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Everything posted by Joules

  1. Mine is older, so I'm trying to think back: If the school sent or took the student to this protest, I would have expected to be informed and signed a permission slip. I would be upset that that didn't happen, but I guess how upset would depend on how much I trusted the school. If the school knew the student left and didn't contact me, I would be upset. I think that is their responsibility. They a in loco parentis, so should let me know if they aren't in charge anymore. If the student skipped school and no one noticed, that's on the student (and possibly the school, but not every class takes attendance at that age.) If it were my kid, they should have informed me via text or phone or carrier pigeon where they would be. I would be upset if they didn't do that no matter the event.
  2. North Georgia here. My asthma is keeping me stuck at home.
  3. I can see that. If you look at the page that Mergath sent me to, you'll see the group you are thinking of is just one of many pagan religions. It's much more diverse than I realized.
  4. Yep, this happened to my swimming hole as a kid...at the time, all I was told was "The government made them close." It was years later before I knew what actually happened.
  5. Yeah, it does sound weird, and I've never heard anyone call themselves that...just Pagan or Wiccan (or now Heathen). It may be fancier for a sign...kinda like "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" when everyone just says Mormon or LDS.
  6. Thanks! When you say you are broadly and eclectically Pagan, is that a synonym for Neopagan? I guess what I'm asking are there both Pagans and "new" Pagans (Neopagans), or are all Pagans who live now Neopagans? (It sounds like a stupid question, but I'm not sure.) ETA: Wait a minute, I just realized that you said you were Buddhist-Pagan, so maybe not "new." It occurs to me as I read the article they are referring to reconstructed religions that had died out. Things like Buddhism and Hinduism would not really be "neo" since they have been practiced all along. (It's on my mind as dh is visiting Hindu temples and shrines in India this week.)
  7. My ds is educated in the way of the world, not a problem there. Trash that can be tied up is no biggie no matter what is in it. The overflowing part would bother me. If these things are lying all over the floor, that's a whole different job than "taking out the trash." It's cleaning up bodily waste. Maybe I'm just squeamish, but unless you have a medical problem, the privilege of someone else cleaning up your bodily waste ends after toilet training. Oddly trash isn't a "chore" here. When you go to put something in the trash and it is almost full, you bag it up and take it out...no matter who you are.
  8. Following along, I'm embarrassed to say that I thought Heathen was a synonym for Pagan. I love how much I learn here.
  9. Honestly, if you keep you yard as safe as reasonable and you really don't mind, I think I'd let it go. From what you are saying, I'm not sure her parents would respond if she is hurt no matter where she is. And, if she is not in your yard who knows where she would be.
  10. What worked for us before we had enough bathrooms was "I'm going to be in the bathroom awhile. Does anyone need to use it for something quick before?"
  11. That's a great simple video, bibiche. Thanks! I have been riding the train into the city more recently, but luckily have not seen any incidents yet. The idea that I might is a bit terrifying, but in the video she treats everything so calmly and quietly. I think it's a good thing for everyone to have in their head as mental support if this happens to or in front of them.
  12. I think it is likely stress. His life sounds extremely stressful, and I would guess it is almost a fight or flight thing. One possibility: It is hard to do what you need to on the toilet if you are stressed. Sometimes it takes time to relax. You need to know you aren't going to be interrupted. When you finally relax, someone bangs on the door or yells at you, and the process starts all over. This is a real physical thing that doesn't need fiber, but instead a less stressful environment. Another possibility: Even though he has "privacy" in his bedroom most of the time, at any point, someone could come in to look for things or ask things from him. I imagine he has a lock on the bathroom door, but not the bedroom. The bathroom is the only place that he can take a deep breath and feel relaxed. Honestly, I wonder if many of the problems (eating, laziness, etc.) you have with him are stress related. These things don't have the quick fix that you are looking for. You may have to back off completely and let him start to feel safe and relaxed. Over time the issues may resolve themselves. Yoga or meditation may be better activities than many of the other activities suggest previously for his various problems.
  13. Not excusing anything, but sometimes inappropriate behavior like that comes with dementia. Maybe you could have offered to call a family member to pick him up? Either he needs it and it would help, or he would get the message. I'm thinking now that might be a good line for anyone...."You are acting very inappropriately. Can I call someone to pick you up?"
  14. I don't have any experience with them, but if you have an enclosed space (like a screen porch or barn area) could you put a cat door activated with a collar sensor? The little door is unlocked when the collar is close. I've known one person that used one for her indoor/outdoor cat.
  15. Decided to go to bed early and I just woke up. A little too much to take in all at once.
  16. Ds is a new freshman in college and just lost a classmate from two of his classes. It's been devastating to the kids. Counselors did come to the classes. I'm so hoping that it is isolated.
  17. Must be regional...I hear it referred to as the "death tax" all the time. ETA: I guess I live in an area where most people are against estate tax. On further research, it seems that the phrase is used by people opposed to it.
  18. I got to that point with all shampoos. I would become allergic within a couple of months. The allergist recommended Vanicream products. They are available on the retail market (amazon, etc.) and not just at the doctor's office now. I've been using their Free and Clear Shampoo and Conditioner for years now without becoming allergic. https://www.psico.com/product/free-and-clear-shampoo/
  19. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/nov/01/comparing-and-contrasting-clinton-trump-johnson-an/ This seems comprehensive, but it would be lots of work to click and read the quotes for each position. http://2016election.procon.org/view.source-summary-chart.php There really seems to be more comparisons from primary times, but I guess they are still accurate: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/tag/what-the-candidates-believe/ http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/elections/candidates-on-the-issues.html
  20. The League of Women Voters usually has info, but it's not much: http://c3.thevoterguide.org/v/ajc16/race-detail.do?id=14553785
  21. It's all a scam. They are not giving you an extra hour; they are just returning the hour they took from you earlier in the year. I demand interest!
  22. I second abeos. I heard about them here. I actually have a pair of dress shoes that I can wear without dying in pain now!
  23. You may have started a trend. Google is going to be mighty perplexed with the sudden rise in e-mail "hacking" around the holidays. :lol: This is the first year we will not have anything for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's just the three of us. We'll see the grandparents at different times over the season. I've hated the obligation for so long and dread the season. I truly wonder how many years it will take before I enjoy this time of year again?
  24. I've found jerky is a good protein source that is easy to carry to eat between classes. I've been ordering it from amazon to send.
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