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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Articulation agreement is probably the best to check. You can also look at transfer student requirements because that is where they may be most likely to have info on how the receiving college will handle incoming credit. Hang on to course descriptions published in the college catalog where you take courses and also the syllabus. Those will be asked for if there are any questions about what the course you took covered.
  2. That can also be because you sometimes get online students who just don't do the work. Having an assignment due first class can be a way to count attendance. We have to drop no shows for financial aid. I've emailed students when I've had stuff due at start of term. Some of them don't even check college email.
  3. :grouphug: It sounds like you're asking the right questions though. And there will ALWAYS be things we do wrong for our kids. Keep getting information, make changes to your plans as you learn more, don't hold your son back from what he is interested in, and let go of the rest. :grouphug:
  4. I think When Harry... was big because when it came out it was different. I imagine seeing it now loses a lot :)
  5. If you've been using Standards, you should be able to move easily from 5B to AoPS prealgebra. We'll probably be using the Elements of Mathematics instead, but we're moving from 5B away from Singapore. I do intend to use IP and CWP for 6 but not the text and WB.
  6. For 6 less than 10, you can use a sentence with money... "Suppose your sister has $10 and you have $6 less than she does. How much do you have?" Contrast to a sentence with less... "You had $8 less the $2 you spent on a soda. How much do you have now?" I find money helps a lot.
  7. The Process Skills books will be excellent for teaching the bar models.
  8. People had that happen a lot after the switch over. I think you'll get them back tomorrow!
  9. Sounds like boy may have some rereading to do! :)
  10. The publisher split it into the 3 books. It was submitted as one: LOTR. He has the single version (here on amazon). Boy says it's not a creature: it's enchanted water ("cursed water, I believe. You don't know what it is. It's just black water snakes up and they all run into the mines.") I have no idea if he's right... but that was the most recent complaint about the movies when we teased him about watching it on vacation. He saw the movie 3 years ago and still holds a grudge :)
  11. I think the merit in the bar model is that it leads so nicely to algebra. I think some of the problems in 4 and 5 are easier to solve with bars than with algebra (some that I'd solve with a system but the bar is significantly faster). I mainly see the bar method as a useful tool. I don't know if I'd go back and try to teach it though... I do think it provides a really cool and pretty useful visualization for word problems though.
  12. My son would cheerfully join that. He watched the first half of Fellowship after reading LoTR. First, he's really ticked because he says it's one book as per Tolkien, not 3. Then he absolutely HATES the movie. "It's not like that!" "There's no octopus before the mines!" I like the movies... but I've only read Fellowship :)
  13. My husband saw Perfect Storm with my father. Dh didn't like it. My father gave us the DVD as a Christmas present one year. :confused1: I really didn't like Clooney at the time, so during my pregnancy, I decided to watch Perfect Storm one day. We were on a budget, so I couldn't really get out & I was getting bored at home. I figured, Clooney and Wahlberg die at the end, so hey, happy movie right? Took me two days to watch since I got seasick halfway through it. And at the end, I was just sobbing. Stupid pregnancy hormones.
  14. I did see it in the theater. It's why I refused to watch The Matrix even when my husband said it was good. "I don't believe you. I saw Johnny Mnemonic. This is Keanu in a futuristic sci fi movie. Not gonna do that's again!" Avengers was worse...unless I've blocked so much of Johnny...but did you watch that teddy bear scene?!
  15. Had fun hanging out online tonight. Off to bed!

  16. My friends adopted and took their 4 yo with them. I think they were in China for two weeks, but I may not be remembering correctly.
  17. Trust me...it makes absolutely no more sense in context.
  18. Thanks for sharing. Good laugh here! Did you ever get her to watch?
  19. On the topic of celebrity crushes/hatred... I adore(d) Sean Connery. However, he has been in some of the most dreadful movies. We ended up walking out of Medicine Man (oh my, that was bad). During a time when we weren't going to the movies and before you could rent DVDs, we'd buy ones we wanted to see. That's how I own a copy of (IMO) the all time worst movie made...The Avengers. The trailer looked good...Connery...in a kilt! Ralph Fiennes...Uma Thurman... My husband refused to stay in the living room with me and watch the whole thing. I think the teddy bear costumes were the last straw for him. I did watch the whole thing...and it was that awful. Not sure link will paste... This is the scene. What's your worst ever movie? Ideally with actors you otherwise like.
  20. I'm no help because I don't think I'd continue to have my son on the team. If you don't have alternatives to the team, I don't know what I'd suggest. Sorry it's so tough!
  21. It seemed like we had to pause for some times...he'd get a good bit wrong for a week or two, then he'd catch back up. Phrases in particular were tricky. We also watched a good bit of Schoolhouse Rock for parts of speech :)
  22. We used some of it at 9 and at 10. He needed some more practice with parts of speech and the approach with diagramming helped enough that he was able to move on with MCT. I think you are at a place where Rex would work well. Sometimes my son would do the MCT sentence analysis and then I'd diagram it for him. It also helped for me to ask him how a word was functioning in the sentence. I'll mark the things he gets wrong, then we'll discuss it. Sometimes he has to look up a word in the dictionary to help think through part of speech.
  23. See! Potluck starts to look like a smart decision! ;) My folks didn't offer us anything to do our wedding differently, but apparently they did have a discussion about what to do if we didn't show up. They decided they'd have a party and family reunion. :) Hope today is better, Faith!
  24. Yikes! I'd have trouble giving any money to RockStar! I'll let my son do the shooting in CoD, but GTA is right off the table! Dh and I used to argue about him playing Duke Nukem 3D. I suppose I'm more concerned with the representation of women in some games than the violence in them,
  25. One danger there is finally having freedom and then gorging. I remember during finals, playing a video game regularly, hearing my alarm in the morning and continuing to hit snooze, thinking I could restore to an earlier save game. :) I'll do everything to be sure m y son can self regulate his gaming and prioritize his time before college. If its only the violent games that are restricted, that's very different than restricting all gaming. I read some gaming forums and do hear about people who did flunk out of college due to gaming habits.
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