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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. What a sucky situation Impish. It seems handled now. I hope everything goes as well as possible for you and yours. :grouphug: The only thing I can think to add to all this is, in the end, you only have to answer for yourself. Try to make sure that you don't do anything you will regret (or be ashamed of) later. That's not to say you should have rushed off to cart her here there and everywhere, or that you should pack all your valuables and drop them off at her house. What I'm trying to say is, only YOU know what the nagging voice in the back of your head is saying, only YOU know how YOU really think you should handle this. Do what you think is right (really right, not right right now, iykwIm). Either way, I still think you're great :)
  2. That sounds so interesting! What really drove me nuts was that I had a tried and true method (I ran the department for six months and our numbers were the best in the DISTRICT, I had people from Richmond asking me for advice!!!) and they REFUSED to use it. They would NOT file things, they refused to have any order and they took the driver's advice over the maps!?! I kept telling them, the drivers will get as much removed as they can get away with (duh), and they DO appreciate it when you stick to your guns, point out the map and then drive the route. I still get hugs and miss yous from the drivers I worked with, they don't remember the names of the people I trained, who all moved on. What's so wrong with alphabetical order? Why not take notes? I don't know what dh's thing (like INTJ) is, but I do he appreciates the order I bring to things. ================== My dream job is to plot and plan, prepare and set up, then sit back and let someone else do it, lol, I couldn't be more INTJ :lol:
  3. That's one of the few books I've read where I really wish I could memorize at least half of it, so I could quote it later. This is the first time I've read it and dh has even hung around to listen :)
  4. Oh, I loved it. The hours were terrible, for most people (about midnight to about noon when I was the only person in dispatch), but I loved getting to work while the world slept and I "knew" the surrounding counties like the back of my hand. It's so funny, because I was on all the major mailing lists for new maps, designs of new neighborhoods and everything. I worked with the usps to get address boundaries and....... I could go on and on and on. It was wonderful, except when I had to train my new boss :( and then train all my fellow workers :( and finally, I quit, because I couldn't get them to understand that if they all did it my way things would work out perfectly. :lol:
  5. Dejavu all over again :lol: Yes, I'm an INTJ. My favorite job was working dispatch for UPS. My favorite time at that job was when I was the only one in the department (I was supposed to be part-time support staff, but two people quit and our boss had a nervous breakdown). I still get the happy chills thinking of looking at all those brand new maps and plotting and planning the drivers' days. Sigh.
  6. The Phantom TollBooth by Norton Juster We borrowed it from the library yesterday and he read it all day and half the night. My ds will be done with it by tonight, lol. It's a really good book, enjoyable for parents as a read aloud too, there's a ton of plays on words.
  7. You could say that. She was relocated a number of times to various different camps as a "guest" of the Japanese government. If it wasn't for the actions the US took, my grandmother and her parents would not have escaped with their lives. She was a person interred because of her race/nationality. And yes, as a girl that spent her adolescent years starving, being beaten and abused, having surgery on a dirty table with a dirty knife to save her life, why? So, she could continue to be a "guest" of the Japanese government. Yes, those things have led her, and in turn us, to believe the US government acted admirably. The fact that her father, while working in the mines, again, as a "guest" of the Japanese government, watched the heroic actions of Americans resulting in the painful deaths of Japanese military men, or I suppose I should say "hosts," decided then and there that if he could he would join in their ranks, is another one to consider. An English woman displaced, a Dutch man displaced, and a mixed up young girl displaced, welcomed by the US government to begin anew here, after having been cast off by the Dutch government as a loss, are hard people to argue with when it comes to the actions of this government during WWII. :grouphug: Not to mention the people that our government rescued that were not US citizens, although many of the chose to be as a result of that.
  8. If you were to speak to my grandmother, she would tell you the US went above and beyond admirable, far into herioc, with their responses during WWII.
  9. Happy Birthday to You! chachacha Happy Birthday to You! chachacha Happy Birthday dear SWB! Happy Birthday to You! chachacha :party:
  10. The Story of the World peacehillpress.com Great program. We're trying to make it on the book and student pages this year, I miss the reading lists and activities, but couldn't afford the activity book. I don't miss the tests, though. We just flip through and review whatever strikes my fancy now. I recommend it all the time, even if you only use it for bedtime reading (which a lot of people do).
  11. Having to supply the classroom with all this stuff really burns me up. I flat out refuse to buy half of it. One week into the year we get a follow up supply list that makes up for all the stuff that people did not bring in, then we get another one in November, another in February and a last one in April. :glare: I buy their school supplies, pens, paper, etc. I do not stock the classroom.
  12. Brace yourself... I agree with you ;) It's not an easy path to take and, imo, one that holds many more dangerous situations. Beyond the religious reasons, there are people that the sexual partner decision and turn it into a reason to kill. There are the diseases and, like you said, lack of stability. I'm not a pure bred anything, I'm a big mutt, my family comes from nearly every continent. All the same, the idea of continuing the blood lines is important to me. I want to see my dad's eyes and my grandpa's nose on the face of my great-grandchildren. Dh is the last of his line, well he was, until the dss were born. I would hate to see the end of my family line.
  13. Which is nothing like the treatment the "guests" of the Japanese government got, right?
  14. I make dh wait for a few weeks (or a month or so...) into spring before he mows the lawn. I love watching all the "weeds" bloom. I'm not sure how much grass we have anymore, but we have white flowers and purple flowers and by the time he cuts the grass our yard erupts with "fairies" (dandelion seeds). The kids love it, it's snowing in summer! Of course, my neighbors can't stand it. Ah, the feeling of blood returning to sections of your brain that lay dormant so long. I love that feeling :)
  15. PQR, I don't think anyone does. It's just shocking to find that your baby is now a "man" and the US wants him to promise possible service in the future, just in case. IOW, I think it was unexpected (heck, I KNOW about it, but when time comes for ds, I'll still be surprised and a little heartsick).
  16. I'm glad it went so smoothly. Gosh, it seems like yesterday, we were talking about the weather and today it's all sweet baby girl :)
  17. THANK YOU! I've been trying to figure out who was the most loved (they didn't mention his name?!?) anyway, thanks, I needed that information :) Paul says that there should be sex in marraige. He also says that if it's okay for both, abstainence is better for you anyway. At one point, it seems like marraige, according to Paul, is specifically for sex. IOW, if you can't stop thinking about it, then get hitched. It really doesn't matter to me one way or another, whether or not Mary stayed a virgin. She was a virgin when she had him, she raised him and only lost him once :lol: (that makes me feel better for misplacing kids in a store, at least I was only a few feet away). He loved her, but he did not elevate her above anyone else (who is my mother?), so I don't try to either.
  18. Is shelfish mentioned in the NT? I ask, because homosexuality is, it's also mentioned that we should not "enjoy" that sin in others. I'm reforming myself right now and having read first Jesus saying Moses' laws were for men (ie men's laws) and then Paul speaking of Moses' laws and words as a veil over our eyes, I'm moving towards taking the NT laws (which include the ten commandments, but very little of the more specific food or dress rules) over and above the laws in the OT. Because homosexuality is mentioned and (as of yet, but I'm only in 1Corinth.) since shellfish aren't, I'll eat my shellfish and teach the dcs that homosexuality is wrong. I sort of agree that some have moved homosexuality to a higher realm than any other sins (I don't agree with those people), but some folks building it up to be the worst does not make it right, it's still wrong, iykwIm.
  19. I sort of agree. ;) Honestly, though, who knows? It would break my heart to see my dcs make such a destructive choice, especially one that is so hard to change later. At least with drugs, they can quit and most people would be happy for them. All the same, they're my kids. What would I do if they became addicts? Goodness, I don't know. On one hand, maybe letting them hit rock bottom would percipitate change, on the other, maybe if I kept them home and got them help? Those are things that I don't think you can have a clear answer on until you get there.
  20. Colleen, I have no help for you, but you've been a help to me. Thank you. I'm off to read the article and start my narration of world history.
  21. Have you skimped on water, or possibly overloaded on it? Have you upped veggies? Are you gassy? Go to the doctors' as soon as possible, in the mean time, maybe you're retaining water or building up gas? My gramma did this when she altered her diet (dumped sweets, dairy and meat, upped veggies and fruit) and it was mostly gas. If it's gas, try ginger. If it's water, try carrots.
  22. I think it's a great idea. I did a similar thing with all of our extra stuff. It's all packed away, waiting for our next big yard sale (either with the scouts or the red hats). I'm going to have a 'free to good home' booth. I hope it works out for you, but if someone does take advantage (or you get "had"), please remember all the other people you helped. IOW, don't let the bad apples ruin the whole thing.
  23. I think the people who'd have wanted your test results would've been your last school district. I'm not in NC, but in VA the tests are for after you've finished the year. IOW, we started in December, Andrew took tests in May and those tests were put with our 2008-2009 stuff. For 2009-2010 we have our curriculum and letter of intent, but we will not have any standardized tests until we've finished with the school year. Worse come to worst, call your school board office, they can explain it I'm sure :)
  24. I don't think it is. I would wonder at the amount of falsehood from one side to the other. The fruits are the proof. The destruction of a family, the casting away of her children, twisting the scripture could make this seem right (family hating family and everything is spoken of as a distinct possibility, if not a probability), but it seems in this case that the destruction is not due to a closer relationship with God. It seems more like she's casting them away to make her relationship appear greater than it might be. How sad.
  25. When it's happened to me it was because I didn't have enough of whatever hormone present for a definite positive. The next morning, however, I did ;)
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