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Everything posted by MEmama

  1. I've never heard of it, but I agree with you--how boring! I can't imagine anyone else caring about pictures of my DS; I mean, like everyone else I take a ton of them and I document them for our family, but I wouldn't expect anyone else to care. Not even his grandparents are interested for heavens sake! I wonder where the idea of a slide show at a birthday party (or wedding? Seriously?!) comes from (unless it's in an ironic, remember sitting through these in the 70's kind of way). Seems incredibly self centered.
  2. Does he still like to be read to? Many kids have long since given that up by that age (I know, not all, but many or most). What is he interested in? Why not take him to the library or the bookstore and have him pick out books? Does he browse on Amazon? He can look up favorite authors or books and get suggestions based on those. I would think by 13 he would want to pick out his own reading material? There's such a huge range for that age and of course interests are highly personal. Sorry if that's not helpful. I just can't imagine telling my kid what to read?
  3. DS stole a pair of my boots this year--they look so much more hip on him than they ever did on me! I am definitely going the route of buying him fantastic outdoor gear this year and next so I can inherit it. Now I wouldn't want to wear his stinky preteen boy shoes thankyouverymuch, but bring on the ski tights and toasty under armor and hip jackets and...and...and...oh My wardrobe is so excited! :)
  4. My almost 12 yo is 4'9 and has very slight, fine features. Combined with his pretty, long hair he gets called a girl constantly (not out of meanness--people just assume). I think that's more likely going to start bugging him more than being somewhat shorter than his mates. He's a very steady grower and has never had a real growth spurt so I'm not anticipating one anytime soon. Neither DH nor I are anywhere near tall, though some of our siblings are. When we talk about it, we emphasize strength and body type. His leanness and natural muscle form are perfect for the sports he enjoys most, none of which benefit from height. He's ok with it, but secretly I do hope the disparity doesn't get too noticeable in the upcoming years.
  5. I like being patient. :) Eta: I didn't mean to sound like a jerk. What I meant was that I actually kind of like it when we're forced to slow down. Like when the little old lady paying at the register takes forever digging through her pennies and everyone else in line actually makes eye contact and smiles at each other in commiseration? That kind of thing. Now, people who standing in the doorway obliviously talking on their phone...that's a whole 'norther conversation! Lol
  6. Same. We have more places here that will only take cash or checks and no plastic than the other way around. So I have to carry a couple checks with me anyway, and then keep up with multiple payment methods. Does it really annoy **anyone** how someone else pays for their groceries? I cannot imagine.
  7. Well, we all need to vent sometimes but this thread is rather inflammatory, yes? I mean geez, I don't live in the dark ages, but I prefer email and texting to any other kind of communication, other than face to face chatting over coffee that is. And while I'm hardly anti social, I don't belong to any groups or rely in any way on mass communication. I don't know anyone who uses FB--not family, not far away friends, absolutely not a single person I'm in contact with. And from what I can tell it's slowly going obsolete (as all trendy things must) so when I say I'll never join, it's because there's just no need for me to. I had no idea anyone cared what social media other people use or don't use (or how they pay for things for that matter). Learn something new everyday, I guess.
  8. No, it's not a statement for me to not be on FB, just as I'm not making a statement by not dyeing my hair green. And as far as I know, I've never asked you or anyone else to indulge me or go out of your way to accommodate me as a result. And I kinda think the whole point of this thread is * because* you do give a hoot that some people aren't on FB. ??
  9. I'm not on FB, never have been and never will be. No statement about it. Judgmental much?
  10. Well, field trips for us aren't just normal day to day stuff like grocery shopping or eating out. I think of them as focused outings with a purpose, whether historical, technological, nature based etc. Generally a field trip, to me, is with other people and is supposed to be educational, something more meaningful than reading about it home. That said, we've given up on them. Group outings IME tend to be a bunch of unruly kids running around while a helpless leader chats a bit about the topic to the few parents who are paying attention. The kids are, in my experience, always poorly behaved and disrespectful and generally bored. DS always leaves wondering why they didn't teach him anything, and asking not to do that again. For the same reasons we no longer belong to a co-op or take outside classes (other than sports). I would love to find classes that engage DS and really teach something, but so far that has eluded us. He isn't interested in doing field trips or taking classes unless they are really worth his while (and the other kids behave better and are also there to learn).
  11. What bothers me most? Every year I do so much research and think I've finally found just the right thing...and then a few weeks pass and we are both bored with it. DS is very science minded, but I have yet to find a program that is a good fit. Maybe it's that failure that I'm most bothered by. :(
  12. Another vote for Aussie 3 minute miracle. My son has long, fine, wavy hair and it's been the only product that's helped. I do make him wash it every.single day and that helps too--once those mats start, there's no stopping them. I use a wide toothed comb, but for the worst tangles I just use my fingers to loosen the knots. That seems to minimize fraying, which in turn minimizes tangles from forming. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep it under control under his hockey helmet. It's not quite long enough to braid and won't stay in a ponytail yet.
  13. My grandfather delivered my dad (stranded at home in a snowstorm), but otherwise wouldn't have been present. My dad wasn't allowed in the delivery room when my siblings were born mid-to-late 1960's, but jumped the opportunity when I came along in 1972. DH was there when I had DS; unfortunately for him, he had a close up view of my emergency C-section (but was glad to be there anyway--and to his huge credit, he neither fainted nor threw up. AND he still loves me. ;) )
  14. My son got his first teeth right around a year. He's almost 12 and has only lost 8. One has been super wiggly for 3 months; the dentist wouldn't pull it out then (we thought it would come out before the appt) and it's still there. Won't the dentist be surprised when 6 months later DS still has that tooth! Ha ha. We joke that he must take excellent care of his teeth, they just aren't in any hurry to leave. He'll need braces, but at this rate he won't be able to get them until he's in university. Teeth are weird. I definitely wouldn't worry.
  15. That's too bad! :(. That's surprising they couldn't be at least a little bit flexible. Since the interview went well, will this put him in line for another opening? Fwiw, tomorrow night is predicted to be -11. Depending on where you live now, maybe you won't feel so sad about not moving here in the middle of winter! Lol
  16. We use Consumer Cellular, too. We are about to ditch our cable supplier and use them for our home phone as well. I really can't say enough great things about their customer service, and the price just can't be beat. Highly recommend!
  17. I second compression bags (they squish your clothes down so they take up less room) and travel clothes (versatile and easy to clean and dry). If you just don't want to go light, be prepared to haul your stuff over cobbles, up stairs and cram it into tight quarters. Pinterest has tons of ways to pack lighter and still be prepared; I'd go that route instead, personally (then again, we are planning 2 weeks in Europe and I'm only taking a tote bag, so I'm a fan of packing light!).
  18. Too many deeply hurtful, insensitive and off the wall abuses from my family over the years to share here, but reading how other people deal with the crazy is definitely helping (if simultaneously dredging up old painful conversations). (would insert hug emoticon here but on the iPad)
  19. I agree that you should be proactive if possible. By doing so hopefully you'll remove her opportunity to feel like its her place to lecture DD or judge your parenting. I think sometimes even well meaning people lose perspective, and heading off any conflict ahead of time puts you in control of the situation, not her. Good luck!
  20. I sometimes freeze tomato sauce and leftover soups in glass jars and have never had any break, though I use ziplock bags more frequently. We have a tiny freezer so the ziplocks make more sense for storing flat. I also find them more convenient for things like tomato or ancho paste, where I might just need to break off a small portion rather than defrost an entire jar.
  21. A lot of bikers swear by mustard--some carry a little pack in their bike bag. DH occasionally gets leg cramps at night but they subside quickly if I can get a bit of mustard in him quickly enough. No idea why it works, but it might be worth a try in addition to the other tips.
  22. Can you bring it up with your parents indirectly, not indicating the convo you'd had with your sister? Something like the next time you chat, casually mentioning how much your kids are loving their new video game and wasn't it hilarious how into it they were when the parents were visiting? You just *love* their enthusiasm! Of course, mom, now that school has started back up they aren't playing it as much, but hey, isn't that what vacations are for? It's all coming from you, has a positive spin on it, and leaves your sister out of it. Your mom can feel free to vent to you directly then or change her thinking (oh yeah, they are kids after Christmas!); either way it gives her the opportunity to address you and clear the air. Good luck. Family drama is no fun.
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