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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Lol... the best part is... I was serious.:p :lol: Boy'm I glad I can laugh at myself ;)
  2. :) glad I could help. I hope it works out for your ds. :grouphug: It's never easy seeing your dc hurt... hug the little guy for me please :)
  3. Okay, so I'm not sure I got to all of them, but... wow. Yeah, the transition to Mimi makeup and alcohol was a good thing. I don't even want to comment beyond that. :grouphug:
  4. I posted before I looked....... uh, I don't have the time to devote to the novel you guys have written. I'm waiting for the cliff notes ;) Hey, on a down day a little Mimi goes a loooooooooooooooong way :lol:
  5. I think the den leaders and the pack leader need to start fresh with both boys, starting with a discussion on the rules. I totally agree with you, threats are out of line. They should not be a part of scouts, they have no place in scouts and the leaders (especially the ass. den leader - the boy's mother) should have nipped that in the bud. I have an ADHD boy in my den. The other kids are not allowed to be rude, mean, or exlude him from activities. Granted, he can be annoying, but I will not stand for cliques developing in my den. He is a cub, he helps the pack "go" as much as everyone else and the pack has a responsibility to help him "grow." I really think that the den leaders, pack leader, parents and both your son and the other boy need to sit down and start over. It sounds like exceptions have been made for both kids to the extent where the lines have disappeared. They should be reestablished and both boys allowed to start with a clean slate and clear understanding of acceptable behavior and the consequences of behaving other wise.
  6. See... when I show it, it's because I have too much :glare: and it's always sneaking out.
  7. When I'm feeling all dumpy and blue I like to attempt a beehive or pig tails and then put on a few pounds of makeup. Granted, I would not recommend leaving the house looking like that and most of the time I shower once I've admired myself :p , but for some reason a little game of dress up makes it a little better for me. Then, there's the debate forum on Myspace, or arguing with my uncle on facebook... sometimes I like to watch a sappy movie...... oh, and having a tea party with my boys. Then there's the dungeon of despair... if I'm there, then I write. I write it all down (and sometimes burn it afterwards. I purge my emotions onto paper. That doesn't make me feel happy, more like cored out/worn out/emptied... but it does help me sleep and through the next few days I grow gradually away from all the boogies I burned, until one day I forget to wake up angry, sad and depressed. Or you could go find a post that it's okay to vent on and take it all out on another poster :lol:
  8. Flat footed and I get complimented on my handwriting all the time :) Sorry, no connection other than coinky dinks ;)
  9. I used to worry about this. My parents worried about me a lot as a teen (I was in ps, but much the same as your ds). As an adult it's actually lent me credibility among my peers. They remember me as being steady, calm and collected as a teen and now, as adults, they trust me all the more. That being said, this sort of behavior in an adult would be expected. It's not as thought your ds will be 20 and only appreciate the conversation of 40 yos and so on, until he's 80 and has no one to talk too ;) Eventually this will balance out and his peers will become well educated adults he can talk too :)
  10. Your balance is in your inner ear. Too much or too little fluid can knock you off balance. Also, some of your balance comes from your vision. Vision issues (or things like watching something huge moving) can make you feel like you're moving when you're not. Also, I think (but am not positive), the water around your brain can cause vertigo. Think spinning around, it takes time for those things to settle again.
  11. I worried a lot about this. I mean, in ps, it's a class, right? Really, what I've found, is that doing what you're doing works BETTER than doing the whole shebang that ps does. Keep up the good work! :)
  12. We don't have it and I haven't missed it :) . Like the pp wrote, it's very straight forward, one lesson a week.
  13. Oh, it exists. Don't make me quote stuff :glare: I can copy and paste, be forewarned.
  14. Carmen, I've been kicking around the idea of dropping WWE. Using it with FLL seems so redundant :( I know ds would not argue ;) I'm glad it's working for you. Now, I will have to throw some serious consideration to doing the same thing, myself.
  15. They haven't kicked her out of church. She can get fellowship before and after service. It's a Bible Study group. It is really sad that the OP can't participate in this group that she enjoys, but it is not as though she is being shunned. Upsetting, yes, worth lambasting the entire church over? Not so much. Perspective.
  16. :001_huh: That is incredible! I hope the school has offered some sort of apology. Poor guy :(
  17. If she's capable of moving ahead, imo, let her go and run along. We've dropped our formal math program, because ds needed intensive work in some things and no work in others. If you have Standards of Learning for your area, keep those in mind and make sure she doesn't fall behind (it can happen). Make sure she knows the basics, but don't force her to stick with work that is beneath her ability. You risk forcing her to lower herself and eventually stagnating.
  18. I agree. OP, is it possible that someone else complained. Maybe because they had been told 'no kids' or, perhaps, they found your little a distraction? I'm sorry this is so difficult for you. I hope you either find a Bible study that will include your baby, or your little one learns to trust that you will come back. It's so hard at that age. I'm pretty sure the church's goal is not to foster independance for the child, more to create a quiet, adult atmosphere for study. It's separate from church, at least where I'm going now, and I really don't see this as trying to force parents to let go. It's more of a time for grown ups.
  19. I understood what she meant, however. It's the same problem you can have with saying, 'oh no, I don't mind if you smoke.' Someone asks why YOU don't smoke and you say, 'are you kidding me?!? That stuff'll kill you!' So, it's okay for everyone else to smoke... Not to say they were snooty, but I'm learning to be very careful about how I explain our reasons for hs. Why? Because many of my friends don't and I don't want them to feel inferior or that I'm being a snot. Yeah, the idea that hsers could change the ps system is a pipe dream. She seems to know that, but it's easier to dislike hsing if you believe they are part of the ps' problems. IOW, if they weren't hsing they could be raising the bar for ALL of the children at the ps. IOW, if they didn't have that (after having figured out how well hs can work), then they'd have no reason to think we're wrong. As long as we're wrong, they don't have to seriously consider hsing.
  20. Especially if it's off the beaten track! I saw a poster had asked why someone wanted to know... all I could think about was, this is the most interesting thread YET! Lol... my life has become a search for the perfect books :p
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