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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I would put it with Wednesday, BUT... our local ps will add half days if they're short days by the end of the years. According to them, they only have to 'school' until lunch for it to count as a day. So, I guess, keep track of them, add them to your hours (if you keep track of those) and then if you end up short of days use them :) Of course, check your local laws first.
  2. I cover the dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin end of the spectrum. For some reason the people that swear they know me will argue. I've had to flash my driver's license to prove I'm not "Sarah." I do try to say hello to people that I recognize, but usually just start with, 'you look SO familiar.' Nine times out of ten I coached/lead their child in some program at some point :tongue_smilie:
  3. :001_smile:That was the nicest thing to wake up to, thank you!


    I love you too:001_wub:

  4. So... it was a spork with a serrated side, right? For pity's sake.
  5. Ah, okay. I thought you weren't sure about using it at all, sorry :p
  6. There are ways to place him outlined in WWE. We use it and it works. First Language Lessons would be a good idea too (probably need FLL3), they work hand in hand.
  7. I think you're missing the point. With those other things you are rewarding behavior. I'm not sure I would say "honoring" a person, so much as observing and rewarding what they have done. At work you are rewarded for going above and beyond, NOT rewarded for WHO you are, iykwIm. I celebrate birthdays, but I do understand why some people don't. It's as if to say, WOW you survived another year! Also, it elevates the individual (I think) to a position above what we are supposed to accept.
  8. Thank you both for the suggestions. We'll try these tomorrow with counting and see if it doesn't fix his counting :D
  9. I think you covered the "why" very well in your last paragraph. I opened this thread and read it, because I've always wondered why someone would not celebrate Christmas. However, with every response I feel a little nagging guilt that, perhaps, my celebration is tainted, because there is a lot of it that IS secular and that guilt makes me want to respond with a million reasons why it is okay to 'do' Christmas. Lol, instead I'm responding to you, just to say, I think you pretty well covered why some would respond, even though they weren't asked and their responses may seem more like reasons to have never asked or answered in the first place :p In my defence, because I do feel like I have to defend celebrating Christmas... I have always found it a beautiful time of year. I know it's rooted in paganism, but I'm not celebrating nature. I'm focusing on the miracle of Jesus' conception and birth. My favorite parts, religiously, are putting together the manger and singing the carols. Otherwise, I get with my family and we bake and we chat and really, it's like we're all kids again, only now we get to play alongside our dcs :) The warmth and sweetness of the season make it so that I couldn't imagine giving it up, nor could I imagine God finding fault in something that brings us so close together. Even if we're not focusing on the death and ressurrection for a month, we are focusing on the the miracles of God and Jesus.
  10. I wish I'd had known you when we lost our house to hurricane damage. They trampled us :( KUDOS TO YOU FOR STICKING UP FOR YOURSELF AND KNOWING YOUR RIGHTS! Hip Hip Hooray! :party:
  11. Ds was in a hsing pe group at the YMCA, but he didn't do to well... Now, we have a required hour of movement :p I've also made him little ds' PE teacher ;) That means he has to make the games and keep his little brother moving. Maybe you could have the dcs take turns as PE teacher of the day?
  12. We're doing this for reading. Last week we did "The Magician's Nephew" and this week we'll do "Mary Poppins." The reason I put 'for reading' is because ds works a few books at a time. We started a family reading hour in the evening (I read, everyone - even dh - listens) and for that it's "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." Then there's the book on tape we listen to in the car, "The Theif Lord." The book we're "reading" for class, "Mary Poppins," and then the book ds is reading before bed, solo, "The Life of Leif Eriksson." So, when I say "for reading" I mean for a grade, for school work.
  13. I like the idea of having a finished product to show. For me, these things NEVER work when I actually do them infront of the group and from now on, I think a finished (tried and true) product will be brought along. Great idea!
  14. I have not seen those, but I will look for them now. Maybe reversing the numbers down will be what he needs. :) Thanks!
  15. Yes, every once in awhile my oldest will be here for around an hour, solo, no phone. I set up the computer so that she can reach my sister, mother, brother, dh and myself via text message (yahoo messenger will let you do it, and it's free) if anything gets too scary or starts to go wrong. If you're lucky enough to know some of your local policemen (as friends) then add their cell phone numbers to the messenger list. I believe you can also do this with the local police department number, although we haven't.
  16. :w00t: Thanks for the links. I didn't even know I wanted to make my own soap... and lotion... and candles...
  17. I set time limits on subjects, but don't make him keep going if we've covered the matter for that day and he understands it. I think the times are just guides. We do: Devotional MindBenders Latin Grammar (FLL) Math Greek Spelling Lunch Reading (I read while he eats) Writing (WWE) History (MWF) Science (MTTh) Art (if it's not done in another subject, only once a week) Music (daily) We're done by three at the absolute latest :)
  18. I might try again tonight, then. Now that Sudafed stopped helping I just feel like my whole face is swollen :( It's almost scary to consider what I'll get if it does work (after the descriptions I've heard from others).
  19. That's the problem with "evolution." Most people DO believe that species change over time. That does not necessarily mean they think we started as soup.
  20. I see evolution as an ongoing process wherein species change over time to better suit their environment. I believe that God created evolution in order to give us all the wonderful renewing systems we have and to allow us to adapt and change with those systems. I'm not so sure about the beginning of creatures, whether or not all living things evolved from a soup. If so, then it was God orchestrated over a period of six God days, iykwIm. I do believe in the big bang, the only thing that provides a stumbling block, for me, is the creation of living things, but I can see the scientific theories as being true, except (of course) that God would've been the power behind it.
  21. Sure. We do read the books, but they're for ds to read at night, not part of "school."
  22. How do you get it to go into your sinuses? I have sinus probs and my dad is always harping on me to rinse, but I cannot get it to do anything except burn the bejeeminies out of my nose and then run down my throat into my mouth. What am I doing wrong?
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