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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. We are wrapping up year one with a first grader. He has LOVED it!!!! We have read the books, gone to internet links, and made lapbooks. (okay, so he didn't love the*flapbooks* as he calls them:bored:) It is a lot of fun to use TOG with young kids. The hands on activities and the picture books are wonderful. First grade with TOG is great!!
  2. :iagree:No matter how "good" or "trustworthy" your son is, if this place has a reputation for bad things happening I would not let my son go. Like someone else already said, he can control if he drinks or not but cannot help it if someone starts a fight with him.
  3. It should. I use sparkling grape juice in all my recipes that call for wine. They turn out fine and no one has ever complained. :D
  4. I am thankful for my husband who: Works 12 hour shifts (in a building that gets up to 120 degrees in the summer) yet tells everyone that his wife works harder than anyone he knows. Can handle my occasional hysterics over things like a mouse getting in our house. Gives the best back rubs in the world, because he thinks I deserve them. Loves me, loves our boys and always wants to spend time with us. When he is at work, he calls at least three times a day. Likes to cuddle.
  5. The school we went to for high school was having move up for the soon-to-be seventh graders. (at our school high school was 7-12) I moved to the school in seventh grade. He was a sixth grader visiting the school. While we were waiting for the bus that afternoon, another boy who knew both of us pointing at my future husband and said, "See that guy? He is soooo shy. I dare you to go bite him." So I did. Well, I tried to anyway. He got away. He seemed a little put off at first, but a few years later we began dating. For our tenth anniversary he wrote me a book, chronicling our years together. The first chapter was called "Almost Bitten, Still Shy".
  6. Towels have to be folded correctly, and facing the correct way in the linen closet. Sheets have to be put on the bed so that the top edge/hem is facing the right the right way when the bed is turned down. Toothpaste must be squeezed from the bottom. Clothes have to be arranged correctly in the closet. (everything grouped with like items, facing the center of the closet, etc) Kitchen cabinets- things have to be grouped with like items. No top of the stove cookware in with the bakeware. Bookshelves must be neat. I don't care what your system is (alphabetical by author, Dewey Decimal, color of the book) Just don't have them all jumbled! My kids drive me nuts throwing books every which way on the shelves. Puzzles must be finished. I cannot stand puzzles not being finished. Women in public not wearing their booKshelves. Anyone in public displaying their crack.I have to fight the urge to say, "Crack is whack!" Local business doing commercials themselves or using their kids. A guy we used to go to church with has a car lot. He uses his 7-8 year old daughter to do the commercials. In real life I think she is beautiful, precious, and adorable. On TV she makes me want to scream!
  7. Statement of faith can be found in the About Us section. They are Protestant. They do have a section on their forum for Catholic users to help them find substitutions. I have had nothing but good experience with their customer service. They are one of the friendliest homeschool companies I have personally seen.
  8. I am using LfC for my two older boys, grades 3 and 7. It does induce some eye-rolling occasionally, but overall they are both enjoying it. It is really good for a wide age span.
  9. My kids have seen all the Star Wars movies. We went to the theater to see Episode III with the two older boys in costumes. (youngest stayed home) Benjamin was 4 or 5 at the time. We had talked to him ahead of time about what was going to happen to Anakin (turning mean, getting mauled in a fight and burned by lava). He was excited and bouncing up and down clapping when they went to the planet where it happens. Other people had to carry kids out crying. It just depends on the child.
  10. My family went to the Anniston Museum a few months ago. We enjoyed it. Anything ancient deals with dinosaurs and Egypt. There is nothing hands-on in the Egypt section. All of the hands-on is dealing with Alabama wildlife and such. There is another museum next to the Anniston Museum of Natural History that several friends said is really good, but we did not go to it. You can get a discount if you go to both on the same day.
  11. :grouphug: I am so sorry. Thanks for using this to remind others what is important. :grouphug:
  12. When I was pregnant with our first son, my husband's grandmother wanted us to name him Absalom Bird, after someone in her family. She also had a brother named Bishop Knight _______. My doctor's wife when I was a kid was named Icy Lou _____. When my kids were in school I used to volunteer in the library. There was a kid named Cain. (hmm... Who should we name after baby after? How about the first murderer in the Bible?) My husband used to work with two brothers named Grant and Lee. I used to go to church with a lady named Carol Carroll. I thought she was just odd when she first introduced herself. :D
  13. I agree. When my husband took this church and we moved here, the last thing I wanted was people coming over before we got fully settled.
  14. Our local Sonic had NOW WITH BIGER PIECES OF POPCORN CHICKEN!!! on their sign for the longest time. It drove my husband crazy. Our church sign says "Terry Sharp-Pasto" :glare: Its not that people in our church are too dumb to spell pastor they are just too cheap to buy another pack of letters for an extra /r/. If I had a key to unlock the plexiglass over the sign, I would correct it myself. Grrrr.....
  15. 1. What's your name? Kelli 2. How many kids do you have (include ages if you wish): Nathaniel-12, Benjamin-9, Samuel-6 3. What curriculum/curricula do you use? TOG, Math U See, SSL, LfC, Shurley, Apologia, 4. Something interesting about yourself: I am an uptight control who is slowly trying to relax. 5. What's your favorite season? Spring (It would probably be Fall, but my allergies are worse then) 6. Favorite subjects to teach: History and Latin 7. What's your HS approach in a nutshell (e.g. classical, CM, LCC, unschooling, etc)? leaning more to classical than anything else 8. Why did you decide to homeschool? When we moved out to Deliverance Country our kids were getting dumber by the minute in the local ps. We had always thought about homeschooling, but we lived in an area with great schools (pre-Deliverance days) and let all our friends talk us out of it. The way our kids we unhappy and getting stupid compounded with a Paul Washer sermon that I heard (where ironically he was not even saying parents should homeschool) made me jump over the edge.
  16. My oldest can out eat me in almost every meal, and yet is skinny as a rail. My middle son does not eat much, but it is because he only wants junk food and we do not keep much junk in the house. He will eat fruit. We are going to go broke buying kiwis and raspberries to feed him! My youngest has been eating like a horse for the past year trying to gain 7 pounds. We went to The Space and Rocket Center last year. He weighed 43 pounds. To do one activity, the minimum weight is 50. He now weighs 47. :glare: I dread the next few years when the teen years are in full force, then comes college. :eek:
  17. Likes-I love having all the kids together. I really LOVE the way that everything is looked at from a Christian worldview, pointing to the life of Christ as being the highlight of everything. The books are, for the most part, very interesting. There are a few yawners. That just happens with studying history. Not everything can be fun. Dislikes- Sometimes it is hard to choose what to leave out. There is too much offered to everything. Some weeks we have left off hands-on. Some weeks it has been fine arts. Some weeks we don't do our map work. My oldest son planned to do a timeline. It never got done. Possible dislike- For people who are not Reformed Protestant in faith, you might run into a few theological issues. I have agreed with everything that has come up. Some years it may not be an issue, Year 2 (when the Reformation is studied) would be hard to adjust if you are not in agreement. Overall, I love it. It is thorough. It is not boring and dry. The lessons are easily remembered. Not only have my kids learned a lot by using TOG, I have learned a lot.
  18. I refuse to buy food in dented cans because of the fear of giving my family botulism. Yet, for the sake of Science my oldest son grew some in glasses on our kitchen counter. :ack2:
  19. My son has loved it this year. Science is the only subject that he never complains about. Some of the experiments are kind of gross (he had to collect earthworms once and grow botulism once) but none are too hard for him to do on his own. My youngest son likes to help out. He says that Nathaniel is the scientist and he is the IGOR.
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