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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Completed first 5k today. Trail run. I'm beat!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dana


      Spending rest of day lying down and whining :). I'm still only halfway through the couch to 5k, but I've always done stuff out of order. Dh and ds both finished third for their age class and in the 20s. I was 81st...but I finished (and then almost passed out, thus the lying down the rest of the day!) will likely try running the whiole time at the next in Oct on a road race rather than these damned trails. The hills were TOUGH!


    3. quark


      You are awesome! :)

    4. Roadrunner


      Wow! Congrats!

  2. Little bit of cleaning and organizing in my office. I've been shredding old papers. Have credit card statements from early 90s! (or had) Getting out with family later today - seeing Whedon's Much Ado this afternoon, then picking up stuff for my first 5k tomorrow (my goal is to finish it... assuming I don't decide to sleep through it. Don't know what I was thinking to agree to run at 7am on Sunday). Need to start thinking about menu and grocery list for the week for husband's trip to store tomorrow.
  3. Testing in Firefox here.... :huh: Got smilies... hyperlinks? Seems to work.... Don't know what the switch above the B and to the left of the eraser is... and since it looks like this is working, I don't want to click on it.... Good luck Ellie!
  4. South Park the Movie had an interesting take :)
  5. See, I'd be fine with a nudist beach, but I'd sunburn so badly it wouldn't be funny. I live in the south and wear long sleeves in the summer to help protect my arms from the sun. Norwegian heritage doesn't do well in the south. Can I be a nudist in spirit?
  6. There's a sticky with site abbreviations at the top of most pages. It should help.
  7. And tags were extremely helpful. They aren't anymore :(
  8. Glad he's okay. I agree with you on texting.
  9. We'll be watching the last one later tonight. Imdb lists Sherlock returning in October though...and they have the first two titles :)
  10. Awesome! Ours got the award in 2001. I feel very lucky with our library. It's good to hear of others that are wonderful too!
  11. Bumping with hopes for an update from admin?
  12. For transfer, look for the articulation agreement if there is one between the cc and end college. Then you'll have a better idea of which courses transfer in. It also may be a good idea to get an AA or AS before transfer. Then the child has a degree even if something happens at the uni.
  13. I haven't used it, but I have it. We've used CE 1 and are in 2 right now. You may also want to check logic and K8 boards. I know there's been discussion. Check for WWW abbreviation too. I'd say it's very open and go. 20 words each week, some activities, lots of memorization. The words are ones you'd see most often in classic literature. I've been pleased with words in CE.
  14. You don't want the markings. I know it seems counterintuitive, but the kids figure it out fast.
  15. Full time homeschoolers. Son only did private half day kindergarten. He got in in 4th grade. What I've read on the public boards also seem to indicate that they'll ask if they want more info, but I didn't read on the boards about anyone being asked for more info with qualifying test scores. Portfolios seemed to lead to more questions than tests.
  16. I'll join the cooking hate. With our son's food allergies, we have to cook most foods and lots of casserole and crock pot recipes don't work for us. So that's frustrating too. I am lucky though that dh does the grocery shopping and cooks dinners and weekends, so I do only have to do lunch. I sometimes do meatballs and freeze them. That makes a quick meal. I plan our meals for the week in advance and have the list on the fridge. Prep what's possible day before and try to do leftovers one day. I have liked taking cooked chicken and adding salsa to it for fajitas the next day.
  17. Interesting. Must depend on when they're doing the review...or if there were LoR issues... Son's scores were just over border and IQ and achievement were enough....
  18. My son is in TiP, Numats, and CTY. No issues with being in all. I don't recall having to provide proof of qualification scores to sign up and take the Explore or SCAT.
  19. The discussion board I linked has a lot of helpful talk on what is good to include with portfolios as well.
  20. The school where I got my graduate degree and teaching credential got 3 stars. It still didn't prepare me to teach and the education classes were a joke. I honestly believe that my 10 yo son could pass any of the graduate education classes right now. I want education departments ONLY for the graduate level. Have students have a major in an undergraduate field and then go on to study education in grad school. And very very little of my teaching credential has been of help with homeschool.
  21. Good advising would also have her retake the COMPASS if it's been a while between testing and starting classes. She could take courses at the cc for dual enrollment. That would likely be more useful than CLEP. Our remedial math classes start in arithmetic... or she could look at adult ed classes. My FIL went back and got his high school diploma when dh was in middle school.
  22. You need 2 of 3: IQ, Achievement test, portfolio. From here. If you have scores from IQ and Achievement, you're in (unless LOR were to tank it). Portfolio has to be reviewed. From the Davidson boards here, it sounds like they don't reject, but they will say we need more information, or you can reapply later if the portfolio isn't what they're looking for and you only have one of the achievement or IQ tests.
  23. We contacted the university psychology department. A grad student did the WISC. We said why we were having the test done and the report was written with Davidson in mind. It ran about $200.
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