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Everything posted by RioSamba

  1. We watch every year. Last night we went out at midnight to a sky full of clouds, but by 1:00 a.m. the sky was mostly clear. It was definitely the most we've seen in years. Some members of the family will hike tonight and hope to see more in the mountains.
  2. I'm a native of Boulder and live nearby. I agree with all of this.
  3. I'm so, so sorry. I won't say what I think of your husband or the women, but I will say you don't deserve any of this. I'd have a mojito. And hug your girls.
  4. My DH, who was diagnosed last year, is also Celiac. He tested negative for allergies but before treatment nuts were definitely a trigger. The allergist told him to check in frequently since it is a little understood disease. He takes Omeprazole first thing in the morning, and now has no symptoms.
  5. Yes, you need a lawyer ASAP, especially with his employment situation. No more talking to police without attorney. Hugs.
  6. Congratulations! I just prayed for your babyâ¤
  7. You can attend without joining. Speak to the minister. I think he will invite you to do just that.
  8. I'm so happy for you! I know you've been waiting for this agreement. Our caboose baby arrived when I was 43.5 and is closing in on his second birthdayâ¤
  9. The North Pole is a charming amusement park on the side of Pikes Peak. Disney imagineers designed it, Santa's there, and even my oldest still loves going.
  10. My older DS had them. After about a half dozen times, we tried putting his feet under cool running water. He calmed immediately and was back in bed sleeping peacefully within a few minutes. He did have a few more, and the water always worked. Younger DS had a night terror about a month ago. Water worked for him too.
  11. I just prayed for sweet Caden and your entire family, and the medical team as well. I hope you are sleeping tonight.
  12. You are kind, gracious, generous, and completely reasonable. Snuggle your baby and don't worry. You've gone above and beyond, now the ball's in MIL's court.
  13. This will be great fun for DS. Thanks for posting it!
  14. I need to know the fate of the purple pencil!
  15. (((Rosie and DD))) You posted about Marek knowing he was your best boy, and you knowing you were his best mum, no matter what. It touched my heart and helps me to be a more gentle mother.
  16. Prayed for swift recovery for Jonah and mom, and for the medical team to take good care of them.
  17. By hand in the sink, then blot, then iron.😃
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