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Everything posted by JenneinCA

  1. Truthfully, I don't track. My big kids are are taking classes at the community college. They manage their own time. My youngest... We do math first. I teach the next lesson in the book. He writes his work in a spiral notebook. It works. I care about understanding and we go as fast or slow as necessary. Then Japanese. We do whatever the teacher assigned. And use the checklist the teacher provides. Then the unit study. It has copy work and reading and some writing. He uses a new spiral notebook for each unit. This is where he learns how to write a sentence or plan an essay. We cover exactly as much as he can handle and then stop. So if I want to see that he did something I just look at his notebooks. But I am an ultra minimalist when it comes to schoolwork. I think math and writing and foreign language are necessary and everything else, really everything else, can be interest led and ungraded until at least high school age. That means I don't worry about science or history or anything else before the child is ninth grade age. We do learn that stuff but through documentaries and talking and not official school stuff. No grades. No reports. No tests. Just do the next thing and keep improving.
  2. Differential Equations was the class that happened for us after finishing the calculus sequence.
  3. I spent the day at the Obon Festival in Japantown. There were lots of people playing and lots of Pokestops and so many Pokemon. I came home with lots of new Pokemon. And very few Pokeballs. Tonight I will be walking around trying to replace my inventory. It was super fun to be in the group of people all having fun together.
  4. Yes, but it is income based. So people in high cost of living places are out of luck.
  5. We will start when classes start at the community college. That means August 29. I have to live by that schedule because I have kids on it and it is simpler to keep my twelve year old on the same one.
  6. My kids have been to California (live there now), Arizona (lived there too), New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, New York and Florida. My oldest has also been to Minnesota. My boys will see Minnesota this summer and then the states list will be the same. They haven't been outside the country.
  7. Have you seen books by Bill Peet? My older son loved Pamela Camel. All of them are good and have pretty pictures.
  8. Be sure to look at the resumes of the trainers, not all of them are alike. Some are more interested in working with people that want to do marathons or bike races. Some are interested in kick boxing. Some are interested in weight lifting. Try to find one that matches what you are looking for.
  9. We got this email today too. Healing thoughts sent his way.
  10. In theory the best option is to wait and produce the best student for the selective school when they can get in. In theory. I had an almost 15 year old start at the local community college this past year. It is not selective. It is not suitable peers. It is not ideal. But life isn't ideal. I have to parent the child I have with the resources I have at the time. That means right now he is going to the local community college and being under challenged there. Still it is the best I can with the resources I have. Perfect doesn't live in my house. Neither does ideal.
  11. How do you feel at that heart rate? If my heart rate goes that high I am out of breath, slightly dizzy, and ready to puke. It is very obviously too much for me. But I am fine at 155-160. There my heart is beating hard and I feel like I am working really hard but none of the bad effects. My recovery time to the mid 130s is thirty seconds or so and that is good too. I would say that as long as you are feeling alright, that it is probably alright. (Not a doctor, don't play one on tv. Just like going to the gym and getting sweaty.)
  12. When my kids were that age we did math and writing and read a whole bunch of library books. And that was it. That was all I tried to get done. It was enough. If people wanted to we painted or colored on some days. On other days we flew paper airplanes. Or played at the park. Or lots of other things. (Even now with my 12 year old, we do math and English and Japanese and read books for the rest. I don't think it is necessary or useful to worry about specific history or science or anything else at this age. My big kids have done fine and I expect this one to be fine as well.)
  13. It has been an interesting year in our house... Dd 17 Got her drivers license Got through the dreaded group project in her engineering class Got through the beginning of the second semester without puking because of stress Took a drawing class and learned a ton, she is far more confident of her drawing skills now. Ds15 Took a computer class at the community college and did so well he was offered a job in the tutoring center tutoring that class Took college algebra and got the highest grade in the class. Played 'First Time in Forever' at his recorder recital and did it well Is working on gaining weight and isn't fighting about his Ensure Plus Ds12 Is most of the way through VideoText Algebra Has been at the pool for swim team four days a week almost every week this year Still wants to be in the water more, so has swimming lessons on Saturday Won the speech contest at Japanese school for a dialogue with me about spaceships and fairy tales and going to bed. Is down to single dose of his meds to help constipation from triple dose four months ago! It was a good year. My big kids are continuing at the community college next year. My little one is continuing with me as teacher. We have finally found something that works.
  14. How is she feeling? I ask because many years ago I got bit by something and my legs got very very itchy to the point I couldn't sleep and was totally miserable. I went to a doctor and we figured out that I had gotten bit by black flies and that I was allergic to them. I ended up in big doses of antihistamines and steroids to knock the mega reaction I was having. After about three days I was a much happier person and I felt much better. I hope your daughter is not as itchy as I was. If she is that itchy, then the antihistamines and steroids really helped me.
  15. There is the iPad app called Chessimo. I find it to be useful, but I don't know if it will work for you or your son.
  16. My son enjoyed Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer by Kelly Jones. It is kind of funny and a little sad. But telekinetic chickens were a hit in our house...
  17. I don't know but I sure would like a helmet with a brim!
  18. No, it was an apartment in downtown Los Angeles. I don't have any desire to live there and none of my family is within 400 miles of it anyway. I am the only one even living in the state of California.
  19. Next year my twelve year old seventh grader will do Daily Grams, math, Japanese, our unit study, and reading of a book every day. He will also do swim team and go for a walk.
  20. We chose to go through a driving school. I didn't look very carefully at the rules for being able to teach it myself because we didn't want to. We used an online provider for part of it and then a local driving school for the six hours of professional instruction. My husband did the fifty hours of driving with her also. It worked for us.
  21. That sounds like Daily Grams. It has a little bit of each of the things you listed.
  22. I don't grade anything until high school. I do correct work to see if it is understood, but I find grades meaningless at those ages. There is entirely too much variation in what is covered in any grade before high school. Even then there is a lot of variation but at least I have some idea of what is expected to be in a high school class. There is no telling what might be covered in third grade science or fourth grade history.
  23. 1. Location. We are walking distance to the community college that my older kids attend. 2. Location. We are walking distance to light rail that my husband can use to get to work. 3. Location. We are between the intersections of three freeways and a expressway.
  24. Alto recorder. It doesn't squeak if played correctly!
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