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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. My son said out the blue a few days ago that he wants a TARDIS for his birthday.
  2. I remember a guy in seventh grade history class doing that. His nose and eyes turned red and his nose all the rest of the day!! Not cool, imo :ack2:
  3. We love Horrible Histories!! There are also several that are put together by some people that use older pop songs
  4. The eye doctor said my youngest has astigmatism. He said it may be a problem in the future. He went on to say that third grade is probably going to be the year that we know or not. Guess what? Samuel is entering the third grade this year and decided that he is going to need glasses. (no problems seeing, no headaches) Why? Because Nathaniel needs them and he is just like Nathaniel. :lol:
  5. You may be developing an allergy to metals. I did that a few years ago. I cannot wear any jewelry unless it is non metallic. I have to be careful about pants, because metals buttons on jeans can trigger it, too.
  6. My kids are able to interact with more diverse people now than before homeschooling. Before homeschooling they were in a school with all white kids, except for a few (like as in I could count them on my fingers). They were all from from the same socio-economic group. Now they can be around kids all backgrounds, religions, races, ages, whatever. Since homeschooling they are more likely to realize that not everyone is "like them".
  7. We just recently moved out of one. Very bad experience. I will not do it again. Toilets- we had a two bathroom parsonage. Only one worked. It was brought up repeatedly. Occasionally some men from the church would come look at it. I was told more than once, "If you don't let us know what is wrong we can't fix it for you." :banghead: It had been brought up verbally (more than once) and in writing (more than once). We constantly had people knocking on our door asking for assistance. Sometimes legitimate needs, sometimes not. Sometimes decent, down on their people, sometimes crackheads. We were told by the church not to give out money, to tell them to come back another time when they could talk to the deacons. Easier said than done when they were out of gas/groceries whatever. People of the church constantly calling and asking favors (could you run over to the church and see if my ______ is there. Would you unlock the church at ______o'clock for me? Would let in the repairman who is coming between sometime between 8 and 5 tomorrow?) since "you're always home and don't even have to leave to get the kids from school since you homeschool". The advise I give to anyone is NOT to move into a parsonage.
  8. It is the same way in Alabama. There are very few stores where I can find clothes for my skinny sons. Now that my oldest is so tall he wears shirts from the men's department. They are not made so wide as the ones from the boys' section. It always frustrates me that there are racks and racks of husky pants, but most stores have no slims and the ones that do have them only have a few. I understand that husky boys need clothes, but so do the skinny as a rail kids!!
  9. I convinced my husband to watch it with me. He really liked it but he said he likes Jane Austen movies better because they are not as sad. :lol:
  10. I can use Tide, but not Gain because Gain makes my middle son break out. (my mother-in-law said the same thing happened to my father-in-law) What I use most of the time is All Small and Mighty. The only problem I have with staining is the ink on my husband's work clothes. Tide detergent does not remove it, but the Tide stain remover packets do help.
  11. I do carry a purse. I have gotten the "you are a grown up now you need to act like it" speech from my husband one too many times when I forgot something. If I leave everything in my purse (debit card, insurance card, ID, etc) it is all together and there is no chance of me leaving it home or dropping it in town. I do have a purse that I really like now. It is made by hand from a recycled sari. I got it from a fair trade store. I think makes taking a purse everywhere more enjoyable. I know that the person who made my purse has a job because people will buy her purses.
  12. I voted other. I don't particularly care for any of them. I asked my 8 year which he liked best and he said, "Um, probably " :glare: I find that odd since he loves to watch ALL the movies and have light sabre battles.
  13. Have you ever heard by Celine Dion? I am so sorry for the loss in your family.
  14. Me. I know what we need, there just hasn't been enough money to get it. Husband and father in law both had surgery in January. Mother in law has had brain surgery rescheduled several times (my husband is usually the one to take her to the out of state doctor) and now my mother is in the hospital with blood clots in her legs and lungs. Oh, and my husband resigned from his position at our church and we had to move. I am hoping to get everything ordered in the next few weeks.
  15. hahaha!! That is funny!! My son once prayed PLEASE Lord make this food be good that we are going to try tonight
  16. My husband and kids always try stuff, even if they think they are not going to like it. That is our house rule. That rule is coming back to bite me when I cook this horrific sounding chicken spaghetti (containing cream of chicken soup and Velveeta {which I am not trying to be snooty about, it just gives me issues}) that somebody let my husband try at work one night. So they would have to try it, they just wouldn't have to like it. If they do not like it, they are free to eat leftovers, sandwiches or cereal.
  17. We do not watch Spongebob here. It is annoying. It is mind-numbingly dumb. We do watch Tom and Jerry. The violence is completely cartoonish. Nothing like that happens in real life.
  18. My kids are loving The Cosby Show. I have a hard time thinking of it as an old show, but they delight in calling it old. The Dick van Dyke Show Green Acres I Dream of Jeannie
  19. I voted other. I would ask which of the kids wanted to make some extra money by doing "disposal duty" . :ack2:
  20. Old Navy and Lee are all my oldest and youngest sons can wear.
  21. Down. My version of the three little pigs never really says what happened to the first little pig, the second little pig ran away so fast that he got away from the wolf. When the wolf can't blow down the brick house, he tries to trick the little pig by inviting him to go pick turnips. The pig goes before the wolf. Wolf invites him to go apple picking. Pig goes before time. Wolf invites him to a fair in town. Pig is just about to leave the fair, with the butter churn he just bought. Pig sees wolf coming, so he hides in churn. Churn turns over and goes rolling sown the hill. Wolf sees strange thing coming at him and takes off running...and for all we know he is still running today. :D
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