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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. You didn't raise any of the people who might accuse him, though.
  2. I don't want any lives lost to be reduced to a number. I want accurate, accessible statistics.
  3. I worked my way through college with mostly minimum wage jobs. My parents were dead so although I lived mostly "at home" (not on campus) it was a home that I had to provide myself. I made enough in summer to cover all the school bills I had. A year round, full time minimum wage job would not cover the tuition at our state universities today. It would cover the tuition at community colleges. (Late 80s - early 90s)
  4. Well, it's too late...but my secret ingredient that works for (nearly) every recipe is replace some liquid with a 1/4 cup or more of Kahlua. Yum, yum...and I always get compliments for brownies with Kahlua!
  5. I can get better prices at Kohl's than Target especially if I need something quickly. For example, a week or so ago, Target's men's fitted shorts (the kind sold by waist size) were $25, so 23.75 with their debit card discount. Kohl's had similar shorts for $20 (50% off reg. $40). Plus I had a 30% coupon, so $14/pair. I got 4 (growing teen boys!) so I got $10 Kohl's cash. But even if I had only got 1 pair, it was nearly $10 less than Target. A cashier told me they can give you Kohl's cash if you are close to the $50 increment...I got $20 once when my pretax total was $98.XX. I'm not sure if it is less than $2 or what the exact number is. It is worth asking. I do make my purchasing decisions NOT based on Kohl's cash, though, in case I don't get back to use it.
  6. I know the feeling all too well but I don't know the name. I've felt it after my parents died. I also feel it when I've been in the hospital for days with DD. I come out and the world seems so loud and strange, and it's like I've forgotten how to BE.
  7. A erroneous fact is a "nice rhetorical device"? I disagree.
  8. I'd like to see the source and more specifics on this statistic. A killing every 28 minutes is about 51 a day, which is over 18,000 a year. In the US, I don't think the entire amount of homicides are that high.
  9. I agree...she could just get a new username for privacy. It's been done before.
  10. That is so nice! She looks darling! I love the other horse's ear in the corner of the pic...you're riding and taking the picture, right?
  11. Stuart Mackenzie: Look at the size of that boy's heed. Tony Giardino: Shhh! Stuart Mackenzie: I'm not kidding, it's like an orange on a toothpick. Tony Giardino: Shhh, you're going to give the boy a complex. Stuart Mackenzie: Well, that's a huge noggin. That's a virtual planetoid. Tony Giardino: Shh! Stuart Mackenzie: Has it's own weather system. Tony Giardino: Sh, sh, shh. Stuart Mackenzie: HEAD! MOVE!
  12. I don't think she's banned. She had a thread recently about a family issue, then she deleted her OP (she had asked people not to quote). Then she changed her user name, and now it seems like she's decided to delete her account. She probably wanted some privacy.
  13. I've seen speculation that it was bc in Arkansas lay midwives must transfer care to an OB if the mom is a certain number of days past her due date. Or that lay midwives can't legally deliver at home a mom so many days past her due date. I'm not sure how true that is. ???
  14. So...I must tell one of my favorite sweet potato stories...( don't we all have them???) Thanksgiving dinner at SILs. I usually bring 80% of the food and I am fine with it bc I don't have to clean my house. :D I usually bring sweet potato casserole but on this occasion, another SIL was attending who usually was on vacation for Thanksgivng and didn't normally attend the dinner. This SIL was to bring the sweet potatoes. We're all sitting at the table, eating when hostess SIL said, "Hey, Sister, where are your sweet potatoes?" Sister says, "Oh! Hand me my purse." Someone did and she proceeded to pull out a can of yams in syrup. She handed them to her dumbfounded sister who asked, "What am I supposed to do with these?" "Heat them up." "I'm eating!" "Then use the microwave." :lol: :lol: :lol: Hand me my purse!!! Best Thanksgving line ever...
  15. Yeah, that's like a sweet potato garnish. :lol:
  16. Your family has 18 people that could eat close to 3 lbs of sweet potatoes per person? I can't imagine one's stomach holding that much food.
  17. I think your user name is distinctive enough that many/most people would still recognize you if you change your avatar.
  18. Woken up for a nosebleed? I wish. My nosebleeder sleeps right through his and it looks like a crime scene in the morning. And he must swallow a lot of blood bc he is usually sick to his stomach those morning.
  19. If you make mashed (sweet) potatoes, the prepared potatoes will weigh more than just a potato by itself. I think you need to think in prepared servings, not in raw potato weight. I'd find a recipe and make 30-35 servings. HTH ETA: I've looked up mashed potato recipes and most have 3-4 lbs of potatoes plus other ingredients making 8 -10 servings. So I'd make 14 pounds plus milk, butter, etc for 35 servings.
  20. It is like the parking lot equivalent of someone sitting directly in front of you in a movie theatre when the rest of the theatre is empty... :D I am a deliberate puller-through who parks in a nearly always empty area of the lot with my car spaced exactly in the middle of the lines...
  21. Yes, I'd be worried. I'm usually at DefCon 2.5 most of the time anyway, plus I read missing persons message boards... If they are fine, you'll be relieved. If something is wrong, you'll be like *I knew it*!" I hope nothing is wrong.
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