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Everything posted by OLG

  1. Second the answering machine during school hours. I personally hate phone call interruptions but know the concerns.
  2. Very interested in the replies here too! Sugar is so pervasive, especially that corn syrup!!
  3. Giancoli is great! You could look at Kinetic Books also if you prefer online. I do not suggest Saxon... Mary
  4. I know what you mean! Personally, I think a conceptual physics course is very useful just for life but you surely don't HAVE to have this in high school. Just my two cents. Mary
  5. We used LOF with Thinkwell for Calculus and LOF is a VERY complete Calculus course - goes beyond even Thinkwell! No surprise to see it on this list as a resource. This guy is such a wit too!
  6. No first hand experience here though I WISH I had it! If it were me, I'd call some of the local cleaning agencies and get a sense of their price. Then ask neighbors or friends who they use. My friends who have this luxury got referrals from local hotels even! Good luck.
  7. Someone here suggested, a long time ago, to either do some fancy calligraphy of the poem "IF" and frame it or print and frame. Since 13 is often a rite of passage time, this seemed fitting to me. Our ds didn't do cartwheels over it BUT he does treasure it now! Aren't teen boys the hardest to buy gifts for?
  8. Not good! Wonder if it is in all soda and some places just haven't tested. Disturbing. Thanks for posting!
  9. I would think the seller would accommodate your request! Recently, I bought ds a pair of pants because they were the gray he wanted and when the pants arrived they were stone...I left feedback to this affect and the seller contacted ME offering to send the gray..no extra postage or anything. the advice to file a complaint via PayPal is great. Feedback has an impact too...
  10. Our son is taking classes at the local college as a young junior (14) and I must agree with the poster who commented on the rigor of some college courses. The US History course he is taking, while really appealing to him, is not at all at the level of the "classical" history we have done at home. The professor, a former Cornell prof no less, seems to grade much easier than Mom. Now maybe I need to back off a little, yes, but I wonder what impact getting great grades in this environment will have on "reall" college or maybe real college is easy these days too?
  11. Agree taht it can be done in a semester,,,we did it. BUt I would caution that you do want to make certain that the material is well embedded in your student's mind if they are going on to higher maths, especially calculus. Of course there will be review in precalculus but it's easier to grasp if it "settled" the first time. Foerster does an excellent job with Algebra 2, imho.
  12. Write@HOme might "seem" light to a parent not used to the teaching of writing but this program is hands-down one of the best out there. NOt only does it gentley teach the student and stretch the student but it also provides wonderful insights in how to do that yourself. The majority of the coaches do an excellent job!
  13. This "official" thing has emerged on other boards and the simple solution is to put the word "Official" on the transcript. the Yahoo group hs2coll has lots of posts on this. Maybe that will help?
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