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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. It is expensive. If you buy supplements, books and craft supplies, it gets REALLY expensive. Is it worth it? For us, it has proved to be well worth the cost. We have all learned so much. The kids are thriving, we have made lots of crafts (some that turned out really well and some..... not so well) They are reading things that I would have never picked on my own, but they are enjoying. There are things that can be done to cut done on the cost. Tapestry has recommendations for budget-saving ideas for many of the year-plans. You can choose not to do the history in-depth. I really like the way that Bible study is such a huge part of year one. Two of the reasons I wanted to homeschool were that our local school is very low academically and to have more time for Bible study, so Tapestry was the perfect fit for us on both accounts.
  2. Me. too!:lol: Hope you have a great first day, Lisa!!!
  3. We do not watch it, but it does bother me that they show commercials for it (that show enough to let me KNOW not to watch it with my fam) earlier in the day, when we are watching. That looks like a seedy, late night kind of show, not prime-time.
  4. I am very fortunate to be accepted by wonderful in-laws. My husband on the other hand, not so much. It breaks my heart that nothing my husband is good enough for them. Although, why should it be when nothing I have ever done has ever been good enough. So maybe that is their way of accepting him.
  5. Pre-K- I had the most fabulous baby-sitter!She had a daughter just a little younger than me. We would play, make things, she cooked "blue salad" (a jello salad thing), she would take us to the park and zoo. K- We only went 1/2 the year. My boyfriend kissed me behind the Christmas tree. My teacher was the sweetest and most enthusiastic teacher in the school. (as far as I knew) The second half of the year my grandfather lost his job so he was my babysitter. We would go to the beer store. I would sit at the bar eating peanuts and drinking Dr Pepper. We would make a chocolate cake in the afternoon to eat for breakfast the next morning. 1-My teacher (who to this point I adored) asked to see my brand new shiny Calvin Klein belt. I thought she liked it. She used it to SPANK a boy in my class! My boyfriend of all the boys!!! 2- I had the most precious teacher ever. Really. There was a girl in my class who would periodically get taken from her home and placed with foster parents. When with the foster parents, she came to school clean, fed, etc. When with her real parents, not so much. My teacher would get her off the bus early in the mornings, feed her breakfast, give her clean clothes to wear and brush her hair. That teacher came to a yard sale at my house to buy my old clothes. (My grandmother found out what she wanted them for and gave them to her) 3-I had a rude wake up call! I went from wonderful teachers to a mean woman. She paddled the whole class, one at a time, in the class, in front of everyone, for not making 100 on a science test. (Her answer key was wrong,so some of us actually got 100) a girl in my class had to go on nerve pills because the teacher put so much pressure on us with timed multiplication tests. I made my first B. 4- my school was having financial problems. I was in a class that was split half 4th graders/half 5th graders. I remember wondering if the white streak in the front of her hair was actually gray or if she just bleached that one part. I remember my reading teacher that year was the complain about how teachers are underpaid type. 5- I was devastated the first day of school. We had two 5th grade teachers. The "cool" one and the mean man. Guess who I got? The man!! The big scary man who made people do math out of SEVEN different books!! (what older kids told me) I learned that year that sometimes the "cool" teacher is not so cool. (she was my reading teacher, I began to hate reading time) and that wherever my friends are is the cool class. Even if that means going to the class room that is separated from the rest of the school and I have a big mean-looking man who smokes every day after lunch for a teacher. 6- I had a really good teacher. She read the Bible to us every morning. Even though she was told not to. She taught from her heart. She made history come alive. We wrote a class newspaper. We sang. We did art. We learned TONS about Mexico. We had an end of the year fiesta, complete with us making costumes and learning songs, which we went around to the whole elementary school to perform. It was great! *almost forgot! I had the most wonderful librarian in elementary school! She would let me get extra books AND get books from above my *grade level* since I never read on grade level! I can remember thinking that being a librarian would be the coolest job ever because I would always be surrounded by books!
  6. We get that, too. Both the people making comments and the $200.00 a week on groceries. If its not pasta they comment its apples or chicken or whatever. I was buying flour and sugar to make Christmas cookies one year and I got asked if I owned a bakery. {Sure, I get supplies for a BUSINESS at Wal-Mart}
  7. How old is your child? My oldest son used to that, especially with words that began with an "S". (pots instead of stop) He grew out of it around 5-6.
  8. There was a kid at our local high school that KNEW she had swine flu, but wanted to go to school (?). The mom didn't realize the kid had gotten on the bus. She had to go pick her up after class had already started. I am thankful that my kids are not subjected to being in a classroom or on a school bus with someone breathing and coughing their germs all over them. We know that germs could be everywhere. We have been washing our hands more, using sanitizer more, that sort of thing.
  9. We had to read that in ninth grade. I do not understand the point of schools assigning books with offensive things like that. We also had to read books with adult themes and language. After getting out school I discovered how wonderful and exciting the books of Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo are.
  10. but my youngest son decided that when he is 12 or 13 he might go to "real school" to see if there is anything he has not learned.
  11. Earlier today my six year old said "If you're wondering I did not just throw up in my mouth and swallow it down."
  12. My first grader went through 100 EL last year and over the summer. Now, he knows too much to start most phonics at the beginning levels, yet not exactly read for chapter books. Any advice?
  13. Maybe you could try picking one module out of it and forming a unit study around it. Check out grade level appropriate books on that subject and find clip art from the internet to jazz up some cute notebook pages or lapbooks. Some of the information is just *too* advanced for them to really get it, but you might end up being surprised by the stuff they do retain. That age would probably enjoy the module on machines. They could do experiments in building their own designs of simple machines. (Lots of fun if you have K'nex or Legos) And hey, your oldest will be ready when they are old enough to do the book as is.
  14. I just listen. He gets it from his dad. There's a joke at church about how the Methodists are going to beat everybody to the restaurant if he's preaching :tongue_smilie:
  15. Selah has some beautiful hymns. Most of their CDs are a mix of hymns and a few newer songs. My family really likes some of the African songs they do, also.
  16. My mother is this way. She has clothing patterns that went out of style when I was a child. She has magazines from that era, too. If I say anything she calls me a "clean freak who does not see the sentimental value in anything". If my kids say something about not having anywhere to to sit (or not wanting to go to the bathroom in her house) she calls them spoiled brats. Guess you can see why I am actually closer to my MIL than my real mother. My point is, these ladies may not take kindly to your help. If there is somewhere you can call, just do it. Call from a pay phone and don't give them your name.
  17. She and my chatty first grader would get along just fine, I think. :lol:
  18. I do think that her life will never be "normal" but I can not imagine having such little respect for human life that I would think it better for someone to be killed. She does have a chance now to change things. She has a chance to be free. Granted, she will need a LOT of counseling. She will most likely never be able to trust people. But to say that she would be better off dead? That just seems harsh.
  19. I have a Salad Shooter that I got when I was still in high school. I use it for salads, grating cheese, running pickles and eggs through it for Samuel's tuna salad.......I love it!!!! I even use it instead of a potato ricer for making gnocchi.
  20. When my oldest was in public school he was taught about several religions. Not Christianity. In December he would bring home worksheets about Hanukkah and about a Muslim holiday. They were religious in nature. His Christmas worksheets were all about Santa. A friend of mine who is a teacher said St Patrick's Day is her favorite holiday of the school year because they are told specifically they can not teach Christian beliefs at Christmas and Easter, but she is able to slip in under the radar and teach about the Trinity on that day. The school just thinks she just really likes the color green!
  21. \We're right here with you. My oldest is not crazy about it, but that's because it is not Science or Math. The two youngers love it. As a matter of fact, the youngest even answers the questions of the Q&A flow for the older ones if they do not answer fast enough. :lol:
  22. So many great hymns have already been posted! My very favorite is Before The Throne of God Above: Before the throne of God above I have a strong and perfect plea. A great high Priest whose Name is Love Who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is graven on His hands, My name is written on His heart. I know that while in Heaven He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart. When Satan tempts me to despair And tells me of the guilt within, Upward I look and see Him there Who made an end of all my sin. Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free. For God the just is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me. Behold Him there the risen Lamb, My perfect spotless righteousness, The great unchangeable I AM, The King of glory and of grace, One in Himself I cannot die. My soul is purchased by His blood, My life is hid with Christ on high, With Christ my Savior and my God! In Christ Alone is a close second!!
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