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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. Would it work to microwave the leaves (assuming you have a microwave) to dry them? Or put them between a couple of rags or paper towels and run the iron over them until they are nice and dry? I don't think using wet leaves would work very well.
  2. :iagree: I loved Up and will definitely be buying it! I'm not generally a fan of animated movies, but it was such a sweet story. As an added bonus it had less of the words that I object to (name calling....."stupid", "dumb", etc) than any other movie I've seen in ages. I think we heard one instance of "dumb" and that was it. My boys have been acting out scenes from the movie ever since we watched it. My husband and I keep quoting Dug, one of the dogs in the movie, because he was so darned cute! Monsters vs. Aliens was cute, but nothing spectacular. The boys watched it twice but haven't done the usual pretend play that occurs after they watch a movie they really like.
  3. You can buy 2lbs from Amazon for $14.17 with free shipping. It's even cheaper at Sam's club if you have one nearby.
  4. :lol: Must.....remember....to....breathe! Thanks for the huge laugh!
  5. Nanny McPhee and Nim's Island get my vote. I'm not a big fan of animated movies, but I do love Snow White.
  6. I would bait the trap with whatever you were feeding him before he escaped.
  7. Those sites have some really cute ones. I got my current background from http://www.deluxetemplates.net/.
  8. There are five lessons per week, so we just do one per day on M-F. But I don't schedule blocks of time per subject, so I can't help you there.
  9. Can you imagine the headaches and strain on their eyes? My head hurts just thinking about it.
  10. For an even easier fix (if you feel like messing with the HTML code sounds scary) try finding free templates that she likes that already don't have the "Next Blog" feature. The template for my blog is by Deluxe Templates and doesn't have the "Next Blog" feature. Poking around some of the other templates on the site it looked like most (or maybe all) of them didn't have it.
  11. Oh, wow, that is a great idea!!! I might even be able to convince my mom to make that one since she loves having some hand-sewing to work on. Thank you!
  12. Nik was a ninja, and Nate was the black Spiderman. Pictures So pretty! Did you paint those yourself?
  13. Isn't it great?! I have a feeling that most of our Halloween costumes will be history related. We recently finished up a study of the geography of Asia and Nik latched on to the idea of being a ninja for Halloween. Next year we'll be learning about the Middle Ages, and he already has plans to be a knight. In full armor. :glare: I think I need to start planning how to make that costume now, because I'm certain I won't find one to buy!
  14. Now I have a humongous craving for Crash Hot Potatoes. It's too bad we ate dinner an hour ago. *sigh*
  15. Do the chairs come with plastic covers? :tongue_smilie: You do have a four-year-old, right?
  16. Oh, poor thing! Which I do not wish to keep. But the Zillow on my pillow always helps me fall asleep.
  17. :lol: I refuse to admit to anything on this board. I far too new and don't want to be driven off! :tongue_smilie:
  18. And I'm embarrassed that I know all of that. :leaving:
  19. I'm guessing Kendra is one of the former Playboy Playmates on Girl's Next Door, aka Hugh Hefner's girlfriends. She married a football player and is pregnant or just had a baby or something, so she's been all over the entertainment news. I couldn't tell you who the other K names are. Actually, now that I'm thinking maybe some of the other "K" names are the Kardashians?
  20. That is hilarious! :lol: I love the things little ones come up with. Nate learned a prayer at preschool. However, he insists that the way he says it is the correct way, and it is definitely not. "God is great, God is good, And we thank Him, For our food." Except when he says "food" it rhymes with "good."
  21. In our area we have had only 3 confirmed cases. According to the local doctors it takes too long to get results back from testing, so everyone with flu-like symptoms is counted as having H1N1 and given Tamiflu.
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