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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I will say, I have a very nicely shaped skull :) Found out later my head's not on straight, but you couldn't tell unless you looked at an x-ray ;)
  2. :lol: It's amazing how sad people were for me...... and how disgusted after they found out it was stupidity, not cancer.
  3. Oh my! :blink: Wow, that just seems really....... mean....... I get where the idea for that site came from, but...... owch!
  4. Doctor type gloves (thin rubber gloves of that type anyway) filled with popcorn. It looks silly, but if you do it right (not too much, not too little) it FEELS like a bumpy nasty hand. Oh, and it crunches if you squeeze it :)
  5. I don't have any knowledge of ancient languages (other than a little Latin), but it seems like, if this was so it would have been caught earlier. I mean, he separated the waters from the land and the air too... so it's not as thought creation didn't have separation going on. Does that make any sense? I'm having a rough day. IOW, there was already separation spoken of, so how did they miss the initial separation if it was there all along?
  6. Yes, but if I stop before I reach 15, he takes it up and will point point point back at the objects, until he reaches it. I'm trying songs now (1 little 2 little) and hoping to break him of it. I'm just worried that I'm going to have a little boy that never learns how to count things, just count. Of course, I know that's completely irrational and foolish, but .... well... I just hate the idea of having ruined him :(
  7. I believe so, but I'm not a doctor :p I get that all the time. Sudafed used to work, but for some reason it doesn't anymore :( Maybe Benadryl or Aspirin?
  8. In the beginning God spatially separated the heavens and the earth... hmmmm Interesting :)
  9. Ugh, money is so tight, but Luke (who can count to 15) does not understanding counting objects and I want to find something that can help me explain it to him. I say, Luke how many crayons do you have? Luke says, '' :glare: I lift up the crayons and set them down one at a time, '1.2.3.' Luke says, '' :( I guess I could go look it up, but it's so much easier just to ask :lol:
  10. Impish, I've noticed that BOTH of my ds have taken off since I started hsing the older. I wonder how much of the littles acceleration is the result of having a more education minded mother. This may not be the case with you, but I KNOW that Luke is getting much more educational attention than either of my olders did, but of course, I'm planning on hsing him (so I want to make sure he's ahead and gives me a bit of a cushion, iykwIm). Older ds has suddenly bumped ahead in Math (on accident, really!) and I won't know if he's technically "gifted" until after his SCATS this coming spring. I do know that compared with his peers at ps he's very advanced, but a big part of that is just that we hs. I guess, I just mean to say, that I wonder how much the giftedness is directly related to hsing, vs IQ. Does that come up much? Your child is not gifted, but they are very advanced?
  11. When would you start MUS? Only at first grade level, or could you use it for K/Pre-K?
  12. Stacie, that stinks and I'm sorry you went through that. :grouphug:
  13. :auto: :iagree: That's what I thought too.
  14. I find it easier to drive when the kids have friends/family to keep them occupied. They don't distract me as much with a million questions or 'Mom look!'
  15. SpyCar, here's the names: MarthaT was the last one (the one that inspired this thread).
  16. I like the smelly good gift set idea. There's no kind way to say, 'wow you stink!' So, that's pretty well out. Other than finding a new lady, I'm not sure you have too many options. Did you get her through a finder service? If so, you could call them and explain your delima, hopefully they would be nice enough not to say WHO said she stunk. There are medical conditions that lead to BO, she might not be able to help it (iow, even the gift basket might not help). Maybe you could burn some candles or spray deodorizer after she leaves? If she can't help it, I'd hate to think of her losing a job :(
  17. We did go out to dinner, but it was with a group of friends and the owner of the restaraunt (another good friend) comped us enough free drinks with our dinner (cheap, but delicious), that we actually needed our designated driver (I almost put dd, but realized how badly THAT could go ;) ). Y'know, 10 years is a great milestone... but thinking about it, it almost seems like we're celebrating not having gotten divorced which is not exactly a celebration... or maybe I'm just trying to make it easier to NOT celebrate :lol:
  18. Madonna, though, wore complete underwear. I remember Cher wearing things that looked like nothing but one long strap that just (JUST) covered her hoohoos and her haha. Oh, but the hair, holy cow you couldn't hardly see HER past the hair :rofl:
  19. I didn't even KNOW I was pregnant at the time and I felt like such a monster going to those appointments with very sick people looking at ME with so much sympathy. I'm sure they were thinking, 'well at least I'm not PREGNANT and going through this.' Augh.
  20. I shaved my head once. A month later I found out I was preg with ds1 and dh's grampa was diagnosed with cancer. Don't do it! I ended up pregnant and bald taking poor Grampa to his chemo and radiation and you can imagine how many times I had to explain that I didn't have cancer, just a raging case of stupidity. :p
  21. There's a lot more to reading aloud than just the story. I remember begging my sister to read 'Ferdinand' to me. It wasn't the story, it was the way she read it and being able to cuddle with her (she watched my brother and I every afternoon and tucked us both in at night). It was the warmth and comfort, her voice and the rythms of the story... I think I'm going to go call her and thank her now :grouphug:
  22. rockermom...... you're so hard core..... but don't let your need to be different keep you from something that could bring you joy..... her posts bring great joy :lol:
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