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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. But it's not just Obama (that was my point). It is each and every subject they introduce in school. The answers, the info. is not up for argument. Gosh, if they let the kids disagree with this, what would they do if the kids disagree about a particular method in math, or an OPINION in science. Pinning it all on one Obama speech is, imo, disengenuous (and if you can't read that word, I'm sorry, but it's a crap day and I don't feel like looking up proper spelling). Oh, and look: It's a car PULLING into a driveway :auto:
  2. :rofl: Honey, we have to pick a color that doesn't clash with rust. I actually wanted to paint my house vibrant pinks, purples, blues and greens, but dh wouldn't let me. Since then, however, he's gotten rather irritated with some of our new neighbors and is rethinking his stance on all white... If I get my way and get to paint my house however I want, I will post some pics :) Of course, it will probably be years in the future... but, hey, I can day dream.
  3. Mamma duck, I read the DOE thing (for K-6) and I really don't see the problem. It's actually pretty lame, but I mean, they do that for anything in school. It's not as though they sit down after any assembly and ask the kids to pick it apart. They spoon feed them the information and then make sure everyone swallowed it. That's just what they do.
  4. I'm going to go with gym mats. The soft squishy kind. That's what I want on my schoolroom... well, it would be my kitchen, but that would add an element of excitement to cooking that has been lacking.
  5. I wish I could have a moon bounce floor and walls, at least in one room of my house, and have connector tubes (like the ones in Hartz hamster cages) joining all the rooms of the house and my shed together. Really, it would also kind of rock to have a cargo net climbing thingy to get into the attic and the whole thing could be in a tree :) It's random, but positive ;)
  6. It would definitely make you smile every time you pulled up ;) ETA, wow a whole thread for that...:nopity:
  7. When times are easy I'm glad to only have my dh and close family to rely on as friends. When things are tough (or dh/my family) are the problem, I weep for the lack of a support circle. My biggest problem, irl, is that I chatter in public. I get anxious and nervous and the next thing I know I'm loud and the center of attention and I can.not.shut.up. It's a great problem. It means that the people who "know" me (as their den leader or kid's soccer coach or from 4H) all think I am the most out going on top of the world girl ever! In reality, I hate being in public and once I get home I want to crawl under my bed and hide till dh gets home and I can say "why do you let me leave the house?"
  8. :bigear: I've been trying to find one of those calendars that has a holiday every day. You know, all those obscure ones (Smore's day for example). Same reasoning, but I'm way lazier, lol.
  9. When we lived in Maryland we were right next to the Amish community there and dd would play with their little girls at the park. The Amish I knew, while b.o. was an issue, were very tidy. The same for their farms. It must be a depends on where you are thing, because the Amish I knew there were very clean, courteous people and I never saw them harming (or had any reason to believe they would harm) any animals.
  10. For some, that particular issue would extend well beyond differing opinions. IOW, if you were to see that as murder and the idea of that being available to minors without their parental consent as stepping into the parental realm (or allowing a child to do contrary to their parents and protecting that action by law), then you could see Obama as a person who either condones murder, or believes that parents cannot be expected to do what is best for their child, therefore setting the government in the position where they, not the parents, can allow actions regardless of the parents' wishes. If you see it from those views, questioning his integrity (or else, denying him any) is ... I'm not sure that understandable would be the right word, but hopefully, you know what I mean.
  11. I can see the benefit of bulking up short term memory. Dh can remember lists of things for a short period of time, that really helps him in his job. Ds can out memorize me any day. My goal is to have him better off than I am. At third grade, as far as memory goes, that has been achieved ;)
  12. These are wonderful. I plan on putting them all on my wish list, so dh can see what I want for Christmas :rofl:
  13. I'm sure everyone can try... however... the intended audience would probably be more willing to vote for a public school student.
  14. Breann, thanks for the link. As was already mentioned, Tuesday is the first day of school. Out here, they aren't even mentioning it, but then 9/11 they actually shut down a lot of communication inside the schools to protect the kids from what was going on. IOW, our ps system tends to take the ignore it and let the parents deal with it approach.
  15. Christy B, my dh does not work for dishonest people. He has quit jobs, because his boss, supervisor, or even the owner of the business has proven to be a liar/thief/etc. This has not worked to our disadvantage. He now works for an honest man. While times are hard, there is still the benefit of knowing that you are earning money for someone you respect. I have quit jobs for the same sorts of reasons. At one point, I found out my supervisor (at a job I loved) was a filanderer. I quit. Now, I miss the job itself, but I could not have worked for or with him, knowing the kind of person he is. You can choose with whom you work and who you earn money for. It doesn't prove impossible, and when those things are important to you, then the rewards are beyond any losses.
  16. It does seem like the ultimate goal is uniformity. The only way to create a class of kids exactly the same is to create a mediocre mold they can all fit. The schools around here seem to punish the kids that have an easier time of it (the fast learners/ the advanced kids/ the gifted kids). They get their grades knocked down for talking or behaving (imo) like kids, whereas the slower kids get bonus points for some of the most trivial things (why, you held the door for someone! Bravo, here's a point!).
  17. :lol: Oh thank you! That burst of laughter was completely unexpected.
  18. Ugh, Chris, if I had gas (or money to purchase gas) I would drive to NoVa, find you and then we could just unload on each other. These are ucky ducky days. I keep thinking, I am moving off the way side, I am moving out of the thorns, there has to be an end to the thorns, there is good soil somewhere. There has to be, right? God wouldn't mention good soil if it was just miles and miles of briar patch. One day, we'll look back on this time and think, thank God I don't ever have to do that again. It'll be like reminising about high school ;) At least for me :lol:
  19. Impish, can you get verification of the date of payment from the Ins. company? I mean, the bank can't say they put a payment through the day before a company recieved the payment, that would be impossible. Unless they're psychic... in which case, maybe you should start asking them what you're going to pay the week before you pay it ;)
  20. Dh had something to add. Perhaps he wants to wrestle (hint hint nudge nudge wink wink) and the aggression he's feeling is not rooted in anger so much as frustration (iykwIm). Or, the guy's got serious self-esteem issues and thinks that everyone is looking down on him (or has a larger you-know-what) and he feels the need to prove his masculinity.
  21. TRANS FATS! Do you think I'm trying to KILL my children???? :rofl: Guilty as charged. It's like a scab I just have to pick off. The recent 'too protective' thread just sucked me right in. S'okay, though, I killed it :)
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