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Everything posted by Dana

  1. I am so sorry! When we bought our house, I only wanted to look in one county because our library system is so excellent. We have 35 copies of Huck Finn...penguin edition. There are an additional 8 Houghton Mifflin copies with essays, 5 annotated editions, 2 large print editions, and assorted ebooks, children's adaptions, and audio books. When I lived in CA, I used to complain because the libraries in the counties I lived in just weren't any good in comparison. I adore our library. I don't understand why all library systems can't be as good. I'm sorry you're stuck with a poor one.
  2. Is she active in any of the talent searches? I'd think that would also be a good way to meet similar people with summer classes/programs. There's Northwestern's program, Johns Hopkins CTY, and Duke TIP. Our local state university has a summer program through Duke, so you may also want to check for programs for high schoolers at a nearby university.
  3. Thanks for posting. I got it and my son played it for a while. Looks good.
  4. Very probably EM. I know Lex/Rich 5 uses it. I wouldn't mind Lattice Mult taught as an additional thing, but I had a student in my cc course last year who said she didn't know the traditional algorithm for multiplication at all. She didn't last long. :( I have a friend who's taught at the university here and she's seen some students coming in who are much better in math than in prior years, so I think it is possible that it's working well for some students. The problem is that the poorer students are doing worse than before and don't get anything resembling a basic foundation in arithmetic.
  5. Thanks for the link. We have Bamboozled and it's a movie I definitely want my son to watch when he's older. I've been thinking of it all day.
  6. You could also try contacting the Better Business Bureau.
  7. I carry a ChicoBag or two in my purse. They fold up easily and can hold quite a lot. They've held up to some machine washings too. They also make bags that are for produce. There are also other sites that carry reusable bags. I'd probably yell at my son for using a bag for corn :) People do have different approaches!
  8. I honestly don't know about this.... but I thought bonds changed and you could redeem them with just the SSN of the person they were bought for. There's a website (not that I have handy) where I could enter my son's number and see the current value of the bonds (or at the time it was the serial number of the bonds... but I thought I read recently that they're not even issuing paper bonds anymore). Worth checking with the bank or online at least...
  9. With phone calls, that's how you know it's someone trying to get money! I don't make a big deal if someone we know calls me by dh's last name. When we got married, I never planned to have kids. If I had, I may have changed it or pushed him to change his so we'd have a family name. If my son changed his name if he gets married, I'd be fine with that.
  10. Bumping... I just got her book from the library today. Had to leave the room because my laughter was interfering with a lecture my son was watching. It's good. Also, she lists some books for reference at the back of the book. WTM is there :)
  11. :grouphug: Good luck! You'll hopefully get useful information...and if food changes need to be mad, you will find a new normal.
  12. It's amazing. Boy is now gladly in bed. We'll see what he remembers in the morning. Neat to see.
  13. I'm still hanging in...boy is asleep sitting up. :D
  14. I'm losing energy here and DS is dozing off. Dh is trying to keep him up but I think we're about to miss it. :(
  15. Still up here. I don't know if I'll last, but dh and ds are still up for now....
  16. I haven't checked it out, but there's also a free download for the XBox Kinect where you can try to land the Curiosity yourself :)
  17. Planetfest.org There's nothing local to us, so if we stay up it'll be online. NASA has video "Seven minutes of terror" about the landing. My son's been doing some stuff about Curiosity for science lately.
  18. We have his name, allergies, and my cell phone number on my son's bracelet. We just have the bracelet and don't have the monitoring.
  19. :lol: I would have been pleased if they knew the quadratic formula. I had one last year (developmental math...so basically prealgebra) who didn't k ow the standard algorithm for multiplication. She could only do lattice. I hate the (expletive) everyday math!
  20. Sometimes you can find the syllabus online. That can give more information.
  21. :grouphug: No advice... other than getting in to the peds GI as soon as you can. Maybe your doc can give more advice and a quicker appointment? :grouphug:
  22. Yup. I'd be annoyed. Although I like the idea of explaining moonshine...
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