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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. :crying: Peace and love to him and you, and all the men and women who deal with these heart-wrenching, maddening situations.
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/02/us/freddie-gray-autopsy-report-given-to-baltimore-prosecutors.html?_r=0 That's not what the charges reflect: "Ms. Mosby said that Mr. Gray suffered a spinal injury on April 12 while being transported in a police van — and not earlier, while being arrested — and pointed to the failure of the police to put a seatbelt on him as a crucial factor. “Mr. Gray suffered a severe and critical neck injury as a result of being handcuffed, shackled by his feet and unrestrained inside the B.P.D. wagon,†she said, referring to the police van. Despite repeated stops to check on Mr. Gray, the van driver, Officer Caesar R. Goodson Jr., and other officers never belted him in, she said, at times leaving him facedown on the van floor with his hands behind him. Though there has been speculation that the police intentionally gave Mr. Gray a “rough ride,†intended to slam him against the metal walls of the van, Ms. Mosby did not refer to that possibility. She charged only Officer Goodson with second-degree murder, the most serious crime facing the six officers; he was also accused of manslaughter, assault and misconduct in office." I DO feel he looked injured as he was put in the van, and that injury was exacerbated in the van.
  3. What about contacting a town councilman? Maybe s/he could light a fire under the police?
  4. I agree. The list price for this college is over $30,000/year. If the college can help kids get back on track to graduate is 4 years, it benefits the kids and the college's statistics.
  5. This might not apply to everyone but it could be worth looking into. I read about this program at my DS's private college. If a freshman has less than 30 credit hours (or 28 if in sciences), they have a program that gives a 2/3s tuition reduction for summer tuition PLUS free summer housing. This is just for students at his college but it might be worth looking into at your kid's college if it is an issue.
  6. Could it be blood pressure related? Would blood pressure meds help? I'm so sorry. :grouphug:
  7. (((MedicMom and family))) Welcome Baby C! :party: I'm praying for you all.
  8. The mom should sell T-shirts: "I went to the riots and all I got was whacked upside my head."
  9. Thank God everyone here wants to feed children. The problems arise when people are of such limited experience or imagination that they cannot (or will not or refuse to) realize that this is a vast country, with thousands of school districts and millions of school children. And that not every solution will work in every school. People are so caught in their own little worlds they think their one homeschooled child represents all children in the US.
  10. Go ahead, Rampart! (Assuming you mean Randolph Mantooth the actor who played John Gage on Emergency!) Or maybe he means Anchorman? Wes mantooth? "I will take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again!"
  11. My son's name is simple...like Billy (it's not Billy). He said he's only been to Starbucks 3 times and they spelled it wrong each time. Bili Billie Billi :lol: He has a friend who is Indian and has an Indian name so he spells it every time. He usually gets a English name beginning with the same letter as his name. And I heard about this one from my son, who saw online. The guy said his name was Marc with a C and the coffee had "Cark" written on it. (Google image "Marc with a C coffee" to see it). Now I know this one could be something someone just made up but it made me laugh anyway. Cark!
  12. (((Melissa))) I am so sorry. It is so dangerous for her to live like that I say intervene.
  13. Wedding thong. Ahem. :lol: But maybe Jean is referring to posters who were diagnosing other posters with specific psychological disorders instead of reporting the posts?
  14. :grouphug: I'm sorry about your struggles. There are certainly no solutions that would work for every child in every community. And even within districts, school cultures can be significantly different so the best answers for one school would not be the best answers for the other school a few miles down the road.
  15. You are deliberately misrepresenting what SKL has written.
  16. Oh, this is so sad. Thank you for telling us and giving people the opportunity to help. :crying:
  17. SKL wants kids to eat. She's said it from her first post in this thread.
  18. I think so. Her signature disappeared when she was banned...and my memory fails...
  19. Oh, yeah...Carol also said she wanted to be her neighbor's maid, and that her pastor put them on a payment plan...
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