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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. I'm posting before I've read the majority of the replies. I totally disagree with showing a movie the last two days of instruction. IMO, it is not too late for learning, real learning, review, cramming, an a-ha moment...what have you. One question can be the difference between passing and failing! Why in the world would teachers pass up that opportunity, the chance to push through for two more class sessions that could make a major difference in students' exam results?
  2. I'm praying for you and Baby Caden. (((MedicMom)))
  3. Yeah, the Head of Homeland Security...he lets us call him Patch. :lol: But he wants me to tell you he has successfully prevented the mailman from EVER entering the house.
  4. Oh, dear. I hate tornado season. And there is a potential hurricane. Has Slartibartfast posted lately?
  5. LOLOLOLOL Ask in a kind of hopeful way, like it'd be awesome if they'd say yes.
  6. There was an LDS mom who named her blog *oh my stinkin heck* but I think she has since changed it.
  7. It is/was hilarious. It is is even funnier to me because I can imagine myself as the woman trying to keep my dog away from potential humpees, if that was an issue with the HHS. (Which it isn't.)
  8. I think I misunderstood the woman at the dog park yesterday. "Is he beagle? Part beagle? Does he have beagle in him?" She was a fast, rapid-fire questioner with a golden retriever on a leash who was tugging her towards the Head of Homeland Security (see avatar). "Probably. We think his dad might be a beagle." "Oh, cuz my dog likes to hump beagles." :confused: "Pardon me?" "He likes to hump beagles." The HHS and the Golden were sniffing each other a bit, and I was confused and a bit weirded out so I kept walking and the HHS stuck with me. No humping occurred. I asked DD what she thought the woman meant. Did she want us to volunteer our dog as humpee? Like the scene in the Hunger Games..."I volunteer as Tribute!" "I volunteer my beagle!" It was odd...and then DD said, "I think she wanted to know if he was a beagle so she could keep her dog away from ours." Oh. That makes sense.
  9. What about *oh my heck* ? Or *oh my stinkin' heck* ? Do only less strict Mormons use these?
  10. I'm so thankful for those men and women who fought all those years ago. Thankful, too, for those on the home front who also gave up so much. Thank a veteran. Thank a Rosie the Rivetor. Thank them while they are still alive. I wish my people were still here to thank.
  11. I think the initial agreement was either lip service or it was truly meant but as he thought about (getting "locked out") he got more and more offended. This is a family that plays lots of head games. So it didn't surprise me when the Stay Homer left after he had said OK.
  12. I hope today brings better news for your DD. I am sorry she is so sick.
  13. I'd say, "Oh, rats!" but then I'd wonder if I'm swearing...
  14. I think actic bunny was talking about her hometown, not the board bc I don't recall any thread here, either. It so sad no matter where it happened, though. Thank you, Lisa, for this thread!
  15. I'd get a less expensive one OR try to buy a high quality used one.
  16. Oh, dear. I hope today is a better day...
  17. Boys and their balls... http://deadspin.com/tom-brady-threw-those-poor-ball-deflating-jamokes-under-1702608069 Tom Brady kinda probably sorta knew...
  18. Yay! Have a wonderful birthday! :party:
  19. How about the Bed and Breakfast at Peace Hill? http://www.peacehillbb.com/ :D
  20. I use it for card making and paper crafts. https://www.google.com/search?q=stampin+up+washi+tape&client=safari&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=pPJLVcfKNoKRyQS05YGABw&ved=0CB4QsAQ&biw=1024&bih=672
  21. So yeah...out of the frying pan, into the fire means that you go from one very bad situation to an even worse situation. Which sounds like what this woman has done, and dragged her kids along with her. I hope to God she doesn't leave her home, family , surroundings etc...and moves somewhere far away with a man who HITS HER KIDS WITH A BELT. All the red flags in the world are popping up. I'm really sorry.
  22. Is this family where the father is in jail? So, IOW, if I am right in guessing it is the same family, the mother swapped one dangerous man for another. If it is a different family, it's still bad.
  23. If I'm putting 2 and 2 together correctly, it's out of the frying pan and into the fire with the kids' mom. If I am, the mom needs to pull her head out of her own a$$ and create a stable life for her kids without a man.
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