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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. I am so sorry. I have been and will continue to pray for the people that are going to be affected by this. :grouphug:
  2. I agree that other kids can be too much to handle. We were in a restaurant a few days ago and I wanted to to shake a lady and tell her to shut her kids up. (and "shut up" is considered the "sh" bad word around here) I can be here all day with my kids and (most days) their noise does not bother me. Certain people can come over and I am exhausted and have a headache when they leave because of their noise.
  3. I voted sometimes, but only because there is not a most of the time option. I make it everyday, unless my husband is on night shift and gets up late (4:30ish). Normally he is up by 2:00 and it gets made as soon as he is out, but if he gets up late and I am working on dinner it usually gets a straighten-up before I crawl in bed.
  4. My son has them. I don't think he will get them in his new glasses. While in the car, they do not darken. As soon as he gets out of the car, they turn dark. When he gets in a building (no matter ho dim) it takes forever for them to go back to normal. Camera flashes also darken them, so he has to wear his old glasses (that it is harder to see through) when getting pictures made. We thought they were great in theory, just not in real life.
  5. We use MUS and I would not switch for anything. My kids are learning, they are retaining, and are understanding math in a ways I never thought possible. It is kind of boring, just numbers on a page, but it keeps them from being distracted by the pictures or whatever that might be on another type of worksheet.
  6. My son loved it. It is a very gentle (or fluffy, as some like to call it) approach to Latin. He learned words/phrases but not grammar. He liked to use his Latin words all.the.time. He even named his goldfish Piscus. (then after it died he got Piscus 2, P3, etc) I think the determining factor as to whether or not you will like it is to ask what you are looking for. Do you want something that teaches basic grammar, or do you want something to introduce your child to Latin and get them comfortable with the language before they start tackling the grammar rules? For what it is worth, if you have a child who likes to sing, the songs are very catchy. :D
  7. My kids love it. Tonight The Farewell Symphony (scheduled in-depth history reading for week 27, lower grammar, year 2) was what my youngest son had for a bedtime story, followed by listening to the music. My kids are known to read more of a book than just what was called for, or re-read something because they liked it so much. They love the hands-on crafty projects, too. It is amazing to see the difference in their geographical knowledge, also, verses what they knew before TOG.
  8. We have done some, but then sometimes it just doesn't happen. Last year at the end of the year we planned to have a big celebration (Roman, early church, etc) but my husband and oldest son had mono, and my mother-in-law had a brain surgery so it did not come to pass. This year: mother-in-law has had more brain surgeries, father-in-law had hip replaced, my husband had leg surgery, and we are currently looking for a house. I don't foresee any celebrations happening soon. It is beginning to look like we are not even going to have a summer break between this year (that seems like it will never end) and next year.
  9. The samples available on Tapestry of Grace were part of the deciding factor for my purchase. Year One had a sample of the first three weeks, Year Two had a sample from the middle of the year. So, I was able to get a feel of how things get progressively deeper and more involved. It was fabulous! (okay, I just discovered that the Year 2 is not available because it is being updated, but Year 1 IS available)
  10. I don't like line drying. Allergy issues, birds pooing, and that smell do not appeal to me. It seems like they would freeze in the winter, and the summer would be too humid, spring and fall have too much pollen. That does not leave a good time to line dry around here.
  11. I am unsure if allergies are worse, or allergy medicine. The best I have ever felt during allergy season was when I took Xyzal. I felt GREAT...... until it started causing nosebleeds. I got an ear infection (my first one ever... at age 30) and later realized that was also a side effect. My husband has been taking Benedryal (??sp??) for two weeks and is very zombie-fied. I hate spring and fall for this very reason.
  12. We put alcohol on a cottonball and smother the tick. My son had one a few days ago. I hate ticks. He got very upset that it was going to suck all his blood out and he would die.
  13. Glad to hear your family is okay. Our power was off until Monday. We had no water for a few days. It has been horrible to see the damage. During the time we had no water we stayed in a hotel. We had to get one a few hours away. During the drive it was overwhelming to see the how the path of the storm could reduce a mansion to rubble, and yet leave a mobile home untouched just a few hundred yards away.
  14. Are you guys okay? This is my first time on the net since Wednesday morning. I have heard several homeschool familes were devasted. Hope everyone here is alright.
  15. Wow, that's worse than when my son told his kindergarten teacher, "Grandmama and Grandaddy will be picking me up from from school today because my dad is having surgery on his privates."
  16. I never let people at food related events hold my kids after my mother decided my son needed to "try" something. I can't remember what it was now. I had specifically told her NOT to feed him from the table. He was very small and we had some allergy issues already. She did. We spent the night with him crying from a stomach ache. The mother in question could have had a similar experience. It was probably not anything against you personally.
  17. I drizzle the bird with olive oil. Then sprinkle a little paprika on it. Then I sprinkle it parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. For the first half hour or so I keep foil over it. Then I take the foil off to brown it. I agree with Bill on the brine. It is just too salty for my taste.
  18. The bank I used to work for would not consider anyone under 19 for a home loan, and even then they would have to have a co-signer, and have several thousand dollars worth of good credit under their belt.
  19. by the B-52s. I love this!!! I can remember trying to tease my hair that big as a teenager. :blushing:
  20. That one, too This one, more though: by Mark Schultz. Actually, he has several that make me cry., , Letters From War.... All of those are very personal songs.
  21. I feel a little awkward typing the title.... F****ing Perfect by Pink. I have only heard the clean radio edit. I had no idea what the title was until yesterday. :blink:
  22. I have no idea. One of many reasons that it is our former church.
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