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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. CarolfromIL (she's been banned) said her pastor didn't want them to go to R rated movies. And she wanted to rent her van out as a taxi during the school day since she wasn't using it. triplet mom was AnnMarie also banned...but the triplets thing was an exaggeration. She did have twins, tho. With names like Dylan and Thomas.
  2. Tie them off with dental floss? I did that to one I had. Another one, I partially (accidentally) ripped part of it drying myself with a towel so then I just twisted it until it popped off.
  3. Except that SKL never said "screw the poor." And most of her posts in this thread have supported getting food to kids who need food...
  4. The WTM Potluck is at your house this year. I'll help wash the dishes when we're done.
  5. This guy: http://www.gq.com/news-politics/newsmakers/201409/the-last-true-hermit "For nearly thirty years, a phantom haunted the woods of Central Maine. Unseen and unknown, he lived in secret, creeping into homes in the dead of night and surviving on what he could steal. To the spooked locals, he became a legend—or maybe a myth. They wondered how he could possibly be real. Until one day last year, the hermit came out of the forest."
  6. We wash our toothbrushes so that's a normal spot to look for me. :lol:
  7. Isn't it fascinating what people think kids cannot do because they haven't seen it before?
  8. I know this is a typo but it made me :LOL:
  9. How is your injury? Are you better?
  10. The thread has been bumped twice posters who only have 1 post who joined to talk about boys with long hair. Make of that what you will...
  11. OK...I finished The second season...not a spoiler per se but I didn't like how much was crammed into the last episode.
  12. Here, if you have a homebound teacher, you're not considered absent. That would be a good thing in this situation, IMO. AP exams start soon...May 4th. Most classes are in review mode by now.
  13. I am so sorry. It sounds like his body has no reserves left to draw on and is crying "uncle!" I would be insisting on a homebound teacher and working with the school to do everything in their power to reduce unnecessary work so he can first, recover and second, finish the year consistent with his prior work. Good luck.
  14. I'd pick one of your other children and have Ana help that child set up a system. I'd say even your fourth grader could be in charge of the family library books, given the right system. Of course, the "right" system for your family might look very different from some other family's system. But I think there are enough common denominators to draw from, like visiting on the same day, keeping books in one location, consistently checking the account, etc. I'd never give up the library. I say when I am old I want to live where I can walk to the library and Wegman's. :lol:
  15. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2015/04/22/Updated-botulism-cases.html Here's another article with some new info. It mentions officials are searching through the church's garbage and people's food at home to help identify the source. It said they have a list of 20 dishes at the potluck. It also mentions the woman who died had underlying health issues and that the anti-toxin probably would not have helped her.
  16. UPDATE: None of it is true... http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/belle-gibson-no-none-of-it-is-true/story-fniym874-1227315232565
  17. ...it reminds me of a wedding a friend attended. 63 of 70 got food poisoning. From....hollandaise. Left unrefrigerated. For hours. Illnesses ranged from week long hospitalizations to ER treatments to (simply) vomiting for a day or so. The worst were a pregnant woman and an elderly woman.
  18. I'm going with the standard dictionary definiton.
  19. Hobbies are secondary and ancillary to people's lives. Motherhood isn't. You cannot just drop being a mom like you can drop a hobby because your interests change. I've have friends who are adult kids of hobby moms. It's not a great way to grow up.
  20. The baby seals would be your symbolic children.
  21. I would design a cosplay for an "arctic mama." It'd be awesome and it'd have (fake) polar bear fur and icicle crown.
  22. Yeah...right for the first sentence, I disagree. Motherhood is not a hobby. This isn't raising chickens or crocheting or cosplay. I doubt I'd agree with someone who thought motherhood was a hobby.
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