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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. It's a really amazing program, imo. Ds has alternately loved and hated it, because it makes you THINK, rather than handing you a list of equations. I love it, I'm glad you found the think. It's worth a try, your dcs will not fall behind on it and it helps them to really use math, rather than parrot it.
  2. I guess it all depends on perspective. It seems to me that there are plenty of places where the people are willing to sit back and take it, for whatever reason. It seems like, here in the USA, we're always spoiling for reason to overthrow the government. Whether or not the reasons are solid is in the eye of the beholder. I think preserving our freedoms is enough. Another person might think that saving one group over another is enough. Another might find cruddy school systems enough. The secret to the Revolution was Thomas Paine, giving everyone a reason to fight together, instead of complaining apart.
  3. Part of me thinks that 'we the people' are being squeezed and more and more people are moving towards the idea of trying to start over. It's not much of a shock, Jefferson thought we would have to tear down and rebuild eventually. Another part of me wonders if Americans haven't ALWAYS felt this way. IOW, federalist anti-federalist, oooh, we're going to have to rebel, heck in a hand basket, etc etc. I wonder if this isn't the American condition.
  4. I'd be tempted to call in a report anyway. That's some nutty stuff to have to deal with. It's always hard to tell where defending your kids' rights end and proving a point begin (I'm against using kids to prove a point). If it were me, I would be outside with my kids enjoying the rain and daring anyone to say anything, in the hopes that enough outside rain time and the neighbors would learn to shrug and look elsewhere. But if it got too nasty (now that your pee neighbor's gone, hopefully it won't get nasty again), I would bring them in and try to make a rain gutter boat run, so they could play away from those mean people.
  5. The number of meetings depend on the Pack. We only have two a month. There's a limited number of what you can cover, especially in Bears where so many rely on Family. A great resource would be Scouting magazine (or scouting.org). The magazine comes with outlines for Den and Pack meetings, divided by Den and covering many requirements :)
  6. MEP And it's freeeeeeeee! (I've watched Bedtime Stories too many times) http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/projects/mepres/primary/default.htm
  7. Okay, indecent exposure. Scrooge that, Mom, call the cops and complain. That is freaking disgusting! They're rude because they can be.
  8. May I recommend an s/o thread? If you start it they will come. I will too :)
  9. You know, I've never used song school, so I'm not sure how it works, but you could use it even if she won't sing. IOW, have her recite it like a poem instead. There's no need to chuck the baby with the bath water :) And believe you me, money's so tight here, I've turned in my curriculum and now I'm wondering how in the world I'm going to get all the books. We had a few duds that I did give up on, but for the most part I figured out how to make them work for us and just skipped the things I really did not like.
  10. Let her go at her own pace. My dd was always ahead, but she spent a lot of time with adults. My older ds is the same way, but my youngest is my baby and while he may be ahead in some things, he's quite happy with letting us baby him. Let the girl shine! As long as you keep a lid on adult content, she'll be fine and holding her back now, might hurt you in the long run.
  11. I think her point is that there should be a level of sense used. The two posters that mentioned a woman whose breast touched the man sitting next to her and the woman that left her unused breast hanging out, are, imo, examples of women that were looking to create conflict. I think it's all getting tangled in semantics. No one here wants women or babies to hide in toilet stalls and no one is advocating going around topless for easy access. IOW, just behave and use sense. Accidents happen, nips peek out, most people understand that. The same way people understand that you should not completely remove your shirt or just let it all hang out the whole time.
  12. Oh, right, I just took it to mean, what's your opinion... Augh... I'm not disagreeing with you, all I meant was that I didn't think you had to tear into the Bible to answer, so much as answering from the perspective of a Biblical Christian, if you know what I mean, lol... and if you do, I think you're ahead of me :lol:
  13. Ah, but we're not discussing whether or not it was right, lol, we're discussing how WE would've handled it. At least, that's the distinction I thought I saw, but I could very easily be wrong ;) I'm sure they debated the topic and I'm sure it got hot and heavy. The Quakers are very clear on their stance regarding violence, but a lot of the various Christian denominations see things differently. Strictly speaking on the scripture is so different from how particular sects or denominations see things :( Strictly Christian Biblical world view, they should not have been involved anyway, having sold their stuff and being much too busy going out into the world to be able to fight a wordly war.
  14. Me neither, but having read a few of the stories posted here, I imagine it must happen. I do know people that will use ANYTHING to get a rise out of other people, they're attention getters and it would not surprise me if they did everything they could while bfing to make as many people as uncomfortable as possible. The world is full of all kinds of people.
  15. Thank you, I wasn't sure. I do agree that it would be hard to reconcile them, but at the same time, I based my answer on my complete nature (including all the not so great stuff). I wonder if they would not have seen it as the walls of Jericho (sp, sorry), or like Moses freeing his people. There were times when God's people fought back, because it was what God wanted and I wonder if people then didn't feel that God wanted them to have a place where they can worship as they see fit.
  16. They work great in the kitchen and they are good at spills, but not as good as the commercials make them look. We tested them with measuring cups and figured out that, initially the blue ones (thinner ones) can pick up about 3/4 cup, wrung out they can hold another 1/2 a cup, but they don't wring out as well as claimed. We did a week's worth of "science" experimenting with them.:lol:
  17. We use a sham wow, :lol:, found out that is one of the millions of things those are good for. We also use paper towels (if all the sws are in the wash), no crumbs or dust here.
  18. That's the crux of the matter, imo. There ARE women that see breastfeeding as a chance to let it all hang out. They WANT people to look. Those women are completely different from the rest of us (who just want to feed our kids). If you see something that you weren't meant to see, if you accidentally steal a look, then I don't think hard feelings come into play (for most). Most people are as embarrassed as the mom when a nip pops out. It's the people that are going to stare and stare hard, so they can "prove" that bfing in public shows too much; and the women that are going to let it hang in the breeze, because they can, just daring someone to look or comment; they are the problems. I think we get all wrapped up in including everyone. There's always "those people" that do things for shock value, or to prove a point, or because they want to force other people to agree, or whatever. It kind of stinks that the rest of us get self-righteous and mean to each other, when all along we'd probably agree that "those people" are a problem.
  19. I get where you're coming from. I don't agree, but I get it ;) As long as there are laws concerning it, it's going to be political for someone. As for the woman who flashed you on the train, or any of the other flashers out there, just put them with the girls with short skirts or jeans that show their panties, or those wonders that let it all hang out whenever they can get away with. They're exhibitionists (shrug) not much you can do there. Most women who breast feed don't want you to see they're goodies, they just want to feed their lil' one and (at least for me) natural and healthy aside, it's work and it's hard to see it as anything else. For that time, the goodies are the tools to get the job done and sometimes moms can forget that others may see them differently.
  20. I just finished a great book that rationally explains Christianity, as well as the logic that goes with it and historical accuracy, etc. Unfortuneatly, I lent it to my brother and I can't remember the name of it. More Than a Carpenter or Not Just a Carpenter? I'm such a wishy washy person and that book helped me to see the truth behind it. I understand your friend is a perfectionist, but the logic in this book might settle any of her doubts.
  21. Me too. And there is a silver lining. I would not be the person I am today, except for my dd. I was doing drugs, shrugging off most of my school work, and heading down a dark path. Having dd turned me around and gave me a concrete reason to succeed. I was better for having had my dd.
  22. Good for you, continuing your education all the way over there :) I'm not sure what you mean by "Biblical" Christian, so I might be waaaay off target with my answer, but I'll try :tongue_smilie: First, I'm don't think that Christianity would have stood in my way. The writings and speaches from that time were incredibly moving. While I might have tried to pray about it, I'm pretty sure Paine's words would've been churning in my head enough to deafen me to anything God might've had to say. I am human, and the ideals they put worth would have appealed to me greatly. Secondly, I don't really believe that political/government leaders are ordained by God. Render unto Ceasar, sure, but what if there was a chance to usurp Ceasar? The idea that an island has no business running a continent would've had some play in the debate as well. Not to mention, separating from the Church of England and being able to worship how I see fit. I wonder, if I had a chance to get rid of the fiery furnace (so to speak), if I would've seen it as a chance given to me by God. IOW, if it had been possible for the older Christians to end the grasp of government upon them and their religion, I would be surprised if they didn't take advantage of it. I would not have taken a gun, I am a lady after all :lol: but, I would've done whatever I could as far as housing, clothing, feeding, ministering, and whatever else to help our soldiers. I would probably have to have kissed my dh goodbye too. Finally, the slaves thought they were fighting for their own freedom too. That's why they didn't rebel. They heard all this beautiful talk about all men being equal and assumed it included them. It wasn't until the slaves started celebrating that the white people realized they thought they were free too.
  23. Sure, you have a right to offend me (still no eye roll smiley), but I also have the right to call you out for instigating. You have the right to be rude and I have the right to tell you you're rude. It's all hand in hand. Oooooh, and if I opened up a forum on the internet I would have the right to ban you and delete your post for any reason I want.
  24. Hose it. Spend this weekend with the kids in the yard, whenever the cat tries to come in the yard, spray it. Or, if you like squirrels, you can use a wrist rocket and shoot peanuts at it, that's what we used to do. They learn just like anything else will, but you have to be consistent. You can also try the chicken wire under the sand trick. Just when the kids are not there, when the cat tries to dig, it gets caught in the wire (ouch).
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