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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. Yikes! That's bad business. I'm not very "techy" so I'm wondering how you got the error message? Like did/could they block your email account from registering? If so, they must have done it soon after you dropped the last class, which seems really childish and foot-stomp-y.
  2. IMO, it really doesn't matter how "healthy" it is if it is so unappealing looking no one eats it.
  3. Bigger Picture at link. http://wavy.com/2015/04/15/would-you-eat-this-school-lunch/ For me...no. :ack2: ETA why i said no: It looks unappetizing and OLD. And shriveled and puckered and dried. I love fish, loooove corn...but this?! :ack2:
  4. I'd eat any of those. And you can't make a sandwich that would satisfy EVERYONE in a potluck situation. Or any category (salad, main dish, dessert, etc). I know I'd make myself crazy if I tried to do that.
  5. I actually expected a more philosophical/metaphysical kind of thread. :lol:
  6. If demons exist, why wouldn't they try to influence a Reverend?
  7. I knew a woman whose 2yo DD didn't talk...but every time she saw their neighbor, the DD would mutter, f-----g as-h--e because that is what her dad did when he saw the neighbor. :lol:
  8. There is sanctifying GRACE and actual GRACE. And there is mortal SIN and venial SIN. It seems like you flubbed them up.
  9. I like craisins in this, too. I've also subbed different smoked nuts (almonds and sunflower seeds) and left out the bacon at times.
  10. On a cutting board but I keep them in a pot of water and take them out one at a time and put them back in after I chop one or 2. Or I keep them in a bowl.
  11. I don't peel potatoes (or carrots) on a cutting board. I peel either straight into the garbage or into newspaper or the compost container.
  12. Yes, I make this salad ahead/overnight most of the time.
  13. You win...something. I'm not sure what, but it's yours because this post is just so delightfully horrible, you need to win.
  14. Hahahahaha! Give it a whirl! Good one!
  15. I thought Tammy meant she puts the thin cutting mats on top of the pull out cutting boards.
  16. You, my friend, are a genius! I don't have a pull-out, but a relative does, and I'm going to tell his this great idea.
  17. :grouphug: I'm really sorry. I hope you get some special time with your other kids and some good rest tonight.
  18. Dear God...everything they've said about you is true! :lol:
  19. It's not a false equivalency problem if I want ALL CRIME to be diminished as much as possible and if I want my world to be a better place. I have a grasp of the numbers, thank you very much, and I try to live my life recognizing the humanity behind those numbers, that each human being is valuable and worthy and not just a part of a bigger group or a smaller group. I completely capable of wanting justice for all victims, and working for justice for all victims, no matter how big the category they fall into.
  20. I agree about resting the dough. I thought of mentioning it but I thought she was good with dough and needed sauce advice. :D
  21. I've been thinking that we tell our children that if they are assaulted or raped, it is nothing they did. That the fault of the crime is entirely the perpetrator's. And yet, it's been implied more than once...if our sons don't want to be accused falsely of rape, all they have to do is keep it in their pants. False Rape Accusation is a crime. It is fault of the perpetrator, not the victim. It can/could happen with no physical contact at all. IOW, someone can keep it in his pants and still be the victim of a crime.
  22. You could skip the sauce and just use garlic oil and fresh sliced tomatoes...a white pizza. I like to top that with thinly sliced onions, some fresh mozzarella and some parm.
  23. I am so very sorry. I hope your son is feeling better and his college plans aren't negatively impacted.
  24. OMGosh...I looked at the home page. I want to vote for all the JRT looking dogs and all the black labs. So precious!
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