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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Don't know if this would work...but what motivated my son was comics. He found Calvin and Hobbes and wanted to read them.
  2. Are you sure it's not possession? Maybe Lucy is making moonshine. We can't know without the rest of the sentence. :lol:
  3. That's tough. :grouphug: I quit two weeks ago. I was fed up with the daily battles. I started looking at virtual schools, but my husband has picked up where I left off and is teaching our son after he gets home from work. I've taken over cleaning that he usually does. It's interesting for me to back off, let go of some of the control, and see what my husband does. It'll be different...but what I was doing wasn't working. We'll see how this goes for a time and whether I pick back up or if we do a virtual school or if he keeps teaching. I really don't know how people do it without wholehearted support of their spouse. So no advice...other than to continue to talk with your husband until. You can come to a meeting of minds...but a lot of sympathy. It's tough! :grouphug:
  4. :iagree: I've been thinking of you. Hope you get good news on Tuesday and the surgery goes smoothly.
  5. I'd be surprised if he stays in the area. My in-laws are on the other side of the country and my folks moved to be nearer to us. They're a 4 hour drive away right now. They used to be in the middle of the country with us on the coast.
  6. 19 :) I'd have more but I'm mostly out of wall space. Most are Sauder. I also have 5 desks. My husband likes to keep me out of office supply stores. It gets expensive. I have a friend who bought a new house and turned a bedroom into a library. Bookshelves all along the walls and had some built so there are 3 rows of bookshelves (like a library) through the room. And he ran out of space anyway. :lol:
  7. I SO needed this now. Boy and I have had it and I quit last week. DH is teaching him after work for a while. They're visiting my folks so I get a few days alone. It was funny last night hearing DH say the same things I say. It's not just me! You guys give me hope that I can regroup and get back in there after a bit of a break. And it's so nice to feel not so alone.
  8. To my knowledge, this is the thread where the tea reference was coined.
  9. Interesting.... I stopped reading her a bit before my son was born. Good to know about the change!
  10. My son started to read with Calvin and Hobbes. He enjoyed Dav Pilkey books...Captain Underpants (blech) and the Dragon books. You can also go with some graphic novels...theres a Greek Myth series. You can also branch out with the comics... Move to FoxTrot and For Better or For Worse :001_smile:
  11. Rita mae brown with sneaky pie brown (her cat). Think these would be okay.
  12. I'd agree with Hobbit. My son adored it and went on to read LOTR on his own after the Hobbit. We've done HP but only a book a year. In book 4, characters start dying. I'm not quite sure how my son is going to do with the death at the end of book 6...we're about halfway through it right now.
  13. :iagree: My son is pretty sensitive and he was able to handle the Hobbit as a read aloud, although we read it at 7.
  14. Cat who series came to my mind as well. Also Susan wittig Albert...she does a series set in Pecan Springs, TX that I think is safe. I adore Robert Parker, although he's more on the line. He did write a couple of young adult books shortly before his death. I love how he sprinkles literary allusions through his books. They are best in order and you would definitely want to pre-read and probably wait a couple years. Dick Francis might work. Asimov wrote Murder at the ABA :). Haven't read in decades, so unsure how safe. Carl hiassen has some YA books but avoid adult ones. Nevada Barr has a park ranger series... Anna Pigeon. Again, may be on the border or a bit past it. Absolutely avoid for now... John Sandford, probably both Kellermans, Dana Stabenow (Alaska setting. Good but disturbing.) Patricia Cornwall. Unsure about early Sara Paretsky (V I warshawski series set in Chicago)
  15. I'd say More Notes is not necessary, but I think you'll lose out some if you don't use the Teacher's Guide. We're finishing up MPH 3/4. There's one guide for all 5 books. In 5/6 (starting next week), there's a separate guide for each of the 4 books. HW, HOTS, and Tests all have the answers in the back. There's one book for all the texts. The HW is pretty straight-forward based on the text. The HOTS is significantly more challenging and sometimes has information that is only presented in the TG. In one case from 5/6, the material that was on a test is only in the Background Information for Teachers in the front of the TG. In my experience, MPH is not open and go. There are some additional labs in the TG. The TG has a few websites, but more websites are listed in the More Notes, although some aren't there any longer. I use the Singapore grading scale for the HOTS and Tests. They definitely ask questions at a high level. You can also use the tags or a search for a number of prior threads on the TG with Singapore.
  16. :lol: I could see that if it happened when we were together... He only locked the keys in the car when we were out together.
  17. The extra practice books for Singapore standards don't give enough extra practice IMO. This year I got the tests and am using them as extra practice as needed.
  18. The people you mention sound like they were in the hospital for emergency conditions (car accident). My MiL died this year due to cancer. She had just gotten insurance after going without it for a number of years due to a job loss. There were no substance abuse issues or "other issues" as you mention. She'd had breast cancer when I was pregnant, had a mastectomy, went through chemo, was doing well. Due to a move, they only had insurance through FiL's job and her coverage was too expensive. She didn't get follow-up care once she'd finished up the chemo. She'd had symptoms for well over a year but didn't go in because she didn't have insurance (and some other fears of what they'd find). My SiL finally managed to convince her to go in to the ER in late November - right before Thanksgiving. There was a mass in her stomach. We never got a clear answer as to whether it was breast cancer that had recurred and spread or if it was stomach cancer - so we don't know that for my husband and son's health. Yes, she had insurance at the time of her death and the hospital didn't kick her out to die on the street. She also was never really stable from Dec - when she died in Jan. She was only 62. The family's attitude towards going to the hospital or seeing a doctor was pretty bad due to cost. My BiL had a full set of dentures before he was 30 since they didn't see the dentist. I can't imagine my MiL's care costing more had she gone in earlier - and she might have lived. We have good insurance through my husband's work. We've still been able to itemize medical deductions on our taxes on 2 years. The time dealing with the insurance company for billing issues has been a pain as well. I am very grateful for the current changes and I do want a single payer system. I do NOT want my medical care to be run by for-profit groups the way it currently is. And here's someone who's dying without insurance. His wife was told by her legislator to move to Canada if she wanted help.
  19. Textbook prices are ridiculous. When I was in undergrad, my most expensive book included software and cost $80. As a warning, double-check with the college (or instructor) before buying the book. The math text I teach from comes bundled with an online access code for online software students are required to use for the course. If they have to buy access separately, it runs $70 since it includes a copy of the text online. I'd likely still buy the text since the software access is only good for one year, but I have seen students who bought the book online then have to buy access to the software and end up spending more money.
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