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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. You're absolutely right, the moon has nothing to do with our planet or the tides or anything of that sort. I will go flog my son immediately :) Heck, now that I think about it, the moon is just a blight on the sky and puts out some of the worst light pollution. We SHOULD just nuke it out of existence. Thank you, I have seen the light.
  2. You know, dh and I were talking about it and he mentioned Cher. I don't think I've seen anyone lately who is even close to the things Cher used to wear. Dh says we've all forgotten, because her gigantic hair made it so hard to see her clothes (or lack thereof). :lol: :p I've been having a smiley fest all week too ;)
  3. MEP is excellent and free, which means you won't have to buy another set if he speeds through them ;) Also, have you considered just getting math workbooks for right now, until you figure out where his level is? They're so much cheaper and if he only does a few pages before he flies to the next step, you're only out a dollar or two. With workbooks, you could also let him sit and do them as he wishes and see just how far he can fly on his own.
  4. Not sure how old your ds is, but my 8yo is an excellent reader, but still loves to have stories read to him. I do too :) Not sure if it's a passing thing or not.... If you don't want to read to him, then don't, I guess. I have days where I don't like to read aloud. All the same, there's nothing as cozy as a loving voice telling you a story.
  5. I haven't btdt, but I wonder... could you split the pills in half, then in quarters, etc. Rather than skipping one day, lowering the dose might have less of an impact. Lol, posted the same time with the same advice, oops
  6. Shew! Maybe it's time to go underground :lol: I would've told him I'd see him in court. Maybe you should call the Dr's office? See if they can tell you what's what :)
  7. :party: HAPPY THANKSGIVING CANADIANS! :w00t: And happy Friday to the rest of us :)
  8. For my ds, we started with a ton of extra time, so I just doubled classes till we reached his level, iykwIm. But then, I was positive the superintendant was going to show up at my house and demand he return to ps if I let him knock off when we were actually done. Thankfully, now in 3rd grade I'm more relaxed. His work takes longer, but that's because I let him dawdle over subjects he really loves.
  9. I get words... brain mush Monday since, yes me. Lol, this will be a decompression weekend, I think my head may've blown a gasket or two ;)
  10. I will be paying the electric, water, loan and internet bills! :hurray: He's going to be so excited :rofl: Really, though, money's so tight this year that our gifts to each other for our anniversary (10 years :w00t:) were, he gave me the money and I paid the bills (giving him the confirmation numbers on a special piece of paper, lol).
  11. If he's covering all his subjects, then I don't see a problem with it :) I'm not really sure how you could extend the time, except to add more work. I mean, unless you just want him to sit at the table or his desk and count random things out the window ;) Really, though, if he's staying on level (not falling behind) and getting it all done, why punish him? (Meaning, don't make him do more, just because he's fast). Way to go :) Keep it up :) and all that :hurray:
  12. I want someone to come clean my home and get rid of my clutter. Oh, and world peace :) I would totally settle for a quiet bath in which I am not interrupted a single time, nor do I have to yell through walls for people to stop doing whatever they're doing, and I won't have to listen to dh nagging the dcs. :lol:
  13. Sock monkey, sock elephant for the youngest. I'm also going to make him a doll with a zipper, shoe laces, buttons, velco and all the other stuff I can imagine. For some reason I can't find one that's already made that is okay for a boy (sorry, no frilly pink girl dolls for ds). Middle... well... I don't really know. I'm thinking of making him a creation bucket, something full of dowels and paints and wood pieces and things. I am hoping to find a masculine journal (blank unlined pages, nice hard cover), if not... guess I'll be making that too. Oh, and First Start French from Santa (he put it on his wish list :p ) Oldest is getting a love in every stitch hat and scarf set. She LOVES getting hand made stuff. I'm also going to get her some art supplies.
  14. We heard it on CSpan on our way to the library today. Ds said, 'but won't that mess up the way the tides work?' Amazing, my 8yo came up with an, imo, incredible and important question that I have yet to hear answered. What audacity to chuck a bomb on something that effects the entire planet. Sometimes I just ...... there are no words that I can put on here and still be a Queen Bee, so I'll keep mum :glare:
  15. :grouphug: This is one of the issues we had with ds. There is NOTHING wrong with your daughter. :grouphug: Your dd is not alone, lots of other kids don't find typical playground games fun, tons of other kids would rather not be in a clique (or mini gang). :grouphug: As for the school :glare: Phooey on them :sneaky2:
  16. I was going to wait (last year) until Christmas to pull out ds. Unfortuneatly, the school deleted him from the lunch list and a few other things happened, so that I ended up pulling him out the week I turned in our intent letter. I had wanted to make it as quick and quiet as possible, so I sent in everything giving the school notice, and then ended up taking him out abruptly anyway. All that to say, whatever works for you, but I do not recommend turning in your paper work early, just wait till you've pulled her out.
  17. Once you replied I looked back and saw her title line....... Lol, all I could think of (at first) was... Impish does NOT seem like the kind of person to have an alternate identity.
  18. I saw a headline this morning that confused me, I thought you were wondering the same way I was, but came up with a creative way to ask. Never mind :)
  19. This is why I don't clean. Once I start tidying one closet, I discover that the other closets need to be cleaned out first... but then what will I do with my books? Oh, I know, I'll organize the books first, but to do that I have to clean off all my shelves first, then I will take all my books and divide them by use, then I'll alphabetize them and put them only on shelves where the pertinent people will be able to get them... hmm, but where do I put the books while I'm trying to organize them... I know I'll toss them in these great tubberwear containers! Wonderful, I'll just move all the holiday stuff out of those boxes and put them in my room in the closet for right now.... Dh knows I've been cleaning and organizing, because the house is in shambles and you can't walk from the front door to the kitchen.
  20. Lol! I thought those questions WERE part of the sponge period! Ds is just like this, dd was too, and my youngest to an extent, although his questions are what are they called, what is their name (it means two different things for him). We're using TWTM and have older ds in is age appropriate slot, but I do stray from what we're covering to answer those questions. This is an excellent time to show your dc how to find information. When ds has questions I can't answer we use encyclopedias to find the information and if it's not there, we'll run internet searches. Please don't give your dc misinformation, or cast off their questions, instead show them how to FIND the answers :) Have fun, I think I've learned the most just by trying to find answers for my dcs ;)
  21. :lol: Yeah, that was the one that convinced me (I can be so hard headed). It was deleted just when I went to report it.
  22. Drew's 8, but... multiplying by regrouping it takes about two to three minutes if he's on his game... if it's an 'I'm tired' day then it could take about five to eight. multiplying by lattice it takes about the same on a good day, on an 'I'm tired' day it doesn't go too much longer, maybe as much as five, but never as long as regrouping. He enjoys the lattice method, though, and that makes all the difference.
  23. I think she meant to quote, and posted her response in the title bar. It took me awhile to catch on. I was wondering if there was one person accidentally showing two identities (which sure didn't seem like the person I "know" on here).
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