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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. We played that game in Alabama, in the eighties. My kids like it, but we don't do the punching. They take all the fun out by hitting too hard and making someone cry. :angry: Over the years we have added bonus points for certain things like if it is an old one you get three points, if it is convertible you get two, five for an old convertible.
  2. Wow, your post sounds like me. I have actually wondered about getting some of that medication for adult ADD that they make, but I do not like to take medication unless it is absolutely necessary. I am constantly battling myself to just get things finished before moving on to something else.
  3. We are meat eaters here. My middle son is the only one who does not really enjoy chicken or beef, but he would be be happy with just mac and cheese three times a day, every single day.
  4. We burn mp3 files all the time on Rhapsody to play in the car and on my son's (super-cheap) CD player.
  5. :iagree:My middle son stomps around barefoot on our wood floors and it drives my oldest son crazy! All I hear is stomp, stomp,stomp, "Would you STOP stomping!!????!?!". "Sorry, I'm HEAVY. It's loud when I walk!" stomp, stomp, stomp.
  6. For the second grader I would recommend Song School Latin, but for the fourth grader I would recommend Latin for Children. It is not hard to fit them both in. I do not have any Latin background, so I am learning right along with the kiddos.
  7. When I was in school we had teachers who had the hots for their students. We had teachers who drank during school hours. We had teachers who showed movies to kids with nudity and foul language/adult themes. Whenever a parent spoke up, they and their children were targeted as trouble makers. A friend of mine's mother talked to the principle about a teacher showing Lord of the Flies to our class. I think we were in 9th grade, maybe 11th) We also had teachers who did not teach anything. The parents who went to the school board only got their kids questioned at school. So most parents had the attitude that "just a few more years and you'll be out of here". Having to deal with that is one of the many reasons I decided to homeschool.
  8. Here's another vote for Bring Up Boys. Another good one is Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax. My biggest recommendation has to be What He Must Be if He Wants To Marry My Daughter by Voddie Baucham. FABULOUS!!! It is aimed more at fathers, but mothers can (and should) read it, too.
  9. I know that everyone in the world (with a heart for children) would like to get the Haitian orphans to a safe place. However, doing things that are not in perfect legal order is not the way the way to go. I fear that this will have repercussions on people who are trying to do everything by the book.
  10. It is Koine. (that's what they say in their newsletter anyway)
  11. He has been putting in job applications everywhere. For some reason the school counselor put him in a program where he is supposed to school half the day and work the other half. He will not get a complete diploma if he does not have a job by graduation. He even applied to shuck oysters at the oyster house and did not get hired. There aren't jobs available around here. There is going to be a grocery store and a Walgreen's opening soon. He is hoping to get hired at one of them.
  12. A boy from our youth group asked my husband if he could come live with us. Things in his house are not good. The parents have been saying for over a year they are going to move to Florida. Now that it is almost time for boy to graduate, they are finally packing and getting ready. None of his older siblings have graduated high school. He really wanted to be the first. He has a younger brother who has already dropped out. This is a good kid, but....... I am not sure I want an 18 year old in my house all.the.time. My husband and I have talked about leaving this church, which would mean moving (living in the pastorium). Please pray that God directs us with wisdom and we do not jump to a decision on our own.
  13. We are doing TOG year one this year and I have loved the mythology aspect. It has shown me what the people of the Bible were accustomed to as far as beliefs and why it would have been hard to go from worshiping multi-gods to worship of one God. When gods in the OT are mentioned, we know what they the god of, if human sacrifice was a form of worship for them, etc. I do understand that many families feel differently. I think that studying the false gods has helped our family grow to appreciate the one true God more deeply.
  14. When my kids were in the city school system, they had history. When we moved to the boondocks (about 20 minutes away) they were in the county system, which only does math and language arts for elementary school. The "only math and language arts" approach is a joke. They are behind in math compared to my homeschool kids and the city school systems. Their "language arts" is just reading a bunch of babyish phonics books. My middle son went to first grade in the county school. He went from loving reading and reading very fluently, to slow robot sounding reading. He hated school.
  15. My husband and I have a running joke that I cannot go out in public without saying something embarrassing. :D Right there with ya!
  16. I had the same experience. I thought Paris was supposed to be beautiful and romantic. It was cold and dirty. The people were rude.
  17. I LOVE London and would live there if my hubby would move across the pond!!
  18. I would get the kit with the TE with jingle CD and a student book. You can get a discount by ordering from Christianbook.com.
  19. I went with TOG because I have three kids and did not think I would like to be trying to teach three separate cores every single year. A friend of mine has four kids and loves Sonlight more than anything in the world. I think a lot has to do with your expectations. I like being able to tweak, add to/subtract from my teacher's manual. Sonlight has things more scripted so if you start doing things your own way, it can get hard. TOG is the perfect balance of artsy-craftsy/academic for our our family. Sonlight has less hands on, but more reading. I say if you feel like Sonlight is a good fit, try it. If you get it and do not like it can be returned.
  20. :iagree:Other than living in a high cost area, I could have written this. Sometimes my kids need to have their own to go to and just be alone. (Now if I could only convince my hubby I need my own room .....)
  21. Have you tried giving her phenergan? That is what we have to use for our kids several times.
  22. There is a Baptist Catechism. Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but maybe.
  23. We lounge around in jammies or sweats if we are not going anywhere. My youngest likes to wear costumes. So we have pictures of school stuff with him as an ancient Egyptian (using the back half of Darth Vader's helmet as a black wig), Mr. Incredible, a Carebear (Funshine), etc..... I did draw the line at photoing him in his "nekkid knight" costume. Some things just don't need documentation. :tongue_smilie:
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