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Everything posted by purpleowl

  1. We do $1 per tooth. I have been known to go into 11yo's room in the morning saying "time to wake up"--then I see the special tooth pillow--"JUST KIDDING, don't wake up yet, the tooth fairy definitely didn't forget to come last night, haha, just...um...keep your eyes closed for a moment..."
  2. Deep breaths - it will be okay. 🙂 You are not asking too much. I'm a little confused - are you planning to have him continue doing the virtual school and add in some academics at home as well? Or are you planning to switch entirely to homeschooling, no more virtual school? Just trying to figure out how to advise. Either way, @ElizabethB will probably have some suggestions about remediating his reading skills - hopefully she will pop in here!
  3. I am unable to comment on the topic of the thread but am posting anyway to say that the baby is totally adorable. 💕
  4. I was wondering if he was thinking of significant figures (or significant digits). Not exactly the concept described, but could be what he's trying to come up with.
  5. I see the drop in revenue this year. I guess even fake companies are affected by 2020. 😄
  6. Yep. And I also agree that it depends on the kid. It was exactly what was needed for my oldest to develop automaticity with math facts. Drills were not working for her. Engaging problems that required her to use those facts - that was what worked. My middle child also thrived on just BA. My youngest is currently doing a combination of BA and Math Mammoth.
  7. Mine is open 8am-8pm today. The ones around here are pretty good about posting special hours on Facebook.
  8. I have been called twice and met the criteria for being automatically excused both times (pregnant once, primary caretaker of a child under the age of six the other time). Homeschooling isn't on that list of criteria, and my youngest child is now six, so I wouldn't be automatically excused if I were called again. I taught social studies, including civics, for 7 years, and never got a summons during that time. I really wanted one then, lol! DH gets called with more frequency. And if he has to show up (that is, he calls the night before and his number is required to be there), then he gets picked to serve, every time.
  9. I forgot to include a link! This is the shirt I got: https://www.etsy.com/listing/846569007/wizards-flourish-blotts-magical
  10. I got myself a Harry Potter t-shirt from Etsy. I like it. 😊
  11. Yeah, I thought about noting that it was somewhat disappointing, lol.
  12. Ask and you shall receive: It should be cued to the right spot, but just in case, the Mentos/Coke thing is at about the 3-minute mark.
  13. I never turned it off. Not all assignments are typed, but when they do type assignments, spellcheck is there. My kids who can type have no learning challenges.
  14. Sounds similar to my experience except that the visual disturbance is with both eyes, not just one. Like, it might be on the right side, but it's still there even if I close my right eye. I get them very infrequently and don't know what my triggers are.
  15. Welcome! 🙂 We just have a budget category for homeschooling. There's no one reimbursing us for expenses. I was going to say I don't think that's a thing where I live, but I know there is one state scholarship (for kids with certain disabilities) that can be used by homeschooling families. I'm not sure of the details, but it would make sense that they'd want an accounting for how the funds are used. Anyway, if you are in a place or working with a program that reimburses, I would think a spreadsheet would be sufficient for tracking expenses.
  16. I feel more self-conscious about speaking to others, actually. I can't see facial expressions well to gauge how my words are being received, nor can I use facial expressions as part of my communication. The mask does cover up the three zits I currently have, though, so that's nice. 😄
  17. Some that I expected to dislike but ended up liking: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Paradise Lost, Animal Farm. I expected to dislike Moby-Dick, but it was...fine. There were good parts, and there were parts that dragged on. I'm not eager to read it again, but I didn't hate it. I expected to like Pride and Prejudice. I found it dull and boring. *runs for cover*
  18. The ennui thing is absolutely cracking me up. 🤣 I'd never heard of that book before. One that I really despise is Leo the Late Bloomer. I don't have a problem with "it's okay to figure things out later than other people." I do have a problem with "and one day, he suddenly had complete competence in every single area!"
  19. Local schools were initially supposed to start August 10 but pushed it back to August 19. As of yesterday they were talking about pushing it back again, to August 24 (they're implementing new technology that they want teachers to have enough time to train on). We go year-round - took a two-week break at the end of June / beginning of July, but have been back at it for two weeks at this point. But I always do "first day of school" pics in mid-August. August 10ish is probably when that will happen for us still.
  20. I have one kid who has completed AOPS Prealgebra (book, not online) and one who's doing it now and seems to be going at about the same pace. For them, it's about 3/4 of a school year for completing the book. That includes doing every problem, and we spend what I think is a normal amount of time on math each day (40 mins - 1 hr, I'd guess). But I've seen more than one poster here say they spent two school years on the book. And I'm pretty sure some have done it faster than my kids. So I think it really varies a lot by student, and I don't know if this is helpful or just further muddying the waters. 😄 I have no experience with the other options you're considering, so I can't offer any comparisons.
  21. I say things like, okay, you're doing six of these change-the-adjective exercises, so you may give silly answers for two of them. The silly answers take longer than the others sometimes because they want to get as ridiculous as possible. 🙂
  22. I like W&R a lot, and I do think my girls have benefited from the "structure but room for creativity" approach. They have just started book 7, and I like how the program has helped them develop writing skills. One thing someone here suggested was to use the book The Most Wonderful Writing Lessons Ever prior to starting W&R. I did that found it very beneficial to get them thinking creatively. I think I spent about a semester on it. Certainly not a requirement, but it did work well for us. I think the activities there would be great for a hesitant writer to build confidence. W&R includes a tiny bit of grammar, but if you want thorough grammar instruction you'll need a separate resource.
  23. My guess? It's a thing she feels like she can have control over. There's a lot right now that we don't have control over. I don't think it's at all unusual for someone to pick a thing they feel like they CAN control and focus their mental energy there.
  24. Butter the bread. Sprinkle sugar on. Sprinkle cinnamon on. Put in toaster oven (or oven if you're making a bunch of slices). Broil. This is how I grew up making it and how my children have learned to make it. You "toast it first" people are crazy. 🤷‍♀️😄 I never saw the cinnamon and sugar mixed together thing until one of my kids asked for cinnamon for her applesauce at a restaurant and they brought out a cinnamon/sugar mixture.
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