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Everything posted by Dana

  1. There was a game called Bonkers where you'd place cards that would build the board. "forward 2", "back 4"... I liked setting up infinite loops with it :)
  2. We went slowly at that point as well. First day, we used base 10 blocks. We'd work the problem with the blocks, then we'd redo the problem with the blocks while I wrote the notation for each step. I really liked using the base 10 blocks because you see WHY you go from large to small when all the other operations go from small to large. Second day I had my son write the work after using the blocks. As we kept going, I'd have him use the blocks any time he got a problem incorrect using math notation. I know mnemonics can be helpful, but I've got concerns using them for arithmetic operations. I tend to see where people run into problems with mnemonics though, so that colors my dislike of them. I really liked the base 10 blocks and going from concrete to abstract.
  3. Enjoy Life chocolate chips are the only ones we use. I have sometimes found them at the grocery store but you can also get them at amazon.
  4. "Ladies first!" "your mommy hates housework..."
  5. Or you get told to "Go f@$k yourself." I contacted the BBB after that but they can't do anything. Same with phone company...or they refused to do anything. Best thing likely would be to complain to your congressional reps. They can do something...but probably won't....
  6. :grouphug: She'll understand why you can't be there now...and I'm sure she wouldn't want to catch your bug! Maybe you'll be able to go and help with recovery some?
  7. :grouphug: You could also report the doctor to your state medical board. I'd do that instead of just a letter to him...or include your letter to him to the board. Glad you got some good doctors in the ER.
  8. Check out purplemath.com and khan academy.
  9. I believe you can actually just sign up for the Duke TIP without having done a prior test - just on parent recommendation. At least when registering, they don't ask for your child's scores on the prior test (to my recollection). However, I likely would wait until at least 4th to take the Explore (with Duke, they suggest 5th; Northwestern NUMATS does it starting in 3rd, I believe).
  10. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. Hope he does better, you can avoid Benadryl, and the challenge goes well. Good luck! :grouphug:
  11. The radio scripts are fun, as is Neil Gaiman's book, Don't Panic. Adams wanted "something with a banjo" as the theme music for the radio series. It's also great fun reading about how they did the recording and how you could go on the soundstage and most of the actors were in cabinets during the recording... sometimes with Adams writing scripts at the same time they were recording. He was a true procrastinator.
  12. :grouphug: It sucks. I don't think there's any way to get through to some of the people either, which makes it worse.
  13. I think of the Spirograph pictures with polar equations. :D
  14. There's an online interpretation of the CogAT scores. You can do a search for the link.... should be about 2-3 or so pages describing what each stanine represents. With 9th stanine, I'd see if your child is interested in a talent search. 7th grade is a great year for it! Duke TIP, Northwestern NUMATS, Johns Hopkins CTY - any are good.
  15. :iagree: Also, while you can use any two equations for the first elimination, the second set MUST use the third equation that wasn't used...and one that's been used. So in Kathy's example, she first used eqn 1 and 3, Her next elimination MUST use eqn 2 (otherwise you end up with the same equation). So use eqn 2 and either eqn 1 or 3...whichever works better.
  16. Word has Equation Editor built in. Go to Insert, Object, Equation. I use it to write tests. There is a bit of a learning curve, but it prints great. There's also LaTex (I think I'm doing that right) but I've not worked with it and it's got more of a learning curve, but it's also more powerful.
  17. No ideas for you, but :grouphug: Health concerns are scary. I hope you can get a good doctor who'll help figure this out and I wish you peace in the meantime.
  18. My sons medical I'd has his food allergies and my cell phone number on it.
  19. We've got an original iPad. It's great for websurfing and some games. IMO it does not replace a regular computer. The iPad doesn't support flash which causes a problem with some programs. I am not sure if other tablets do support Flash. I find typing on the tablet trickier than on a keyboard and the idea of typing a whole document on it makes my skin crawl. A keyboard is MUCH easier. I'm not on the computer as much as I used to be since I'm on the tablet more, but the computer definitely serves its purpose for us. If I only could have one, I'd have a computer.
  20. :iagree: Although with 1 and 2, Miquon made a nice addition.
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