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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. We use All Small and Mighty Lavender and Water Lily scent. So far we have not had any problems with anyone breaking out. (used Tide for years, then my middle son developed an allergy)
  2. Wow, your whole post fits me. To.a.tea. My mother is constantly calling me a clean freak and saying that I don't put enough sentimental value on things. I say her house looks like a yard sale threw up in it. I hate to through away catalogs. You never know what you might end up needing from one! :D
  3. I agree with this. Doing it via the internet for the whole world to see comes across as being somewhat of an @ss.
  4. We are using Song School Latin and loving it so much we plan to get SSG for next year. My middle son is even going to be using it. We have thoroughly enjoyed the "get your feet wet" approach.
  5. We found some Dr. Pepper like that one day. I wish that all sodas were real sugar. Not that they are great for you, but to have now and then it would be nice!
  6. No, but I used to get asked all the time if I was adopted when I was younger. My whole family has dark hair, skin and eyes. (well, my mother has blue eyes, but she has the dark skin and hair) I was pale, blue eyed and blond. In high school I had a teacher tell me that I could NOT have any Native American blood because I was too pale. I responded, "Have you seen my family???" I was told I should have figured it out by now (as in they are not my real family). Grrrrr....!!!!
  7. :grouphug: praying that you act with love and discernment
  8. I wish that A.) I had homeschooled from the beginning. B.) I had known about Tapestry of Grace sooner.
  9. I second this! I know it is easier for me to plan TOG than it was for something else where we were more separated. If you do the reading assignments that are suggested in Tapestry you have everyone's planned out for the week, the map work is easy to print off if you are using Map Aids, the Student Activity Pages just have to be printed. The hardest thing really, for me, is looking ahead to see what hands-on stuff we need to purchase.
  10. I don't have a problem with it. I would probably not pay that much for a costume. We make a lot of our own costumes, or buy them at Wal-Mart or K-Mart after Halloween when they are on sale. I remember playing bride with an old pageant dress and some tulle on my head with my cousin as the groom. It was pretend. I think after that we played outside with sticks that were shaped like guns. He was the Russian and I was the American.
  11. That's the way it was taught in Alabama schools in the 80sand 90s. And is still taught that way in the school systems today. When we went to get our taxes done one year my son took Rifles For Watie to read. The accountant (who was married to one of the principals at son's school he attended at the time) spent almost an hour telling us how he was disgusted at the way it is taught in textbooks that the war was all about slavery.
  12. We are the only homeschoolers except for one kid who does a virtual school. We are outcasts, weirdos and freaks because we do not want to send our kids to the local school (where some of our church family works) because it is "such a good school". (It is not but I would not dare point out to people that the school they love so much is in the bottom 25% percent of the state that is near the bottom of the country.) We stay at this church because my husband is the youth pastor and does not want to give up on the youth.
  13. I wish I had known about it sooner so my older kids could have been using it in the earlier years. If you look at the sample schedules on the website they even show a sample of a schedule working at half pace if you get it and think it is too much for their ages.
  14. I am not a germaphobe (unless you ask my very filthy-housed mother). I cannot imagine making a sandwich on the counter rather than on a plate. This is in a house with no indoor pets. I also would not rinse the mop in the kitchen sink. Blech! If I had found evidence of mice in my sandbox, it would be gone. Yuck!
  15. My oldest son used to get ear infections every time his sinus allergies would flare up. I have problems with my ears when my sinuses are infected, too.
  16. I am the same way. My husband always laughs and says I am rude because he says I have perfected the art of backing out of hugs. :D If someone says "I'm a hugger, " I just say "Too bad I'm not, " and back up or walk off. I also say "Don't touch me again," if they try anyway. You might just be a little nicer than me, though.
  17. I have gotten some from Homeschool Library Builders. They do not have all of the Tapestry books, but they do have TOG in their search by curriculum feature. What I have gotten from them has been super cheap and great quality. I have found some books from Books a Million a little cheaper than BC, but most are more expensive. Also, you could check out the buy/ sell used curriculum on the TOG forum.
  18. What she said sounds like it could have been written by me.
  19. My mother in law has given a tv to one of the boys for their rooms and has offered to give us other tvs for bedrooms. I keep trying to explain to her that it is more relaxing to NOT have a tv blaring in the bedroom and we would rather have books. She, on the other hand likes to get rid of books and has a tv in every room (Except the bathroom, but in one bathroom if the door is open you can see the tv.)
  20. I remember when my oldest son was in ps he would talk about how gross the school lunches were and how he felt sorry for the kids who had to eat them. The menus usually sounded not so bad, but they were gross when you actually looked at them. One day when I was volunteering, they had burritos with this gross orange slime all over them. The burritos were burned on the outside and cold on the inside.
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