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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Click and Clack. Who knew I was part of such a large audience of NPR lovers :)
  2. (From the article) Attorneys from Liberty Counsel, a conservative legal group helping defend Lay and Freeman, have said that attendees included booster club members and other adults who helped the field house project -- all "consenting adults." Sorry, but I loled at your assertion regarding "God is a delusion." They poured that stuff out when I was in high school and if, as a religious student, you rejected that opinion you were rediculed. What does Order of Consent mean? In other words, if as the article stated, this was a group of consenting adults, would that fall under the consent part of the order? I'm curious at to why the name (order of CONSENT) seems directly contrary to what little they say of the actual order (absolutely not, seemingly regardless to consent).
  3. It depends on who's in their home. It depends on who's in the car and how they're driving. I've known alcoholics that could function, just like everyone else (with bad breath). They weren't a danger on the roads because, fortuneatly or not, they're body had become accustomed to that level of alcohol. If they're driving normally and can pass the various tests (walk a straight line, etc), then I don't think they should be arrested. They're functioning normally, why send them to prison? As far as drugs go, if there are other people involved it becomes harder to say if someone is being harmed. Sure, they're doing drugs in their home, but how did they get those drugs? As long as drugs are illegal, people are going to be hurt by them. Maybe not the users, although that's in the eye of the beholder, maybe not even their families, but somewhere down the line, the kids living in crime riddled neighborhoods where Barbie and Ken go to get their smack are being hurt. The sheer deceptiveness of the whole endeavor causes hurt.
  4. That's what I have to wonder, though. The article says it was a group of consenting adults, I'm guessing that's why the charges were dropped, but why consent if you're going to complain later? Why let someone lay hands if you don't want them to, especially if you will (which you didn't) complain later?
  5. It doesn't even need to get that far (rape). An adult striking another person's child is wrong. Period. When was there EVER a grey area where this was concerned. Even the cops are not allowed to strike a child, they can restrain them, assuming the child is attempting to either escape or attack, but strike???? Uh, never. Wow, I read the first post to this thread and thought... there's no way this can go anywhere, I mean, who could disagree with the idea that an adult is getting punished for striking someone else's child? I am surprised to see I was wrong. And I agree with Carmen, blaming the parent or the child (the child, blaming the child, really???) is pointless. I don't care if my kids are screaming like lunatics fresh out of the bin, you (general you) do not lay hands on them. One more thing. For those of us who are 'anti-social' or 'introverts' or whatever, we stay home (for the most part). We don't go out and demand the world bend around us. When you go out there are people, those people either were or are children. If you don't want to hear them, then stay home. We don't observe moments of silence in honor of every passer by. This whole thing is just rediculous.
  6. YES! Thanks, that was going to drive me nuts (not Ann, DiAnne, lol).
  7. From what the article said it was consenting adults praying over a meal??? I'm just wondering who would've turned them in if everyone was consenting?
  8. My older ds would not read for anyone. I finally figured out that I had to sneak up behind him and listen for him reading, but if he caught me he'd stop :glare: Dh will not do something unless it's "his" idea. Older ds is like that too. Younger ds just wants to run the whole shebang. Maybe you could figure out a way to make it "his" idea to read? Or could you have him teach his teddy bear? How about this? You teach teddy bear, ds is your 'assistant.' Lesson's over, now ds needs to make sure that teddy learned everything. Have ds review the lesson with teddy, to make sure he 'got it.' hth
  9. I'm with VA Dawn, conservative that prefers NPR. I especially love the evening and weekend shows (Prairie Home Companion, Click and Clack, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me). Every once in awhile I will listen to Kojo Namdi (sorry for butchering his name) and Ann... the lady with the really slow quivering voice. If I want "news" I listen to C-Span ;)
  10. We've been down for awhile now (not really sure how many months it's been). One huge difference I've noticed is how much calmer by boys are... Blessed quiet :)
  11. Hopeful bunch aren't we? We're only a year into it, but I vacillate too. All ds has to do is hear the bus go by at 7:30am to remember how much HE loves to hs ;) :iagree: :iagree:
  12. So you've driven on the Beltway around DC? :lol:
  13. We're in third and only spend about three or four hours. It goes quicker because there's no classroom changing, potty breaks are shorter, there's no interruptions, and a million other reason :) I thought, for sure, that I was missing half our schedule at first, because we were always done by lunch ;) Then, one day, math lasted over an hour and suddenly we were back to getting out at the same time as the ps. It ebbs and flows, depending on the different topics and their difficulty or the amount of interest they peak.
  14. dickblick.com They have cheap to expensive art supplies and TONS of project ideas (even for the littles). For music, we just tune into the classical station and borrow books from the library. The best advice I can offer is to use the library list in TWTM. (1 each: poetry, music/art, science, biography/autobiography, how-to, story book; check, though, I might've missed some or gotten some mixed up)
  15. We have our own regional accent... yes, it makes phonics hard. At first I thought, I'll teach him the "right" way, but then I realized how confusing that is... now, I try to mesh the two together.... d - o - g ddd aw aw aw g g g dawg!
  16. Here's a good reason... Because if they behaved like that at school, it could go on their record. Unlike you, who expects your kids to act up at times, school systems can see that as a pattern of behavior and end up pigeon holing your boys into the 'naughty' catergory. :) Aren't you glad you homeschool?
  17. I used to have a horse that looked just like that! I would brush the mane and put flowers in its hair and sometimes she'd pull the prettiest pink carraige with Barbie and Ken waving out the windows. Oh, mine was plastic, but it was my favorite toy :p Beautiful horse, if I was still little enough I'd beg to have it (I'll feed it and walk it, I promise! Our back yard is big enough :( ). :)
  18. I was going to say the same thing as pathui.... If you're good at research (or are a curriculum junky, even if you haven't BOUGHT the stuff yet), chime in! Sometimes you'll have the perfect answer and the person needing the info. is not going to care if you only researched it or actually wrote and developed it ;) There is a whole field for researchers and most people in the research field have only been effected second hand by what they're researching. Your a researcher, please please please, let the rest of us profit from your abilities :)
  19. I wish I knew what the technical name is. No phone right now, and my gramma is not on the web, so I can't ask her :p They take the longer tendon that runs down the top of your foot and wrap it around your long toe bone. It pulls the bone back into place. My gramma thought it was the greatest thing ever, it apparently hurts very little. I couldn't get it done, because my tendons are too limber. IOW, once they'd finished the surgery my tendon would've stretched and my bones would go back into the same places they were to start with. Sometimes, it does that anyway, that's what my surgeon told me, but for my gramma, she's never had another problem with that foot.
  20. The chains are made of laws, regulations, and beauracratic red tape.
  21. ETA, n/m that was TMI (what I had put). Simply, I agree, I understand, and I wonder the same thing too.
  22. Eventually it becomes (ime) a nice content relationship. The kids go gaga for a moment and then they get irritated (it's always the dog this, the dog that), and then they just treat them like any other member of the family. Some days are good, some days are bad. The pp who compared them to a new baby is exactly right. At first, they're cute and the kids adore them. Then, the kids get irritated with having to share their home/stuff. Finally, the dog's a member of the family and the kids won't know what to do without them :)
  23. Loled all over your post. You win! Some are so familiar (can/may, or the deep quivering draw of breath), others are so hillariously yours alone ;)
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