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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. Wow! Have you seen the site Sparkle Box for printable resources? I spent more time than I should poking around there today......and then I discovered that there is a Sparkle Box 2 for slightly older kids. I had to run right here and share. Now I'm off to print out the World Rivers Scrapbook. Enjoy!
  2. I have no idea how old your children are, but here are some links I have saved. PBS: Conquistadors Columbus Lapbook and another American Journeys: Eyewitness Accounts of Early American Exploration and Settlement
  3. I'm subscribing to this thread so I don't miss any good ideas. Lunch has become such a boring chore since we started school. Some of our recent lunches have been: leftovers from dinner the night before if there are any left pb&j sandwich, apple, orange deli meat sandwich, grapes, carrot sticks tuna fish sandwich (with chopped celery mixed in and lettuce on top) on an Arnold sandwich thin, carrot sticks and apple slices cheese quesadilla with bell peppers and onions, pears Basically, anything I can reheat or make into a sandwich really quickly and add some fresh fruits and veggies alongside.
  4. We've just started memorizing one nursery rhyme per week with my K-1st grader (and his preschool brother who likes to do everything his big brother does.) I let him pick which nursery rhyme he wants to do, guiding him towards shorter rhymes that I know he can easily handle. Then do a google search for related crafts. On Monday we repeat the first line or two of the rhyme over and over (giggling all the while) until he thinks he knows it. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday we review what we've learned so far and add another line or two. Also, on Thursday we make the crafts. On Friday we finish memorizing any lines we didn't get to previously and practice saying it over and over. On Friday evening the boys put on a performance for Daddy and Mom videotapes it because they love movies of themselves. So far we've done "Humpty Dumpty" and "The North Wind Doth Blow". If you click on the links it will take you to the DLTK site where the crafts we used came from. They have a lot of nursery rhyme crafts there. The boys have had soooo much fun with it.
  5. Thanks, Aurora! My little ones are going to love doing that experiment....and it ties in with the primary colors art lesson we just completed.
  6. This is the recipe I always use: Kartoffelpuffer (Crispy Potato Pancakes) We eat them with homemade applesauce or with sour cream. Yum, I think I'll make them this week.
  7. Nate (4) calls Tim Hortons "Timportance." He does think donuts are important, so I guess it makes sense.
  8. I've never been to any of those places. I can't believe the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls didn't make the list, though!
  9. The flavor of your bread is about to get sooooo much better! I have a grain mill and everything tastes much better with freshly ground flour. Mmmmm, now I want to go bake bread.
  10. We had lemon garlic pasta with chicken and tons of spinach in it.
  11. I don't have any tips on how to save money because I went as a teenager and was spending my parents' money. :lol: I can't remember how far it is from Paris, but if you can.....go to Carcassonne! I wish I had the money to go again. *sigh*
  12. I want to hear more about your curriculum! We're starting our first year of homeschooling (with a first grader) in a couple of weeks and our homeschooling style is a mix of classical education and Charlotte Mason.
  13. These granola bars are sooooo tasty, and they hold together really well. They are a chewy granola bar, not a crunchy one. I've substituted other cereals for the 7-grain cereal, and added an extra half cup of almonds when I was out of oat bran. We like to add mini chocolate chips for a special treat. Coconut Almond Granola Bars
  14. How heartbreaking. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of the other children and families affected by this.
  15. Oh my goodness! I hope he recovers quickly and isn't terribly traumatized! *hugs*
  16. At least you saved a dollar instead of paying more than you would have at Staples, right?
  17. I liked to dip them in an equal mixture of seasoned breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese. They are particularly yummy if you use panko instead of regular breadcrumbs.
  18. I have a Xyron and love the thing. I use it frequently. But, the refills are expensive.
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