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Everything posted by OLG

  1. April, Doing the entire Thinkwell program is two full semesters, college level . Getting through Chapter 11 would be all of Calc I - the other two chapters (12,13) are often incorporated into Calc II so you could or could not target completing those. Ds spent about an hour a day on this. The problems go quickly in Calc I, but NOT in Calc II per the Thinkwell table of contents. He completed Cal I in one semester but not that entire program in one semester! We had used the College Algebra from Thinkwell and the Physics (which is terrific). Haven't used others. I saw you post on the Am Gov't and Econ....Have you discovered Hippocampus http://www.hippocampus.org/American%20Government for Am Gov't? We used that with the Wilson book as a one semester course. Worked well. We are doing Econ (Micro and Macro) now with the Teaching Company DVDs and the Ruffin and Gregory book using their online quizzes. I am not a huge fan of TC, myself, but this Econ guy is great! Good luck! I would say your son would have fun doing Thinkwell Calc! Mary
  2. Ds did three lectures a day and the accompanying problems/exercises online. LoF he read on his own at his own pace... He had a demanding precalculus program which helped but I still think you are wise to expose your son to some of the material before college. Given that you have a semester, you could just see where you get to. Burger does an excellent job of explaining the material clearly and it isn't quite the same as being in a live lecture where you can't go back and look again at an explanation! Mary
  3. We used Thinkwell for calculus with the online component (excellent, btw) and LoF as a fun read along side the Burger lectures. They are not a perfect match in terms of the sequence of topics and given that the story in LoF requires it to be read in order, I went for Thinkwell as the main program. It turned out to be a successful and fun combination too! Personally, I found the calculus program with Thinkwell to be the best of their math programs in terms of few if any instances when the material in the problems required material not yet learned (as in College Algebra, for instance). You just can't beat Dr, BURger for a thorough and fun course either. If you are comfortable with it, you could get all of Calculus I under your belt in a semester; we managed it. THe second part is significantly more difficult.... Good luck! Mary
  4. Have you looked at the Purple Math site? http://www.purplemath.com/
  5. Sorry for the confusion with the use of the word "drafting"! Wasn't thinking of the architectural meaning, just the writing meaning..... but thanks for your help anyway. Mary
  6. Thanks Kareni! Clustering them at the end makes sense. Still not sure about including them though! Mary
  7. Okay, I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel here, with these detailed course descriptions but I have a question about whether to include descriptions for Pass/Fail subjects like PE (first thought is to not include this at all!), music (individual lessons, group music school which I also don't think I should include) and art where there is some reasoning since we did TC videos and a drawing book and tape plus individual lessons. But, do others include these items in course descriptions?? I guess I don't see them carrying the same weight as all the other course (and we have plenty of those.) Thanks for your thoughts and advice. Mary
  8. Ah, yes, this is the sticky situation. As near as I can tell, there is no financial aid from the colleges for international students. Some international students do receive aid from their own country but not the US.....
  9. My two cents: Ds self-studied for the BIO AP in 9th grade using a variety of things - Miller and Levine (since our umbrella schools required it), Campbells' Bio and the one thing he found MOST useful and which I'd use next time around with the online component: Thinkwell"s Biology with George Wolfe. Thinkwell is complete, not easy but Wolfe makes it FUN! AP scores confirmed it as great prep too. Good luck! Mary
  10. Many thanks to you all! I have learned a lot and have much new to consider here. It is very interesting to hear the tales of those who have experienced these universities and I welcome any and all accounts on schooling over seas from the US! Thanks again! Mary
  11. Thanks Laura! Wondering how to find out how college courses are treated ( not cc's) given the AP requirements. Have also been reading about how the global economic concerns are loosening up things a bit for those that can pay. Obviously, there isn't the financial assistance via scholarships etc. available like for schools in the States. Sounds like it is on a par with the HYP admit requirements! Your help is appreciated. Mary
  12. Have been reading on College Confidential about these two schools. Was drawn to the three year undergraduate programs and the apparent emphasis on stellar undergraduate education. The schools appear to want students who know what they want to major in, is that right? Does anyone have any experience with the application process and with students who have attended either university? Thanks! Mary
  13. We treat PE (and art, music) as Pass or Fail and it is not calculated into the GPA. M
  14. Don't touch the mercury!!! Read the link below for how to handle this. Be careful... http://www.mde.state.md.us/CitizensInfoCenter/Health/mercury_cleanup.asp
  15. Sounds like a fine young man, well directed and thoughtful. Well done, mama!! Hope he gets a great internship! Mary
  16. Doesn't Write@Home now offer a single paper grading service? I know you mentioned lack of extra funds but the most beneficial writing course my ds ever took was the Write@Home essay because it taught "Me" to grade his essays! They do such an excellent job of balancing constructive feedback and praise and the manner of giving that feedback as weel was educational for this Mom. Maybe a single paper would get you started? Mary
  17. :iagree:Completely agree with all of these statements! Seton crams it down the poor kids, like it or not. Mary
  18. You DESERVE to brag about this, lady!!! What a great feeling and as a suprise. Mary
  19. My 14y/o ds read it along with the excellent course plans that Kolbe Academy provides in their literature course. The course plans detailed the Christian symbolism in the book and explained many of the aspects that "might" be considered "Criminal Minds". I read the book after ds and truly appreciated the guidance in the Kolbe plans yet I also saw the benefit of reading this "cold". The author (won't attempt to spell this correctly!) does a superb job of capturing the angst and machinations of thought of the main character both while a "free" man and when in prison. IT is a classic for good reasons!! Mary
  20. That is so cool!!! What a bright articulate young woman. Most impressive and I am sure you are most proud! Mary
  21. Wow, juggling a lot! It has to improve from here,I would think. Prayers for the strength to handle it all and for ds to simply ace that CLEP regardless. Hang in there...so much stress at the moment. :grouphug: Mary
  22. Thanks ladies! So much wisdom! And great advice. Yes, I would love to talk with him but dh is firmly against it preferring that we just let it all go. I do understand that point of view too. Ds would never confront this guy, just not in his nature. Had to chuckle that he should write a college essay on this! Somewhere, someday this experience will come in handy. Thanks for the advice on presenting it to ds. I do think that it will highlight for him how certain "communications" can be felt on the receiving end. Gosh, it's painful to watch these kids grow in circumstances like this. But, I guess we all go through them and bad memories fade. My mother used to say "just offer it up"! Have since learned, thanks to yet another email from the guy, that he is leaving town because of the "myopic, me, me , me" attitude of everyone..... It is doubtful that we will encounter him again. He is a screenwriter by trade and somehow I don't see us following the Hollywood crowd. All in all, we can get another recommender with credentials that fit the college profile better but originally this guy was so eager to help. Live and learn! (I do share his frustration with the Common App though!!) Thanks again, Mary
  23. My ds asked one of his college teachers to write an LOR using the Common Application. Apparently, the recommender had extreme difficulty doing this online (but never asked for help or mentioned this to ds) and lashed out at ds via email about how home schooling is a scam, it doesn't allow students to be "themselves" doesn't give then the right "ambiance" (yes!) etc. etc. etc. Then he attacks me, the Mom for putting ds through the torture of home schooling and says he just cannot write an LOR for a home schooler. This is a guy who first knew the kid was homeschooled in January, was two days ago eager to help a "fellow" NMS Semi-finalist and who gave the kid an "A" in class. First, I could spit nails but more importantly ds is crushed and shaken not to mention that his Dad isn't rising to the occasion. I know it is best to just let it all go and this is helping "that", thank you ladies! I know the guy is probably either off balance or saving face by using the home schooling thing..etc. etc. Yet, how do I heal the wounds for ds???? One whipped mom, Mary
  24. There is a friend of a friend who is helping me create this beautiful transcript in Excel for ds. She was lamenting how she would love to do this kind of work at home (is currently unemployed) and I suggested that maybe there is a market for it with people like "us" as well as companies. What do you think? I'm I being pie-in-the sky or would people actually pay something to have someone take their data and create a custom form or any sort. I know the college application process is easier if someone else does the design and data input! Just thinking out loud and looking for opinions! Thanks! Mary
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