachers; he has told some friends that he wants to kill his parents. He has called here on the phone and called me several obscenities. He knows that my husband sometimes works nights. So, maybe it is irrational, maybe not. You never know with psychotic teenagers. Couple that with we live in the country, by a church. Churches are easy prey, mainly because people do not prosecute the perpetrators if they ask forgiveness of the church. Crazy kid mentioned earlier and some friends broke into a another church and graffitied it. They apologized, so no charges were made.
  7. My husband works a swing shift, so 7 nights a month he is gone to work. Some nights I hear strange noises. We live out in the country (which normal people think of as safer) so it creeps me out thinking if someone broke in, no neighbors would be nearby to notice. Also, since it is hunting season, we hear lots of gun shots in the wee small hours. That is pretty creepy.
  8. On this, boys are easier. They don't choose dolls based on if they look "like me" or not. Give them a good guy and a bad action figure to fight each other and they are good to go. No spending $95.00 every so often on a new doll. :D
  9. Hasbro So far the Deals of the Day I have seen are all 50-60% off retail.
  10. :grouphug:I am so sorry. I will pray for you and your family:grouphug:
  11. That is so cute! Thanks for sharing!! My boys will love making (and eating)these.
  12. We don't allow video games or computer time during the school week. (well, some computer surfing that is school related/educational) No TV during school, but after school work is done they like to watch. We are strict about we watch, so most of the time there is nothing on. They like to watch game shows, but even those need to monitored. The boys are getting a Wii for Christmas. I think we might get some of the more active games to let them play as PE time during the winter.
  13. There is a woman at church who has fairly recently divorced. She has no job. Our church has been paying bills for her. She has had offers to get a job. She will not a job that is not Monday-Friday because "nobody to keep the kids" (the school has before/after care and she has friends/relatives in the area) So instead, she sits on the computer all day and chats with men she me on the internet. (that the church is paying for her to keep) She has two kids. They are ignored because mommy is too busy talking to her new men, so her kids are worse brats than before. She complains to me about her kids being hyperactive. She feeds them nothing but junk with artificial colors/sweeteners and MSG. I tell her to try some homecooked food. She says "I don't cook". ARGH! Driving me crazy. I have her son in two classes at church. He has always been bad, but now he is AWFUL.
  14. We also live in the woods, but our church is right beside our house. One Sunday my 6 year old son decided he could not wait until I got to the door to unlock it, so went by a tree, in the FRONT YARD (which faces the church parking lot, which was full of people !):blush: I wanted to die!!
  15. A friend on facebook posted it this morning :) And to think, I used to think was just a waste of time:tongue_smilie:
  16. I was one of those "no weapons" moms. The Kentucky piece of the puzzle map was the first thing (I think) that got turned into a gun. Since then everything that they get their hands on, becomes a weapon. My sweet little chef Benjamin just put oven mitts on his hands pretending to be a boxer. Smells-ugh. Even boys who bathe regularly stink. Their rooms stink. Bodily function jokes. Nothing is off limits. Even if you tell them it off limits. They love to tell others about their own (or worse, mom and dad) bathrooms habits etc. The food they consume. Two of my sons are skinny boys. The other is average. The skinny kids eat more than you would think possible (my oldest eats more than me) and NEVER gain weight. My youngest has for a year now wanted to weigh 50 pounds. That meant he needed to gain 10 pounds. He has gained ONE. They think fighting is fun. Climbing. My youngest had to move into a toddler bed at age one because he climbed out of his crib. eta: sounds. There are never quiet moments. Someone is singing, drumming, humming or clicking their tongues or snapping......
  17. Call the Nestle Crunch Hotline at 1-800-295-0051. When you are asked if you want to continue in English or Spanish, just wait *quietly* for about 10 seconds and you will smile. Promise! (if you comment on this after listening, don't give away the surprise...) keep going and press 4 it gets even better..
  18. I usually cook barefoot. Come to think of it, I do pretty much everything barefoot. :D
  19. Divinity White Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Rods Potato Candy (apparently I really like white stuff at Christmas)
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