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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. 5 rounds up, 4 rounds down. With decimals, it depends on what you're going for... If the goal is a whole number, then you take the tenths and round accordingly. IOW, you only use the next place to determine your estimate. If you are rounding to tens you use the ones, if you're rounding whole numbers you use tenths. Rounding to thousands you use the hundreds.
  2. I've noticed that sometimes people can take any disagreement as a personal attack, iykwIm.


    And yeah, I am lookin' atchu. Watchu plan on doin' bout it? Eh?

  3. Can't it be understood that people might disagree and don't they still deserve respect? I'm not pretending to be moving money among friends, that is how I see it.
  4. Local ps, they change classes starting with moving from K room to K room. I was surprised that ds at 5 had to change classes for reading, writing and math, as well as the usual extras.
  5. One thing I learned in college was how to write my papers for their intended audience. IOW, my English papers were one thing, my history papers completely different and the ones I had to write for my intro to college class were (imo) daffy. She's learning to write to the teacher, not necessarily a bad thing. All college writing is persuasive, you're persuading your prof to give you a good grade. That is something that an advanced or natural writer can be taught (or self-taught) early.
  6. Our local ps used a government car to transport students from areas where only two would be picked up. It was just a regular sedan. Perhaps, that's what they'll do for dd?
  7. Woohoo for her family! ... I was wondering why she wasn't "found" eleven years ago... She remembers her mom, they've spoken, I just wonder what happened since she was eighteen to keep her from contacting her family.
  8. It wouldn't hurt to call. It's not an original, but both places deal in antique books and I think they could give you a good idea, if not actually buy it from you. What I meant was, the prints they are making now are pricey. I hope this works out well for you. I may call these fellas myself and see what they say about my Dickens books. At least I could give them to someone that would take care of them. It kills me to see them rotting and I can't imagine selling them and risking them ending up kicked around the floor like you Anne of Green Gables.
  9. Okay, prints for her work are pricey, leading me to believe you have a very expensive piece of art on your hands. I'm scoffing at the idea of selling this on Ebay (scoff, scoff). I would recommend a trip to DC to either an art dealer or an antiques dealer. I'm not sure which. I'm trying to see if the Smithsonian does anything like this, appraising or validating pieces of art. If you were further down here I would recommend a trip to the VCU art dept, to talk to a proffessor there. They would, at least, have an idea of what you've got. :grouphug: I wish I could be more help, but things like this are still not so easy to do online. I have some first edition and second edition Dickens books that I love, but wish I could find a better home for. It kills me that they are just rotting away, but I don't know the first thing to do with them :( Adam A. Weschler & Son, Inc. 909 E Street, NWWashington, D.C. 20004 Tel: 202.628.1281 Fax: 202.628.2366 Toll free: 1.800.331.1430 Email: info@weschlers.com Second Story Books Appraisal Services PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL SERVICES Allan J. Stypeck, Jr. is an accredited Senior Member of the American Society of Appraisers, specializing in all printed material, including books, manuscripts, archival papers, graphics and memorabilia. With more than 30 years of experience, Mr. Stypeck has prepared thousands of appraisals of personal property, including, in addition to printed matter, fine art, antiquities, Oriental art and objets d’art for individuals and corporations, government and private institutions, as well as colleges and universities throughout North America. Please take a look at the link provided here, which lists some of the more interesting appraisals Mr. Stypeck has prepared over the past 15 years. This list is updated regularly. You are also invited to review Mr. Stypeck’s CV by clicking here. Mr. Stypeck prepares personal property appraisals for the following purposes: donation, estate tax, sale, insurance and damage claims. Appraisal fees available upon request. Appraisal inquiries can be made either by phone, mail or email. Phone: (301) 770-0477 ext. 13 Mail: Allan Stypeck Second Story Books 12160 Parklawn Dr. Rockville, MD 20852 Email: <A href="mailto:research@secondstorybooks.com">research@secondstorybooks.com >> Allan Stypeck CV >> Highlights of Appraisals Prepared by Allan Stypeck
  10. Kathleen, I'm going to do some digging and see what I can come up with. Something like that, you don't want to part with it lightly. Hold tight, let me look and I'll get back to you in a jiff :) ETA, I emailed this person: Edwin W. Brown ewbindy@aol.com t: 317.257.7454 f: 317.257.7455 (collector of rare C. S. Lewis books and other material) Still looking, but you're right, this is HARD to find.
  11. Looked in their help section and it seems to imply that it will use your bid to meet the reserve... I'm going to go experiment, brb ;) ETA, you're absolutely right. There is now a Yamaha V Star going for $5, but the reserve is not met and whomever set the first bid outbid me, but they didn't use the higher bid to meet the reserve. How odd?!?
  12. Regarding the first bolded section, this concerns me as well. Now, as it stands, a five-year-old speaking of what most would consider sexually explicit topics would gain the attention of the adults around them immediately, but what to do when they're being taught this by a "trusted authority figure?" I mean, imo, that blurs the lines. It's easy, now, for me to say, no one other than dh and myself should be discussing these things with you... but adding in a slew of secondary advisors??? That and, again, when kids lie (and some do) knowing these things will make it more difficult to figure out if what they are saying is, indeed, the truth. I agree, and see the irony all wrapped up in a ball. I'm sure someone will say the same about the religious persons wanting these things kept out of school are doing the same thing. Augh.
  13. Carbs will do it :( If he's over weight, addressing that issue first could do a world of good. http://www.diabetes.org/ good site hth
  14. Tabrett, I totally "get" it and had never even thought that something like that might happen. However, can't you raise your bid, without making it your highest possible bid. IOW, isn't there a different way to raise your bid where it DOES show up as 60 and not as one above the most recent bid? I thought you could do that... Kathleen, try a few internet searches in ask.com or google and see what the going price is elsewhere. Then you could price accordingly :)
  15. I don't even know if I agree, but I definitely laughed out loud!:lol:
  16. That was what I was thinking... As long as it's not tied to adultery or lust, it's sort of the equivalent of massaging a sore muscle. Personally, I have difficulty with NOT thinking, if I could make it a purely physical act, then perhaps it would be blameless. Then, it's what you bring to it that could bring in sin. Ie, lust/adultery.
  17. I did not say that you or anyone else was falling short. As a matter of fact, I've said a couple of times that I'm still learning, I don't know and I'm unsure.:glare:
  18. We read them at bed time. At first, dh and I both laughed that I would do something so quaint, but I was surprised by the number of stories I didn't recognize and the kids really enjoy them. We use a variety of sources, I have one book full of Hans Christian Anderson, a few Readers' Digest Grimm collections, that sort of thing. I'm not too picky about what books we use and the kids don't really care. They're full of lessons too, besides the interesting connections to so many things modern.
  19. Except that there are exceptions made for marraige, but in marraige it's not referred to as fornication, which is why I wanted to know the biblical definition of fornication. Lust is tied to adultery. It's not adultery if it is your own partner, I should have specified that but I assumed it was understood. I would wonder, though, if you followed all of the rules set forth and were upright in your walk, would you masterbate? Isn't that sort of leading you into temptation. There you are trying to get "happy" and what are you thinking about?? I'm really just not sure, it almost seems like one of those things that isn't said specifically, but could be implied... Of course, I'm still learning ;)
  20. I didn't say they didn't know the basics (boy penis girl vagina), I don't see the importance of learning all the parts. It is not of interest to them, yet, and I don't see why I should introduce a new interest, especially one that at their age, the information is of no use. Why do my sons need to know what a clitoris is? My older ds is 8, what does he have to do with them? Why does dd need to know the names for different parts of a penis? She's 12, what does she have to do with them? I do think it's introducing information that would then LEAD to more curiosity which could very easily lead to bad situations. The basics, sure, they want to know the difference between Mom and Dad and themselves, but there is no need for this to be a. introduced in a group setting, b. introduced by a school/teacher, c. introduced in detail at all.
  21. My dcs don't. I don't think my dd would have been any better off knowing the parts and mechanics of a penis. I think it would have given her more food for thought than her mind was ready for. My dss know I'm different, but I don't believe they need to know HOW different. In the case of one, like your dd, the information could have been introduced at that time to clarify. Why tell everyone what only applies to a few? Also, having known persons who made up claims, that would've only given them more information to use for their lies. Hornblower, I've been trying to figure out what "fornication" means, in a biblical sense. Is it only sex or sex acts and does that include self-satisfaction. I have no idea. I do know we aren't supposed to lust, we aren't even supposed to look in order to lust, which would make masterbation, imo, rather difficult, especially for people that are visual. If you're focusing on God, though, I don't imagine that masterbation is something you'll be doing a lot of... I mean, that seems kind of wrong, imo.
  22. I see the two as completely different. On one hand, you have a small group of people, coming to 'save' a country. On the other, you have a coalition of countries coming to 'save' the youth of a country.
  23. I was equating the two where this particular issue was concerned, because Elizabeth had said (and sited, I believe) where much of this is from US policy. I really have to wonder about the UN stance on most Mulsim countries, though, after having read the ideals set into this particular course. Gender bias is hit on nearly every single topic. Nudity and shame are also covered. Both for the 5-8s I only glanced at the other age groups. It seems that, while they may be quiet about it, looking at this course, they DO find countries with rules in regards to gender or sexual expression to be backwards and even dangerous to the upcoming generations.
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