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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. I quoted myself so you can see what I wrote the first time FaithManor wanted her jailed for better prenatal nutrition. "If you don't think you can jail her" is such an odd thing Way to phrase it. Jail her bc she is pregnant and take her baby away FOREVER (which is what Faith wrote and what many people "liked")? She hasn't done anything to this baby. Really, what do the Maternity Police want to charge her with? Is unassisted home delivery illegal where she lives?
  2. I love green houses but there is a house nearby that is sinus infection green and it clashes with the grass/lawn. Watch out for that shade of green. :ack2: :zombie:
  3. Living is squalor is highly correlated with depression. We don't know if she is depressed, or what kind of problems she has but they are indeed, problems. There is an intrinsic revulsion we have to living squalor. I think it's natural to not want to live in garbage, mold, feces. It's a healthy reaction to go, "Blech!" That is why, IMO, if a person or family doesn't go, "Blech!" I tend to think they have a problem, most likely a mental illness. Thank God the kids are not there so maybe the mom can get to the root of her issues and begin to heal her family.
  4. Mental illness, addiction (a medical diagnosis), spousal abuse...all reasons why this might have happened. The kids should not be living there. Absolutely not. They should not go back there until there is safe housing and safe water. I'd rather they not go back there at all, and hope the family somehow gets the message that their situation there is untenable. You can't put a pregnant mother in jail for not agreeing with how she lives. What laws is she breaking in regard to her pregnancy? What prenatal care is legally required? There is no pregnancy police, AFAIK. This thread has had enough ugliness using slurs about mental illness.
  5. I know you know there won't ever be a "perfect" group but I hope you find one that works for you!
  6. It is funny that I'm embarrassed now...but in my hour of need, I don't. even. care.
  7. There are acetaminophen suppositories if vomiting and/or nausea is severe. Sometimes things are really desperate... :leaving:
  8. Thanks, Karen. I hadn't seen this. I have to think about this. I'm not sure how to take it...
  9. I don't think the fluorescent lighting being a trigger is weird at all. It is a known trigger for seizures. They trigger my DD's seizures.
  10. The one in post 44, right? Yeah, that white and tan do look JRT to me, too. She's beautiful!
  11. Excedrin with caffeinated drink then sleep in a dark room with icy cold cloth on my head. I also had Relpax but I had to take it immediately. And please reconsider going to a doctor. She is at an age that they can easily worsen and become more frequent. It's better to get a relationship established now, IMO.
  12. Thank you...and she has. She is very sweet and kind-hearted. When she moved up to a different GS troop, the leader told me she could always count on DD to go out of her way to include everyone. She'd put DD with the girls who tended to hang back or not join in bc she knew DD was so encouraging.
  13. CraftFriend and DD were at our house crafting. I suspect OtherGirl had called CraftFriend's house and was told CraftFriend was at our house. So her mom drove her over, CraftFriend ran out to the car, made plans and came back in to tell DD about it. OtherGirl and her mom had driven away but were going to pick up CraftFriend at her house a little later. Why did the other mom go along with it? Because my DD didn't go to school with them because we homeschooled. She told me that on a different occasion...a Girl Scout outing where OtherGirl ran up to my DD and a couple other girls and addressed each of them by name: "Hey, Susie and CraftFriend, let's go look at XYZ!" And they all left my DD standing there alone. It happened too fast for me to say something to the girls so I said to the mom, "That really hurts DD when she is excluded like that." And the mom said, *oh that's because they all go to school together, so they naturally want to do stuff with each other.* I said something like...*but they go to church together and play soccer together and are in GS together.* The mom just shrugged. This was years ago but it still rankles.
  14. Do recall the beagle part is suspected but unconfirmed...his mom definitely was a Jack Russell Terrier. And many of their traits overlap.
  15. Putting the pregnant mom in jail for better nutrition for her unborn baby? No, just no. If they don't have adequate housing for a newborn, then she probably will lose custody of the new baby. But the new baby might be the first stepping stone to her getting help, counseling, maybe meds if needed... I'd much rather have her be receiving services and have a safe place to go with the new baby than have the baby automatically removed at birth.
  16. How did I miss this thread? :lol: Patch does bark, loudly, (with his snout pointed straight in the air) at the mailman, cats and one particular dog in the neighborhood. Other dogs get a barkbarkbark kind of bark, not as loud or strident. I do try to hold the curtains closed and reassure him when the mailman, the dog that annoys him and cats walk in front of the house. He doesn't smell badly at all. I loooooove his doggy smell. We say he smells like sugar waffles. :D As for walks...he is the slowest walker ( esp. off leash at the dog park) because he goes into Ultimate Sniffer Mode. "None of the Sniffs may go Unsniffed!" seems to be his motto. And he does dig, occasionally. I think he might be digging for critters, cuz it is usually in spring and early summer and he does it in our hosta beds where it is nice and easy to dig. He doesn't just randomly dig a hole in the middle of the lawn.
  17. I disagree. An exception I'd make is if a particular established group (like a club or sports team or board members/leaders of something) remind each other of meetings in front of non-members. If the He-Men Woman Haters Club President says in front of me, "hey, guys...don't forget our Thursday meeting this week!" I don't think it is rude bc I'm not a member. But if 2 moms and I are sitting at homeschool co-op eating lunch and a 4th mom approaches us and invites 2/3rds of us to coffee at her house, then that is rude. The inviter should find a private moment to do the inviting.
  18. Yes, it is rude. Once* my DD had a girl she considered a friend over. They were doing some crafts and stuff. Another girl's (who my DD did tons of activites with, too) mom drove her DD to our house and the friend ran out to the car to talk. Those girls made plans to go to the movies and the friend came back into our house. She told DD she had to go bc she was going to the movies with her friends. And she said it such a way that she didn't consider my DD in that category of "friend." :crying: Hard lesson for my DD but she never invited that girl over again. *once is probably the wrong word...this girl came over often, especially in summer. She'd come over a few times a week during the summer.
  19. /OT-ish: That article is so poorly written. Yikes!
  20. Yes...I totally agree. Fixing up the "homestead" without addressing the underlying issues would be a temporary band-aid.
  21. It isn't obvious to everyone, based on dozens of posts here.
  22. I love your mom. I want to take her to Happy Hour and hear all her stories.
  23. I realize it is far more than Relief Society visits. I was being sarcastic. The family is in serious trouble. I said I think what is happening could be due to mental illness.
  24. It's OK. I'm from a mixed M-word background. I was raised on Miracle Whip. And once out in the world, I discovered MAYONAISE! "Why, it tastes so different! It looks different! It feels different!" I will eat either one but DH prefers MW. Sometimes when I make tuna pasta salad, I lie and tell him we were all out of MW. He still eats it with mayo. Bwah-ha-ha-ha! (Evil laugh)
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