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Everything posted by datimasa

  1. Nothing. I can't fathom paying them to help their family. Would you accept pay from your parents for helping them? How much more so when you are the parent providing every need and probably most wants for your children? I just don't think that would foster the kind of character and attitude I want in my children.
  2. I forgot about these! Thanks for reminding me!
  3. We school year round 3 days a week because that works best with my dh's schedule.
  4. I haven't used either, but based on friends who have done CC, that ALONE can burn someone out. So, I imagine combining it with TOG, which many people find overwhelming, would be WAY overkill.
  5. Since you already like WWE, why not use FLL3? I love the FLL series.
  6. I know you said print, but if you are okay with using the computer and can afford $10 a month, I REALLY suggest SCM online organizer. It is is AWESOME. MY favorite part is that if you don't complete something for that day it automatically moves it to the next day. Our life rarely goes as planned so this is invaluable to me.
  7. Thanks for all these links! I'm going to check them out. Has anyone here done CM for high school? Is it still such a short day? Is it thorough enough?
  8. I'm surprised so many don't like FLL! We LOVE it! But, I like things to be scripted in this area since it SO far from my strong point.
  9. LOVE MUS! I started my oldest on it when she was around 10-11. We just fast tracked through it. We switched to TT this year for oldest so she could have something more independent. Just today she said she really anted to fgo back to MUS and Steve. She just prefers the way he explains things.
  10. In short, NO. I wish we had limited media much more drastically when my kids were younger. If you do let them have an iPod or similar make sure to greatly limit what they can use and any internet (or just block the internet). You can use a filter like http://www.mobicip.com
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