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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. :lol: :iagree: Bruce's Buns... I'm so glad this didn't turn into a 'your son is a monster' thread. :grouphug: it's always nice to know you aren't the only one that wants to defend your littles :)
  2. Ah! You were worried that you were going to be too lenient! All I could think about was, wow, at six, if that had happened to either of my big ones they'd have been a mess... I wouldn't have the heart to do much beyond an apology. :grouphug:
  3. :iagree: I think he's been punished pretty well already :( poor guy! A letter of apology would round it out. Anything more and, imo, it's over kill.
  4. He did. He punished them for breaking, not only the rules, but the LAW.
  5. He's over 21.... right? Are the kids over 21? I'm actually thinking it was a brave move that would show the kids they are accountable for their actions....... (ducking)
  6. :grouphug: Keep looking, I'll pray for you (if that's alright). :grouphug: All I can think of is to find things that would move him very slowly ahead and not to give up. I'm not sure why he's not expected to have done as much as he has already, but I wouldn't recommend stopping altogether. Is there a subject he loves (and does well with)? Maybe using that as a core could help? Wish I could be of more help.
  7. Have you tried lattice multiplication? We just found it, it's incredible, way easier, works, and now dh and I both use it (rather than regrouping).
  8. Good for you :w00t:. Meanwhile I was wandering naively around going dancing with the troll.... sometimes I embarass myself :(
  9. I'm working on it. We're taking the week "off" and I'm going to go through all the traditions that led up to what's done today.
  10. What a nice way to look at it... wierdos invading our hs territory (rather than wierdo hsers). I think you replied to her at least once (MarthaT) :lol:
  11. ? I was answering you. I'm surprised you took it in such a negative light. As for the finger wagging, :lol:, I mean, c'mon now! You were joking, right?
  12. Shanna, I've been having one of those days where I say/write one thing and it comes across like I'm being mean/rude/condescending. I hope this isn't the case. I only meant to convey that TWTM was the only book I read and it was plenty, I mean, hey look I'm homeschooling! :p Sorry if I came across rude...... for some reason my head's just not working well today.
  13. Thanks for keeping up with it though. :( Some of us (me) are a little too niave to see it until we've fallen in head first. Thanks for the rescues :p
  14. I agree....... You know, I think the problem I have with so many of the arguments is that it is very difficult for me to do blanket statements and most of these types of posts are nothing BUT blanket statements. Mrs. Mungo, thanks for conversing, rather than saying everyone is right/wrong. Carmen, you too :)
  15. I'm not saying we're better than them, we're not, which is why, rather than expending our energies pointing at them as immodest, we should concentrate on keeping ourselves on the straight and narrow. Also, why should someone who is not religious, dress to accommodate religious people? Do religious people downgrade their beliefs to make athiests more comfortable? Finally, demanding that others, who are not saved, abstain from sin is pointless. Salvation leads to works. Give them salvation and yes, of course, they'll move more towards God. Attack them for their clothes and then try to lead them to God and (crazy) they'll likely tell you where you can go. Oh, and... it's always been hard to lead children in the way they should go. Justifying their sin, by saying the world is darker, or they can't help it, will not help them to be righteous and upstanding, rather it will give them excuses to wallow in sin.
  16. To my way of thinking, rules that would keep a person from salvation would not be godly. I can't afford to go cloths shopping, thank God I found a church that's accepting of all sorts of people and only asks that you be clothed :p
  17. Actually, I'm coming from the opposite view. If they're NOT a Christian, then shouldn't the major concern be... they aren't saved!? And, just FYI, we don't have to look. David did not have to ogle Bathsheba, he most certainly didn't have to find out who she was and he did not have to invite her over. He could've glanced and (saving himself so much sorrow) gone inside. I cannot expect someone else to keep me from sin. I can't even expect the world to make it easier for me to keep the right path. The world is full of wolves and rather than blaming the wolves it's about time the sheep started worrying about their own well being.
  18. Usually I'll say something like... how are you doing? How're the kids? Then let it turn into a conversation about whatever is interesting or current. The ones that call me an overachiever, or more likely, tell me I'm pushing the boys too hard, get a gushing commentary on how incredible it is how quickly kids can learn things and how amazing it is to see their brains just soak in the knowledge like a sponge. I have recommended TWTM to hsing friends who ASKED me for advice, but I would not assume they care about an evaluation of their hsing techniques from me :)
  19. Standards are either in the eyes of the beholder, or else those set by the state. If you fall below the standards of the state, you won't be hsing much longer ;) If you fall below my standards... well... I guess you didn't really care about my standards in the first place. I'm still getting used to hsing. I'm still feeling it out and learning just how much room there is for personalization. My standards are high and I'm learning that I don't have to do what someone else (or some other school) dictates in order to reach and exceed those standards. I'm more than happy to say, if nothing's getting done, maybe you SHOULD take a day off. I also say it's better to slog through to the weekend and then use your weekend to repair your schedule (not to do work, but to plan it). I think that setting standards for hsing as a whole is impossible and also, I think many people are reaching their own standards (maybe not mine ;) ). I'm sure there's plenty of people here that would enable me to lower my standards, but in the end that's my problem, because they are my standards.
  20. I would say she's as guilty of putting all hsing parents into one catergory as her examples were guilty of pigeon holing psers.
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