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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. I read that last night and can't get it out of my head. I cannot imagine doing something so horrendous to a child because of how I felt about their parent. If this man hated the mother so much, why was he married to her? I hope that he and his girlfriend both suffer for this crime.
  2. I hate Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, I live too far from Target to go on a regular basis, and the nearest K-Mart is almost as bad as Wal-Mart and has higher prices. I have seen people walking around in their pajamas, women who look like prostitutes and shirtless men, all in my local Wal-Mart. And people are so rude!!! We shop at Publix for our groceries. There is a Wal-Mart right across the street. If you go to one, then the other, it is like being in a totally different world.
  3. I live in a rural area with lots of land. I would LOVE to have neighbors. My husband works 12 hour shifts, so if he had longer commutes than what he already has (20 minutes) I think I'd be pulling my hair out some days.
  4. On your dashboard scroll down to appearances. There will be options for custom header and extras you can add. I think it is in custom header that you will be able to get it to not run together.
  5. :iagree:What she said. Well.... with the exception of the phone calls. I have had to talk to our pastor a couple of times while my husband was at work. His wife was home at the time, so I guess that makes it okay. :D People who know me know that I am not a free-hugger. If I didn't marry it or give birth to it, I probably don't hug it. We both made the agreement when we first got married not to be alone with someone of the opposite sex. It is not always easy, but it can be done.
  6. Oh, I was envisioning some poor woman trying to find a huge bra!!
  7. We had similar issues with Singular. Be careful with Xyzal if you try it. I was on it briefly. It gave me nosebleeds and an ear infection. I have never had an ear infection before in my life.
  8. I love seeing all these pictures! I got married in 1996. My mother and I made my dress. I still like it. People asked me that day if I was wearing a hairpiece. I was not. My mother told me my hair looked like Marge Simpson because it was so tall.
  9. My parents gave me a globe, a dictionary, and a five feet tall mirror one year for Christmas. I do not remember what I asked for, but none of that was on my list. I had specifically said I thought the mirror was ugly when we saw it one day. An older couple gave my husband and me a clock that had a picture of Moses on it. Every hour, it would chime with a man's voice reciting one of the 10 Commandments. It had a light censor to keep it from chiming during the night. Only, the censor didn't really work. It would scare the kids at night. We gave to a teenager who thought it was cool.
  10. My husband had pneumonia a few weeks ago. His medical leave was unpaid. Our kids have been sick (minor things from allergies and IBS). Our oven is messed up, it burns everything we put in it. That means no turkey, cookies or anything else we typically have at Christmas. Now, our car (the only car we have) is having transmission issues. My husband is borrowing a car from his parents. He had to drive the big church van to work one day. It seems like every time we turn around, something else happens. There has been a man coming here the last few weeks for financial assistance. (We live by a church) He came by this morning and said he had $25.00 left from what we gave him last week. (Last week he said he would pay us back) He said he did not have a gift for his wife. So I told him to keep the $25.00 and use it. He said what he wanted to get her cost $160.00, so could he have more? :001_huh: I thought, "You have got to be kidding me". I told him I was sorry but I could not give him any more money. (our church youth and our family combined have given him around $300.00 over the last 4-6 weeks.) I felt bad about turning someone away, but I don't have a present for my husband, and I am not expecting someone to hand me over $100.00 in order to get one. So now in addition to worrying about where the money for the car and oven are going to come from, I feel bad about saying no, even though I think what he was asking was excessive.
  11. I usually use sparkling white grape juice. Kadeem is my favorite, but it is hard to find around here, so I usually use Welch's.
  12. I'm so glad to hear I am not the only one who has gone into the mens' room!!!!:blushing:
  13. :grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry for what you are going through. I do not think your son sounds like a brat. He just sounds like a little child whose whole world is changing. I think there are a lot of parents who are going to have to answer to God for what they have done to their their kids. Your xh sounds very selfish in that he has hurt you and your son tremendously. I pray for things to get better for you.
  14. My sil's name is Michael. Her sister's name is Rory. Their dad wanted boys. A girl I went to school went named her daughter Stormy Destiny. :confused:
  15. My grandmother always swore that there were twins born in Sylacauga in the fifties at the hospital she worked for named that.
  16. :thumbup: Love the snarkiness! I have a real problem respecting "child behavior" studies ever since the one came out several years ago saying "children who eat breakfast in the mornings do better in school, have less stress, and are less aggressive."
  17. I used to go to church with a woman whose first name was Carol. She married a man whose last name was Carroll. I think that would have been a time to keep the maiden name. She would introduce herself as Carol Carroll. People would look at her like she was crazy.
  18. My inlaws are Grandmama and Granddaddy My parents are Gran and Paw-Paw Nu Great grandparents-Grandpa and Mrs Tipp. (Grandmother died a few years ago and Mrs Tipp is his new wife) We used to have more greats when our kiddos were first born: Grandmother and Paw-Paw (different set form Grandmother and Grandpa) Nanny and Granddaddy Gilliland (even though both Granddaddys have the same last name, you knew who people were talking about by adding the last name, or not) And our oldest son got to meet two great, greats- Gramma (pronounced Grohma) and Mama Tom.
  19. A friend of mine's son takes prozac for his stomach. My husband and oldest son have IBS. It's tough. My son has recently just had a rough time where his stomach hurt for 14 straight days. He survived off chicken soup, chicken and rice, or just plain rice. He lost 5-6 pounds. (pounds that were not excess) We have been giving him probiotics, extra fiber, and he started back on his stomach medicine that he pediatrician subscribed a while back. He's on the mend now. I am sorry to hear you have this. It's tough to find all the triggers and all the things that help.
  20. No, but I did buy 2 cans of tomato paste, 2 cans of tomato sauce, and a can of crushed tomatoes to make into a sauce for another meal. :D
  21. This is my mil's recipe. It is the only pecan pie that my husband and son like. 1 cup light Karo syrup 3/4 cup sugar 4 eggs 1 stick butter 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 cups pecans (I don't eat pecan pie, so I don't know what difference it makes, but dh only likes pecan halves, not the chopped ones.) mix all ingredients and pour into two prepared pie shells. bake at 350* for 45 minutes.
  22. :iagree:what she said. Right down to the "I was terribly sick with it..." No way would I expose my kids to that!
  23. I didn't either until recently. I wonder if they just started it. My oldest son has stomach problems and when he is having a bad flare-up, he can eat chicken soup without it bothering him. So I have a choice of cooking two separate meals or heating up a can of soup.
  24. allrecipes.com is my favorite website. Lasagna- everyone LOVED this! we made the sauce later without meat and used it for spaghetti one night and the next night we made pizza using focaccia bread as the crust. Lamb Stew-my youngest son said the blessing the night we had this the first time. He ended his prayer with "Pleeeeease help this food be good." He cleaned his bowl and asked for more the next day. We served this with pita bread.Greek Marinated Chicken- our grill has a huge hole in the bottom, so we cooked it indoors. It was still really good. These are not from from allrecipes: Homemade chicken fingers Porcupine balls My son's favorite pork chops My husband's favorite lately has been tacos. I brown the beef, with no onions or any other seasoning. I toast the the tortillas and put in beef, cheese, (our favorite is Sargento Artisan blend Mexican) and whatever else anyone likes. Another favorite at our house is what we call Scarborough Fair Chicken. I take a whole chicken, brush on a little olive oil, sprinkle with paprika, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Bake at 350 until it is done. Very simple, but very tasty.
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