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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. One person died. :-( http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2015/04/21/botulism-lancaster.html "One person has died and at least 20 others were hospitalized as of late last night with suspected botulism that health officials are linking to a potluck on Sunday at a Lancaster church."
  2. We have some reclining furniture that has a Velcro flap on the back. When the kids were really little, we couldn't believe what would fall out when we pulled the the Velcro flap open.
  3. Oh, dear. I'm Sending good thoughts and hoping you're busy cuddling your little one!
  4. :grouphug: I hope everything goes well and that your family has a lovely First Communion.
  5. Ha! I should have kept reading...I posted something similar. I memorized my number.
  6. Can you memorize the number? Or tape it to your computer screen? Or put it in your contacts if you're using a phone?
  7. Wow. That's REALLY looking. :lol: I've found books tucked inside other books before.
  8. "Did you Man Look for it?" That's when the looker stands in the center of the room and turns in a circle. :lol:
  9. I found DS's IPod nano (the 6th generation one; the thing is a bit bigger than a postage stamp) in the pocket of a pair of shorts that was in a suitcase.
  10. There was a mom on this board who was arrested bc she left her son year old in a car reading a book. I'll never forget that thread. I'm sure it negatively impacted their family and I can't imagine how it helped anything.
  11. DS gave his friend her gifts and she loved them. So, yay! She even liked "The Claw." :D
  12. Just a word of warning about using conditioner often...my DD cannot use it on her scalp and the hair close to her scalp. It is just too heavy and it weighs her hair down and makes it look greasy no matter how thoroughly she rinses. She only conditons the middle and ends of her hair.
  13. Good luck...and do try a silk pillowcase. It helps.
  14. No advice on the haircut... Have you tried a silk pillowcase? And do you brush in sections from the BOTTOM up? And 2 braids before bed work better than 1 to help with tangles, too.
  15. Just checked eBay. Everything we got is listed for 2 or 3 times the price we paid. :svengo: The bracelet I grabbed is a starfish that wraps around your wrist. It is kind of weird. DS and I kept saying "the claw chooses who will stay and who will go." (Toy Story line) :lol:
  16. I am the furthest from a fashion expert but Lilly Pulitzer was designing since the 60s. She died a few years ago but her brand was bought but someone. It's not new but it has never been in Target. They have stand alone stores.
  17. I'd try ice and ibuprofen and (TMI) but I'd seriously up my fiber intact so there is no unnecessary straining.
  18. It isn't my thing but I went with DS who wanted to try to get something for a "special friend's" birthday. YIKES! What a scene! The entire women's section was gone in moments. I managed to grab a dress and bracelet, then we walked to cosmetics and got a little make-up bag. We saw a woman with a half a cart filled with girls' swimsuits.
  19. Aww, Dawn. That is too bad. I hope you heal quickly and it doesn't impact your cruise! Can you get one of those doughnut things to sit on?
  20. Yes, it does. But if that picture is "Cajun spiced fish with brown rice" then what might a turkey sub look like? :lol:
  21. But this thread is about school lunches, so there's that. And the point of a school lunch is to feed hungry kids healthy food they'll eat.
  22. :rolleyes: If school lunches didn't look like the bottom of a bait bucket, they'd be less likely to get thrown away.
  23. Congrats! He is beautiful! (I have a new Maximilian, too...not a baby, tho'. My son chose Maximilian Kolbe as his confirmation name.)
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