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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. One more foray (this isn't really worth a KD thread). It USED to be incredibly nice, clean, fun and (really) great for the entire family. It's trashy now, the new owners don't care like they did in the Hannah Barbara days, it's really sad. And yes, it's like one huge rest room (I shudder at the wave pool, blech!).
  2. AI picked Ellen Degeneres why? The planet they come from is sadly lacking in comedy. Ellen is such an incredibly talented comic that they asked permission from Earth's leaders to borrow her for a short span, to reintroduce the laugh into deep space. Ellen, our hopes and prayers go out to you, bring joy to our brothers and sisters in another galaxy, and return to us soon. The world will be darker without you!
  3. Yes ma'am, that'll be two-fifty... we had to replace the whatchamacallit. Since it went bad we also had to take out the thingy, it was so badly corroded we had to use our superduperrusteraser.
  4. Sacred means something of a deep spiritual value, something that moves mankind towards the light and away from the darkness or something that symbolizes man's move in that direction. Things I feel are sacred: Holy writings... okay, and a lot of my books that aren't holy ;) The written word, how's that? Beauty and kindness embodied in language. Ideals meant to enlighten us, words meant to soften the sharp corners of life and compell us to continue. The Word is especially sacred, but I think you can catch glimpses of God and the Holy Spirit in writing, even from non-Christian authors. I think poetry that moves you to tears or deep reflection is sacred. Stories that let you see our faults as well as offering a hand up to the high road, those are sacred. I hate to see great words transformed into trash by thoughtless monsters out for a buck or personal glory. Art in all its forms, assuming it follows the parameters set forth above. Promises. Family. And, I have to add that the people who are not as "capable" in society are, imo, sacred. We have a responsibility to protect them, especially from ourselves. They bring an innocence and beauty into our lives, throughout their own, that let's us see how an adult can go to God as a child, how WE would be if we could not allow outside things to taint our minds. When the lambs among us are abused, we should be completely shamed. I do behave differently with things I believe are sacred, although sometimes not as reverently as I should. For the most part, I stand in awe of their otherworldlyness, but for some, like my family, I'm around it so much that sometimes, I forget the incredible wonder unbelievable nature of... I take it for granted that it's there, always will be, and everyone must have the same sort of thing. There is a certain measure of soberness required when approaching these things, introspection, a measuring of self-worth, an awe and almost heart sickness at everything it encompasses. Okay, did that answer your question, lol..... I went on long enough ;)
  5. It's the size of the group that makes me wonder. I can't imagine that many people willing to make that concession.
  6. :grouphug: Too bad you don't live here, our door is nearly always open (sometimes we leave the house).
  7. I wonder if it's being read into too much? I mean, maybe they didn't want to say parent or guardian??? It just seems odd that the largest hs group would also require permission from the head of household (specifically).
  8. Have you cleaned out the drip pan thingy under the fridge (I sound like an expert, huh? "thingy")? Also, if you pull out the drawers (on most fridges anyway), there's a collection well type thingamajig (must more expert-like ;) ), sometimes that gets stopped up. Sounds like an air flow problem to me :) Obviously I'm an expert, but you could take a gander and see if those things are clogged... if you've never done this they could be stomach turning (just fyi).
  9. Oh c'mon now, I've never seen people that made we wish I'd never left home at King's Dominion :lol: You can get YEARS worth of icky people experience just parking the car there! I remember being little, back when it was still Hannah Barbara and how clean and nice everything was. Sigh... back in the day when the area around the eiffel tower didn't stink of urine :(
  10. Are you just trying to make my day????


    Thanks for the lols... :)

  11. I always wanted a bed like they had in the Mickey Mouse cartoon where they went on the trip in the camper. If you could hook the house up like that camper was set up, I would live there with you happily. I can't remember the name of the cartoon, but it was Donald, Goofy and Mickey going on some trip. The bathtub was zipped closed at the top, the alarm clock ripped the blankets off Donald, spanked his feet and then closed the bed up... that's going to drive me crazy now :P Oh, and I can always do a retreat. Are we allowed to camp and have fires? There's nothing like tasteless mush cooked over a fire during cold, we weather (whenever we camp it is cold and wet, be forwarned).
  12. :lol: Don't know who's funnier Another Lynn (hope I got that right) or Blessed Family.... Shaving pennies ... well, there's already some tongue in cheeks in there, but I mean, really, does this even need a tag line??? no offense meant to the writers of any of the threads I've joked about. Your threads, and their (imo) silly names, bring unexpected sunshine and laughter to my day. A sincere thank you, and I hope you understand the laughter is meant to be with, not at.
  13. LOL, I was wondering how we got the pennies to grow hair to begin with... Oh the tongue in cheek thread will dwell in the back of my mind forever ;) ETA, I will be lurking to read serious answers... sorry to've interrupted with trivialities.
  14. It's all of the household costs that are driving us out. Our electric bill is 81% charges, meaning we are only paying 19% of our bill towards actual electricity consumption. Now that they've brought the sewer lines through our neighborhood, the county is examining putting in an extra tax for those of us still using septics, they claim this is to help offset the ecological impact... Everything has jumped up so high in price that we've cut back (no YMCA, no cable/satellite, no phone), but there's only so many corners you can cut to make up the difference. I'm not alone in this. Unfortuneatly, I've had neighbors going without water and/or electricity for stretches, because taxes as well as utility costs have gone so far up. Most of it is the housing boom we went through. The new people on my street want it paved, so we are expected (by the county) to chip in, even though we've lived here (in dh's case 29+) 11 years happily driving and keeping up our section of gravel road. My point being, sometimes you can't prepare. Sometimes you start off living within your means, but suddenly costs fly up and the paycheck holds steady. I've heard snide remarks directed at myself, because we say (now) we simply can't afford it (oh, but they can afford a house in that neighborhood). Well, it wasn't that neighborhood when we moved here, it was home.
  15. It's full of jerks. Not really. Or maybe it is and you need to stop paying attention. Augh, eventually the hormonal pendulum will swing the other way and we'll all have a deeper love for fellow humans. And then we'll argue about rediculous things and say thoughtless cruel things. And then we'll have a giant love fest over how wonderful everything and everyone are. And then we'll.... well you get the picture ;) :grouphug: That wasn't helpful at all was it? Sorry, I'm in the well of despair with you.
  16. I'm sorry, I glanced at the thread, but it wasn't on my radar, so to speak. I had not idea it had actually gotten nasty (over shopping carts of all things?!?). :( I'm sorry.
  17. I've shopped there and never gotten to see that. I think the problem lay in that she is actually trying to bfeed, you might've caught her at an akward moment, but it seemed as though you were describing women just sauntering around breasts flying everywhere and baby set aside. I had no idea we were so close (distance wise). Lol, be glad I'm an introvert then, or you could be stuck meeting me (heaven forbid :lol:). ETA FYI, Fredricksburg is not full of women running around topless. Go to a first night celebration and the height of craziness ensues once the pear drops. Yes, the pear. We're not talking about a crazy, party sort of place.
  18. I dwell on shopping carts. I try to gather them on my way in the store. It drives me nuts. I don't begrudge someone leaving them there, I just feel guilty if I see them and don't bring them in. That argument seems so benign to me, I guess, it seems safe to use as an example.
  19. Show him how, when you add the two groups, the ones group has enough to make a ten... Now count the ones blocks, OH LOOK, we have 10 ones blocks. What we can do is carry those ones blocks over to the tens collumn! On paper, we put a 1 over the tens collumn to remind us to add it in. With the blocks, we can trade these 10 ones blocks for one 10s block! Hth.
  20. That's so close it's almost exactly what I posted :) IOW, it must be right, someone agrees :D
  21. Often, it's implied that the rates will never rise so high, or else, if they do then they will be able to refinance to a lower rate. Dh has lived in our house for nearly 30 years. We inherited it. Because of rising costs, we're looking down the barrel of having to give up his childhood home. You're right, we didn't plan for this. I would have never imagined a day when our property taxes would leap up nearly 200%. Sometimes, you think you have planned for the worst, only to find out the worst is far worse than you expected.
  22. Oh, I don't know Janet. There's places where the women are bare breasted all the time. Maybe we're just coming from the wrong continent. This is tongue in cheek. I am joking, sort of.
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