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Zoo Keeper

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Everything posted by Zoo Keeper

  1. My deepest sympathy. Praying for you and your family at this difficult time.
  2. Worked just now for me... https://bestforall-cms.tnedu.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Grade 2 Individual Code Chart CORRECTED.pdf
  3. Our experience agrees with both of the previous posts above^.
  4. Many congratulations to all of you!
  5. Mary Pope Osborne's Tales From the Odyssey might work.. https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Odyssey-Part-Mary-Osborne/dp/1423128648/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32YR9LH0GIH0N&keywords=mary+pope+osborne+odyssey+series&qid=1702319437&sprefix=mary+pope+o%2Caps%2C1141&sr=8-1 and there is a volume 2 ... https://www.amazon.com/Odyssey-Gray-Eyed-Goddess-Return-Osborne/dp/1423126106/ref=pd_bxgy_img_d_sccl_1/133-1450878-7885223?pd_rd_w=aLViF&content-id=amzn1.sym.839d7715-b862-4989-8f65-c6f9502d15f9&pf_rd_p=839d7715-b862-4989-8f65-c6f9502d15f9&pf_rd_r=FC1KKPBWQ38THWNN31VP&pd_rd_wg=tV4ME&pd_rd_r=f3e5876d-248b-4af9-b67e-1fbd30de5169&pd_rd_i=1423126106&psc=1
  6. Oh dear sweet me, no! No, we do not need an image. My imagination is doing just fine, thank you. No actual pictures needed.
  7. We've been happy with Blurb photo books. https://www.blurb.com/
  8. My PSAT test taker (Oct test) got scores today as well-- percentiles are there for us.
  9. I'm very sorry for your loss; praying for comfort for you and your family.
  10. A university local to me has a Video and Film Production major... https://www.husson.edu/nescom/video-production/
  11. In my neck of the woods, homeschooling always had a healthy cohort of religious homeschoolers and free-spirit, "hippy" homeschoolers. Even back in the day, there were pockets of both, and even families that were both simultaneously. I have seen an uptick in the past 15 years of "middle of the road" homeschoolers, those who are homeschooling for practical reasons, not just philosophical reasons. Their child was bullied, or falling behind, or was the square peg that didn't fit in the round hole, so they are doing it themselves.
  12. Glad you are safe, MEmama. Prayers for the safety of others here in Maine.
  13. I found this article from the BBC helpful...it uses maps to help explain... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-54116567
  14. Sonlight science has kits, as does Bookshark (secular Sonlight).
  15. You can keep going with R&S 4, and you *can* still write the answers in the grade 4 book (or give the problems/answers orally) for a large portion of each lesson. BTDT. The amount of problems that truly need to copied out to other paper is smaller than it looks. You could also cut the Review Exercises for each lesson in half (do odds or evens) if you needed to reduce the workload. Looking over these sample pages from the student text may help you see how it could work... https://samples.milestonebooks.com/1-13401-3/#138
  16. Thanks for all the wonderful pages you posted on your blog. Beautifully done. 🙂 And thanks for making them freely available. I miss the days when people had sites/blogs and shared things w/o paywalls and subscriptions. (Yes, I do understand that creating content takes time, and time can equal money, but I am bemoaning the loss of how sites/blogs used to be about connecting and sharing, not just a chance to make money. Crusty neo-Luddite rant over. )
  17. Yes! We need to bring in the outdoor stuff (plants in pots, volleyball net, etc.), get a few things at the store, and be ready to lose power. We don't have a generator. One of my kids is getting a hurricane/tropical storm for her birthday this weekend! She's not impressed (insert teenage eye roll here 🙄). She wanted to have PLANS, but I'm not cool with going out on the town in the middle of a storm. Mean old mom. Should be a fun weekend!
  18. You're using the K12 World History book, right? Use those Key Questions at the beginning of each chapter as discussion points that could eventually turn into mini essays. That was the major written output for my LD child when he did that book in high school. LOTS of guided discussion with me, then a few paragraphs to answer those Key Questions. Yes, he needed insane amounts of re-reading and scaffolding to make this happen. Taking notes on the text was pointless for him-- it all just ran together and he couldn't find a main point very well. Just too much to wade through. Those Key Questions helped him focus his reading to trace the development of *one thing* at a time. Much better for him. If/when I felt tests were needed, we read the texts from PASS world history, and then used the tests included with that. World History Part One & Part Two
  19. These are the 13/10 ISBN numbers for my 1986/88 Dolciani Alg 2 with trig -- this one 978-0395352595 or 0395352592 I did NOT pay $650 for mine... 😲 Not even $65. Ebay had some Dolciani last time I looked...
  20. Remedia Publications has books on outlining... https://www.rempub.com/outlining-2-book-set
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