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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. My first name is Kelli. (with an I). My mother named me after a friend, but didn't want it to be exactly the same. (Thanks, mom) Nobody spells it right. What really gets me is on email or facebook WHERE THEY HAVE IT ON THE SCREEN IN FRONT OF THEM and they still spell it wrong. My last name is a doozy. Gilliland. Nobody pronounces it the same. We get Gill-and, Gill-il-land, Gill-il-il-il-iland, and Gilligan (huh?). Our kids names are Nathaniel, Benjamin and Samuel. Nathaniel is pronounced Na(short A) than ee uhl. People say it with a long A at the beginning, he has been called Nat, Nate and Nathan. He has even been called Daniel. My younger two, Benjamin and Samuel, get called Ben and Sam. Benjamin does not mind being called Benj, just not Ben. It really irks Samuel. He has a friend that has been told repeatedly it is SAMUEL. Oh, well, people are just weird. :tongue_smilie:
  2. EEEEeek!!!! I have never been growled at by one. Hissed at yes, but never growled at. EEEEEwwwww!!!!
  3. I think it is great. People in church leadership should be above reproach (2Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 1 Timothy 3:2-3). It is hard to know in this day and age what a person is doing when no one is looking.
  4. That would be us, too. I think most people would not be offended, but if they do not celebrate Halloween, they would simply not attend.
  5. When my husband and I went to to get our marriage license the lady behind the counter asked if we were blood related. :blink: ewwww! I was thinking, "Uh no, that is why we are getting married" So apparently it is legal around here. But yuck!
  6. How wonderful, exciting (an maybe a little scary)!! Will be praying for your family.
  7. I don't fit in with most women around here, either. I do not like to shop (I refuse to buy clothes that show cleavage, hiney crack or undergarments) I do not like to complain about how bad my children drive me crazy (Could you imagine if I piped up and said I actually like my kids?) I do not complain that my husband is a complete @%^&*$ (I have been made fun of for actually saying nice things about him) Apparently dressing modestly (and not paying a fortune for stuff) enjoying staying home with the kids and enjoying my husband is not the cool thing. That's okay, I'm a noncorformist. :001_tt2:
  8. I still love the Muppets. I can remember when I was very young thinking that one day I wanted to be a famous star ..... so I could host guest host the Muppet Show!!!!
  9. I think that maybe religious/Christian music is just not the right genre. Using the word Lord makes it come across that it is speaking of God. As someone said He does not speak through us, He speaks through His word. Our words/actions can either bring people to Him or push them away from Him, but He does not need US to speak for Him. really against what the Bible teaches: Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Your hubby might have a great talent with putting words together, but secular genres just might be where he really shines.
  10. How is it that her daughter has issues? I don't like people (other than family) coming up to me and putting their hands on me. I have noticed at our church that girls seem more likely to be the ones to go up and give random hugs, pick up kids, (my six year is constantly being picked up a teenage girl, who constantly hugs on my husband.) In my experience I can tell someone over and over again, please don't touch me/my child/ my stuff, and they usually don't care if they are a touchy-feely. Try to position yourself between her and you daughter. That could help your daughter.
  11. As a teen I joined a romance book club and it wasn't my father's penthouse letters, it was a boyfriend's!! :blush: I do not want to raise my kids in a way where they will be exposed to the same things I was a a young girl
  12. We took a kid home after a youth trip Saturday night. He said "go like your going to Scottsboro" Uhm....okay, like I KNOW what that means. Fortunately, there was a sign where you turn to go to Scottsboro. From there I asked where now? He said "you know Johnson Electric is?" "No" "Ain't you ever been to Scottsboro?" "No" He said "Well, I don't know how to tell you get there. Drive slow and I'll tell you when to turn." :glare: I have never seen a kid (7th grader) that could not give better directions than THAT to their house!!!
  13. I thought it was just us southern gals who had a hard time teaching our littles to read. My older two sons have had several comments made about the fact that they speak "like Yankees" by others. The only thing I can figure out is from learning to read phonetically. My youngest has one of the thickest southern accents I have heard. Instead of saying "on the floor" he says "own da flow". We are not sure where he got that. He also pronounces "Come here" as one word, "C'mere" :banghead: It seems there is no middle ground at our house.
  14. I think that using two math programs would be overkill to my kids. They have grammar, writing, Latin, science, history, art, music, Catechism, and Bible to do in addition to math each day. MUS has been wonderful for our family. Our kids are learning and are ahead of the public school children in our area. My third grader has been doing multiplication for several weeks now, his ps friends have not started it. I always hear that MUS is behind other programs in the early year, but I have yet to see it in our experience. I love the fact that every worksheet has word problems with REAL-LIFE situations. None of the "Dan is paddling a canoe heading north at 5mph and Jan is paddling south at 2mph. How long before they meet?" Our family is using MUS all the way through. I love that they are learning not only HOW to do math, but WHY problems are being done the way are being done.
  15. My mother in law is wonderful! She tells my husband all the time how she is so glad that he has a wife that takes such good of him and the boys. In the past she would take our kids places and have them spend the night to give me a break. (Her idea, btw) Her health has deteriorated in the past few years and she APOLOGIZES that she cannot do more for us!!!She is very much a gem.
  16. :iagree: We have kids and teenagers that appear around dinner time. We pulled in the driveway yesterday to see a kid at our door, in the rain. He had ridden his bike to our house.
  17. We used to buy the Fiskars that say they are for either hand, but my lefty said they were uncomfortable. He started using his his right hand to cut because it felt better. It didn't take any special encouraging from us, he just did what felt better.
  18. My oldest son was was diagnosed with this after his spells. He has had spells where his face went completely white, his lips looked bluish and he said he everything started swirling and just went dark. Every time it had been a while since eating. The first two times his glucose was tested, both times it came back fine. The second time he was sent to a ped. cardiologist who said vasovagal syncope, and that his sodium was a bit low. (So much for being the "good mom" who cooks without a lot of salt, huh?) We have noticed that the times for for him to start getting "that look" are a.) he's too hot b.) he has gone several hours without eating c.)He's moving quickly. We try to keep Gator Aid on hand when he is doing something extra physical and make sure he snacks in between meals.
  19. Loving TOG! this is our first year. We are doing lower grammar, upper grammar and dialectic.
  20. I walked in from church (hubby and the kids had beaten me home) and my son said "We have to go to town. Dad says." So I am not sure what we are having or where we are going. I'm hoping Cracker Barrel. :)
  21. I very much agree with what she said. When i was breastfeeding my children, I always felt it was the nice thing to do to take the time to consider the feelings of others around me. Yes, my child needed to eat, when they needed to eat. No, I did have to expose myself in order to meet that need. This is not the only the only I have with the "i am going to do what I want, who cares what others think think" mentality. I really have issues with women who walk around dressed provocatively and then complain that "others should not be judgmental" or if it makes a man uncomfortable he should "deal with it or look away".
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