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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. The thing is...the "choices" have been implied or explicitly written in other threads, to the best of my recollection. They weren't anything "new." I wanted to see the results, too. I believe that the Eucharist is the real presence of Jesus and people think that is loony or I'm loony or it's disgusting...I'd rather know what they think than not know.
  2. I have a Very Old Teen. He forgets to close the door all winter long. Starts to remember in the spring. Closes it all summer. Starts to remember to leave it open in October...
  3. Oh, dear. Wow. Parts of me that don't exist hurt and I also want to get sick. And I only want to eat candy eggs forever and ever, not real eggs.
  4. Why, I just slipped on a banana peel, landed just right on his lap...and that's how I fell pregnant!
  5. Jasperstone...I know it's a figure of speech "has anyone fell pregnant" but it makes me LOL.
  6. Superfetation...getting pregnant while pregnant http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfetation
  7. SKL...I hope everything is OK. If I had my way, humans would have a sleep button that switched on and off to go to sleep and and women would have some kind of external spigot to turn parts on and off...or something. It's in development, :lol:
  8. Our ortho split a Victorian era house with another doctor. No swank.
  9. It is about 1000* more than we paid for our kids. Just a warning...think about that permanent retainer on the bottom. We declined it and got the same bottom retainer as the top. Our biggest reasons (which might not apply to everyone, I understand that) are that it gives off "artifact" in MRIs which my DD needs periodically; it is difficult to floss around and keep tartar from building up; it can affect speech ( I've been told this by people who have them...they hated it). *the clear braces were $500 more for top only
  10. Does the hot tub work? If so, offer it on Craig's List. I think handyman would cover the rest. You could buy a power washer and wash the deck yourself.
  11. I think it sounds fun, like wearing green on St Patrick's Day or sports teams that ask fans to where a certain color...so it's a "sea of-----" or a "white-out." Or getting dressed up for a formal restaurant or wedding.
  12. It could definitely be a seizure. She could have seized and fell, injuring herself as she fell. Not knowing who people (even parents and siblings) are, acting spacey, memory loss, etc...all typical post-seizure (post-ictal) behavior. I'd want a follow-up with your pediatrician and an EEG. No baths or showers alone until she's cleared. I'd also avoid situations that would be dangerous if she had a seizure while doing it (trampoline, rock or ropes climbing, etc) :grouphug:
  13. Two women, driving together? Really? This wasn't Thelma and Louise...(which, spoiler alert, turned out badly for both of them.) A mom-daughter relationship is much more complicated than 2 women driving together. Add in an inexperienced driver with a not-untypical "I got this" attitude when she really didn't have it and dangerous driving, I can understand mom getting upset. I feel like they need a cooling off period from lessons and a chance to make some new ground rules.
  14. (((Lisa))) Thanks for the warning. It is so thoughtful of you.
  15. Can't you take that stuff with you?
  16. Oh, dear...I hope things are OK...
  17. Yeah, and the horde turned on Slache pretty quickly anyway... :leaving:
  18. No, it ends like it would end if you throw a roast chicken to pack of junkyard dogs. Signed, Catholic person who didn't think Slache was saying Catholics weren't Christian
  19. We found a studio like that for my DD. It was wonderful. The focus was on dance and fitness, and making dance available as a lifelong choice for fitness. The studio has the largest adult dance program in the area. "Recitals" were low key, in the studio with minimal "costumes." Matching bandanas, for example, would be the "costume." DD danced there for years until she got too sick.
  20. I know...the thing is, the charities were REAL. She said she would donate a percentage of her profits to certain existing charities. But most of the charities had no knowledge of her promises and didn't receive any donations from her. If she goes to prison (or even if she doesn't), I feel sorry for her little boy.
  21. Yes, that story is heartbreaking. There are other people in the 'blog business' who have made connections with Jess Ainscough (Wellness Warrior) and Belle Gibson...both of them telling or implying how their clean diets were healing them of cancer. Ainscough did have cancer but now people are questioning Gibson.
  22. Were you thinking weevils or pantry bugs (what are those called?) Or maybe collapsed shelves?
  23. It seems like there wasn't much fact-checking done anywhere... Penguin says it was because it was a cookbook but I think Apple and all the local press in her country could have poked around a bit more.
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