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Everything posted by BusyMom5

  1. I feel badly that I haven't spent much time with my little DD. She's just so young that it doesn't matter, but she wants to do school. She would be in Kindergarten this year age-wise. I've gotten to the point in reading where we need to pause for more fluency. LoE B lesson 70, AAR2 lesson 20. She loves the games for both programs, so we do a lot of that. I've went through a bunch of old readers and have been trying to get her to read more "real books." Moffat Girls Spelling, I think I'm using this more for reading reinforcement than Spelling. Writing is still a challenge and she's just so young. It has been very good, though! She loves the worksheets and this is her favorite thing to do right now. It's been good for handwriting- I have McRuffy, too, but i think its still too hard for her. Handwriting is one of the main focus areas I'm working on this year bc she struggles with it. Aside from B and D, most letters are the correct orientation now. Still working on correct strokes. Math- we are just getting 3ish lessons a week, but I think that's okay. She does love to play games, so gets a lot of math with that. Handwriting holds her back a bit- accuracy in orientation: 2- 50%, 3-70%, 5- rarely 🙈, 9- 60%. Finally feel like 7 is correct most of the time! I cannot believe the 10 digits have been so hard, but they have. We've done a lot of tracing and I gently correct sometimes. My goal is 90% accuracy for all digits by the end of the year. My big kids are hard this year- Physics and Saxon Advanced Math take about 3 hours of the day. I'm not doing all the teaching, but they need little DD out of the room and quiet when they work. I usually sit with them for the whole time they do math so I can help (sort of, it's hard). They also need me to spend 30-60 minutes with direct teaching I'm English! It's really hard to juggle all these ages.
  2. If you go to a chain store she can pick it up locally. Walmart, CVS, Walgreens- all places we've used out of state.
  3. Unless you have a house found that's ready to move into, I would be looking for a rental for a while so you won't be rushing things like loans, settling on location based on what's currently available, etc. If you have time, I'd start at my bank then look online to get an idea of current rates. I think it's easier to work with someone local to get all the paperwork in order, but they do usually sell the loan to another company 🤷‍♀️
  4. My turning 6 is getting a Rip Razor 360. We've had these for years, and they are always a big hit with kids who come over. It's not small or cheap, but lots of fun! Other things played with- Imaginext (ours are old, but they should have some little action figures). Lite Brite- relaxing and it gets pulled out every few weeks. Educational games. Puzzles- about 50-100 pieces at this age.
  5. I just ran across this thread and hope you found a good solution. My suggestion would be to slow down and redo Al1 with another curriculum. I don't think it's a hating math thing. I think it has a lot more to do with maturity and not being ready to write out as much is required or spend that much time on math problems. In this case, Al2 will not be a good fit at all.
  6. Added September to the title. I'm sorry I haven't been on here much- we've been really busy!
  7. I'm a 34 C-D, it's much more comfortable if I'm moving around doing things if the girls are stabilized. I currently also have cysts that come and go with my cycle- when they are bad I even wear a bra to sleep in to stop jiggling.
  8. I was done at 5, then had a 6th 6 years later 🤷‍♀️. That pregnancy was awful! Throwing up the whole 9 months and through the labor, too! I just feel like I have no desire to be PG or have a newborn anymore.
  9. Thank you all! I'll be making an appt for Mirena tomorrow. This seems like a good first step, not drastic, but still trying something!
  10. We are doing $50 a week. She does also have a required $300? In Dining Dollars that need to be spent at school eateries.
  11. I think that's pretty normal for a lot of practices. Mine refers out for anything beyond front like care. He keeps telling me this, so I know it's a thing at the practice. What it means is they will do routine things, but if your condition doesn't improve you get referred to a specialist.
  12. I had Paragard for a year- caused very heavy bleeding. I'm only considering Mirena bc it would be nice to not have to chart my cycles all the time and I need something to manage the heavy periods. I don't think it would help anything else going on with me though.
  13. I went yesterday and I really liked her! I really didn't want hormones or BCPs, so she told me about some options. For the itching, it looks like a YI, culture it to be sure, I got Diflucan. I may need to take it monthly until this stops. I'm going to use coconut oil- great suggestion- for the irritation! Other suggestions for longer term- prebiotic (have used), possibly homemade Keifer (yuck), maybe ACV? I think it's a symptom to manage. No easy answer, but I could change my diet, etc. Cysts- didn't talk about much. Try B12. Aside from.a hormonal supplement, probably another thing to just manage. On issue 3- the bleeding. This is the one that has also started to get very annoying- at this point ive had to buy new pants while out shopping! It is affecting my lifestyle. She offered several options and I'm considering them- open to opinions. 1. Ibprophen or Tranexemic Acid (sp?) Once period starts to hopefully lesson clots. 2. Ablation - This is most invasive, not sure if I'm ready for this yet, but I know it's only going to get worse. 3. Mirena IUD - this dies have some hormones, but it would also be BC. I'm concerned about mood changes and weight gain.... but I'm also at an age that I'm dealing with both of those anyway!
  14. I've got AAR and LoE. The AAR readers are a lot better- lots more to read! With both programs you will probably need to find more readers. I have some from The Good and the Beautiful, too. The little ones are available for free in the download. You would need to print them off or use digitally.
  15. The powder you put into a water bottle to make KoolAid- lots of different flavors! Protien bars or and snack-sized chips. Post-its are always handy. The little Kleenex pouches that go in your purse or backpack.
  16. Ignore MW, but seriously it's an adult human female with XX DNA- with very few biological exceptions. We have other words to describe the other people who wish to use this term. They should not get to appropriate a term with a widely understood meaning.
  17. I updated in a post below, I would love to hear what helped you with these symptoms. Especially interested to hear about Mirena in peri. Updating Again- Thank you all so much! I've decided to try a Mirena. Fingers crossed it helps the AF issues, at least for now. It will be nice to not worry about BC! For my other issues, I think I'm going to have to just manage them for now, but I will try adding some extra vitamins in and see if it helps the breast cysts.
  18. No Scarlett, but IMO choosing to put a space between drug addicted family members and elderly family members is not shutting them out in the cold. It sounds like they want to help but do not want responsibility for a pit bull or drugs (and the people they attract) on their property. In my family we had a similar but different situation. Grandson moved in with disabled grandpa who was unable to walk and had full time caregivers. It was to " Help him out" and the only requirement was he mow the yard. DH and I found out he was selling drugs out of the house. Having druggie people in and out all hours of the night, putting grandpa and caregivers in danger. We called the aunts and uncles, but no one wanted to "hurt the feelings" of the one struggling. Long story short- cops came, big mess, he moved out. Eventually he got cleaned up and now he's a decent guy with a job, a wife, and two kids. It's okay to choose to help but put up boundaries. I think it helps TO have those boundaries. Asking for drugs and the company they bring to not be on your property isn't saying they want this young man to be out on the street. Clearly they want to help and so do Scarlett and her DH. The question is how to help but not enable. There is also the question of keeping everyone else safe. They shouldn't be put at risk to help this young man. Right now drugs are an epidemic in our country. I don't know a single family who hasn't been touched by them. We both have cousins who are addicts. We don't let them around our children or in our homes. We wish they would get clean and stay clean! But we cannot force that to happen.
  19. I consider is a multi-generation family farm ;) I live one one, too. I know lots of families who do. It works out great as long as everyone is pulling some weight. It can even be helpful when a loved one gets into a rough spot to help them get back on their feet. Drug use on the property would be a hard NO from me. Person would be asked to leave. Of the options you've mentioned, I would move the RV to an RV park. This still let's mom and other family members help, but gets him and the dog off the property. Drugs and mental illness are hard. I don't know that there can be any help until he wants to get clean.
  20. Make it into 2 distinct sections- bedroom area in the corner, work or Reading area where the dog crate is. This is a lot of doors- can you block any off with a chair? I would keep decor light and probably add some lamps.
  21. Mine just moved in yesterday and starts class tomorrow. I'm really excited for her- no tears! She's not too far away and her campus is small and homey. I think she will come home most weekends for now- not a lot going on on campus and it's going to be 100+ all week, so probably too much time in her dorm (she's a farm kid used to being outside).
  22. I have two boys about the same age and I don't think they currently have any goals beyond a video game level or being rich one day 😆 I think that's totally normal! When I talk about goals I usually talk about stepping stones. No one gets across a creek with just one big leap, but most people can get across by using stepping stones and each step represents progress.
  23. I think what you did was fine, but it would also have been fine to speak to her. I would assume she wants a little closure with you, a way to say that she's sorry it didn't work out and she still likes you. Either way- no offense on anyone's part that I can see. Dating is a time of getting to know each other and kids change soooo much at this age!
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