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Everything posted by Joules

  1. An article on just that: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/06/left-out-why-is-it-so-hard-for-older-women-to-get-the-hpv-vaccine/258611/
  2. Thanks all, it feels better just to hear others' thoughts. I ended up not going down there. We've been texting a good bit, and he is very busy with classes. I'm going down to get him for the weekend on Friday.
  3. The Aluminium adjuvants section disputes the two articles the ophthalmologist, Tomljenovic, wrote about the safety of HPV vaccines. They are references 3 and 4 at the bottom of the page. That is the research she cited in the article that you posted. The effectiveness claims have been disputed by studies cited in the CDC and WHO. There are some in the links others have posted. The author's last paper in 2015 had to be withdrawn from the journal Vaccine due to questionable methods/data: "This article has been withdrawn at the request of the Editor-in-Chief due to serious concerns regarding the scientific soundness of the article. Review by the Editor-in-Chief and evaluation by outside experts, confirmed that the methodology is seriously flawed, and the claims that the article makes are unjustified. As an international peer-reviewed journal we believe it is our duty to withdraw the article from further circulation, and to notify the community of this issue. The full Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal can be found at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/withdrawalpolicy."
  4. Here's some information from WHO that explains the flaws in her studies: http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/committee/reports/Jun_2012/en/
  5. Please don't quote I'm processing this myself and just trying to figure out what to do for ds. He seems OK by text. Counselors came to his class and there have been plenty of e-mails from administrators sharing information about the counseling center. I want to drive down there and hug him. I'll delete details, but the young man killed himself in a very dramatic way in the middle of campus after class. I knew about the death, but it's a campus of 30,000 students, so it didn't occur to me that it would be a student in ds's little 20 person small group freshman class. Ds didn't know him well, but others in class did. They've only been there 8 weeks :-( What have y'all done when your kids are faced with tragedy the first time after leaving the nest?
  6. We just got my dad a Roku TV from amazon. It seems to work great. It's great for him because there is only one remote and the interface is similar to the Roku he was familiar with.
  7. There have been rumors about the ovarian failure for a while, but it hasn't been substantiated by the research. The few cases that happened after vaccination are not statistically out of line with what happens in the general public. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/hpv-safety-faqs.html#A6 Ds missed those adolescent shots. When he went to get his college shots, tetanus booster and meningitis, the doctor also recommended HPV and Hep A. Given the information, he decided to get both. College age may be "too late" for some, so I would recommend not waiting that long.
  8. I'm so, so sorry :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  9. Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be by Frank Bruni
  10. Just have a sec: Look into SIBO and the low FODMAPs diet. I just recently tested positive for SIBO and the GI is using the probiotic Visbiome in addition to the other meds
  11. We eat pretty much dye-free here, including the dogs, but there are Milk Bones and other treats that are full of dye. Get something red, like the fake sausages, and it will give the poop a very unnatural orange tone. (I always used to know which neighbor's dog pooped in my yard because of this.) Of course, feeding them crayon shavings is probably more healthy ;-)
  12. Thinking of everyone from up here in Atlanta. Take Care!
  13. The picky-eater kid is funny, but I have so been that mom!
  14. I agree I wouldn't worry a bit. In game development, First Person Shooter is more a description of the point of view of the game, not the level of violence. You could be tossing cookies to animals in the zoo with a FPS perspective and game engine. It just means you are looking through the eyes of your character, usually seeing nothing but your character's hands, and the game usually involves projectiles coming from your character.
  15. I think he has already read all of Pratchett's books, many of them twice. He is my favorite author, so they began as early read-alouds in our home. One of his college application essays was actually about the first Tiffany Aching book. So, so sad that there won't be more of them :crying:
  16. In me, it did. As a matter of fact at 22yo, I was in the hospital with a story that sounds just like your dd's. Looking back, I had some signs before, but nothing like that health crisis. From what the docs say, it's a genetic predisposition that gets triggered, not necessarily something you are born with.
  17. Sudafed during the day and Mucinex at night can help. Chiropractic can help if there is a misalignment that is exacerbating the drainage problem. My ds started college this year and is having some back and shoulder problems from sitting in class such long periods each day.
  18. :grouphug: to you! It sounds like things are good, considering he had a stroke! I hope things progress along this positive path.
  19. My GI doctor has me on Visbiome for SIBO. It's supposed to be good for IBS and leaky gut.
  20. Thank you all for the suggestions. I am passing them on to ds!
  21. That's so awesome...it's hard for our kids, but it is so much more challenging to go back after so many years. You Rock!!
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