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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. We are complete opposites. I watch people freaking out about a handful of dandelions and think, 'I like dandelions, they're free flowers.' We live in a tiny house. Do you remember the thread about absolutely adorable little cottages, our house is in the mid-range of those listed. No one understands how I can stand it, but I don't know how they put up with so much extraneous space. I completely understand you wanting some place smaller. It doesn't necessarily translate into easier to clean (someone is always underfoot), but it does mean less space and more us, iykwIm.
  2. Do you mean, watching to keep fellow Christians from having a sense of being "right?" While I do agree that people should not judge others, which is what I think you're getting at, I can't see one Christian telling another they are "wrong," if they aren't. How they go about it, how much pride they derive from it could be a problem, but if they're preaching the gospel, so to speak, then they aren't wrong. They're wrong in spirit, but not in word, does that make sense? They puff themselves up, is that what you mean? If so, that's a tricky thing to watch dog. You (not you, but you, iykwIm) agree with what they're saying, but take issue with how they're saying it. I'm not sure how you could watch-dog or stop that sort of thing, I think it's more up to their spiritual leaders to lead them back. Of course, ime, those folks do tend to be in positions of power, in which case it's up to the sheep to find a shepherd, iykwIm.
  3. First, I'm not sure of the Calvinist doctrine. I was intrigued by your question and even if I'm ot, because I'm not Calvinist, I still want to answer, because this whole coversation is very intellectually stimulating for me. I'm muddling my way through the New Testament now. I did read those and I see that he is trying to explain the dynamic between those of the law (Jews) and those outside of the law (Gentiles). It all seems to start when the one wants the other to get circumcised (ouch). What I wanted to point out, though, is that Paul talks about exactly what you had asked, or that is how I see what he said. Ever since I read about the blind man (no sin, but so God could be glorified), and then Jesus excusing Judas from the table (again, so God could be glorified), I've wondered how these actions could be "evil" or "wrong" when they ultimately end up for the good. Listening to "The Great Books" on Saint Augustine of Hippo's Confessions, I realized that it really does depend on your point of view. Now, we move from strictly Christian into a more philosophical realm (or physical), what is reality, right? Reality is how you see what is going on around, reality is based in your perspective. Augustine thought we could remove ourselves from the equation and see things from a cleaner point of view, but I disagree. I think we are bound to see things from our own point of view and while we can try to remove emotional input, it's still there. Spiritual as well. That being the case, trying to understand why some would be chosen by God to do wrong is nearly impossible, because our emotions and spirits cry out, what if that's me???? What if I was chosen to fail? That is not fair! What Paul was trying to say, or so I think, is that no one fails completely, that even the bad things that are done create an opening wherein God's glory can be manifest, which would make those bad things good, because they're the vehicle for good. Well, if you only see it from the point of view of that was bad, while ignoring the good of it, then that's all you get, if you know what I mean. I lost my house. That stunk. Now, my house is stronger and my family is stronger for it. That's good. So, losing my house was a good thing, because ultimately the rewards were greater than the loss. Throughout what I've read so far there are examples of how things will be lost or cut off or cast away, not so that one will feel the loss, but to make room to bigger and better things. IOW, whether or not Cain was screwed from the get go is a matter of perspective. Since I am focusing on the New Testament, I'm pretty shaking on the OT, so I don't know how his life ultimately turned out, but I seem to remember he found other people. If you could ask Cain, would you take it all back, I don't know that he would say yes. I only say that, because it is my experience that any mistake we make any place we falter, greater things can happen because of that. That's not to say he doesn't repent the murder of his brother, but that it's difficult to say, I would give up my life today (my dh, my dcs) to have not done that yesterday. I think God chose everyone and it's up to us to return the favor.
  4. Your original post is gone, so I'm flying by some of the posts I've read. One question, are you capable of having spontaneous fun with your kids? I ask, because I can't. I plan everything. I planned what order and when to sing my ds nursery rhymes, how to teach him to count with songs and play, etc. I plan how to spend our free time, even if it's a loose plan, there's planning involved. If you aren't capable of doing free flowing super Mom just teaching stuff as I move through the world ain't this grand, then go ahead and plan. That's what I do. Some people don't like it, but then they can usually spontaneously teach and have fun at the same time. I can't.
  5. Thank you. It is very difficult to be a reader where I live. You might as well sprout two more heads. Yes, the dishes are in the sink and they aren't going to mutiny any time in the next hour while I enjoy this book. Yes, it is a "hard" book, yes it is a "classical" book, yes it is an "educational" book. No, I'm not in any classes, it is not "required" reading. Yes, I am reading it, because I want to read it. It's incredible that a woman can get so many negative comments for a dirty sink and those comments treble if she's caught with a book. Thank you for standing up for the women that want to feed their minds and giving them "permission" to feel this way. There is not an infinite amount of time to read or self-educate. Some of that time has to be taken from all those other important things that must be done. The beauty of many of the jobs sahms do is that they repeat and if you don't do it today, you can do it tomorrow (or in the five minutes before company comes through the door). How people can argue with this, I don't know.
  6. My dd is ready SOTW 1 this summer. I let her flip through the activity book, to see if she wants to do anything. She's getting a very general knowledge of history this way and it's FAR beyond anything she's learned/ing at ps. Once ds is done with SOTW 2, she'll read that, so on and so forth. Since we're not doing it for grades, I don't make her do any extra work, however we do discuss what she's read (along with ds) and that is cementing these things for her. If your goal is a general grounding in history, doing what you're doing is fine.
  7. Wierd, because I just read this this morning and I'm sure it pertains, but I'm having the worst time understanding Paul (imo, he reads like stereo instructions). Who knows, maybe you'll "get it" and can explain it to me (wouldn't that be ironic?). Romans 9:11-21 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) ETA, that winky smily was supposed to be ; ), I'm leaving it there, but just so you know, the Bible doesn't have smilies, that was just a funny accident. It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same pupose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? Okay, my fingers are getting tired ;) We're going to skip ahead... We're skipping over God making these "vessels of wrath" in order to show his mercy... Romans 9:25 As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. Alright, KingM, from what I can gather from that long bit there, God DOES show his mercy to them. Their "evils" are vehicles to show his mercy and goodness. IOW, like the man blind from birth that Jesus healed. The disciples wanted to know whose sin had caused the man's blindness and his answer was something along the lines of, his blindness came from no sin, rather so he could glorify God through his healing. Why do bad things happen to good people? Because they percieve them to bad, when in reality they are ways for God to move in their lives. Okay, so I threw in my hat, I tried, and if you can glean more from that, maybe you can help me understand it better.
  8. Me too! I'm very rarely bored while waiting. There's too much to see and think about. :iagree: Knowing there's a line, you go with time to wait. And I don't like it when I'm "forced" to join a shorter line, or when someone acts like I've performed a miracle because I let them infront of me (you have one can of food, I think I can wait).
  9. I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't trying to say YOUR kids do that. We were teenagers and the idea of writing a "love letter" to our sibling was just..... well....... yeah.
  10. I think it's just a joke on signs. I've seen shirts and things that make fun of symbol signs like that before and they're pretty much about what they say they're about. In my experience, which is to say, I could be wrong (but I doubt it ;) ).
  11. My mother made my brother and I do this. It worked, because we spent the time laughing at our mom and how rediculous she was. The common bond was dissension from Mom. Augh. I remember those days. ETA: this is not to assume YOUR dcs feel this way. My mom didn't implement this until we were all teenagers and that is a VERY different age. My kids argue, until they disagree with me... then they're thick as thieves. The only thing I've found to work with mine is to explain that they're more alike than they imagine (mine are all 5 years apart and the phases they go through seem to repeat to each other, iykwIm). Going through stories together about their own history seems to work. They enjoy hearing it and laughing TOGETHER about yesterdays.
  12. Well, I just love clicking on condescending answers :) I don't mind standing in line. Sure, I could be doing other stuff, but there's plenty of stuff I can do in line. Most of the time I leave part of whatever I need to be prepared for while I'm waiting in line (like writing out my check, or getting my papers in order). Really, I don't mind it 99% of the time. Lines at the emergency room tick me off. Otherwise, even at the DMV, I have something I can do. Most places with line merit me asking my mom to watch the kids (I'm thinking places with long waits). So I get "me time" and get to read my book or whatever in actual peace. The only thing I don't like about lines would be listening to adults whine like little kids while they wait.
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/ I believe it's free. I've never used it, but saved the link just in case :) Hope this helps! Also, you might want to try to do some searches. It seems like there would be a LOT of resources for Spanish.
  14. Math Enhancement Program (MEP) it's free http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/projects/mepres/primary/default.htm
  15. I agree with the pp that said campsites and things you clean up, but ball games and things are up in the air. IOW, I take our trash out, but I'm not cleaning up the floor. If we have a drink or food spill, I might "rake" it to the side with my foot, but I'm not picking it up. Cups and things, yes, but there are people that are paid to clean it up and while I don't make an effort to make a huge mess, I don't go too far to clean it up either. BTW, peanut shells are different. I've been in restaraunts where that's what you do (throw them on the ground) and I must admit to enjoying the outright sillyness of letting the kids make that sort of a biodegradable mess all around their feet. The same with sunflower seeds.
  16. Does your state have Standards Of Learning (SOLs)? If so, go to your state's school site and they should list them. That will tell you what they cover in 2nd grade. I expected more flack from ds's school, but they were all pretty nice, offered to help if I needed any and wished us the best.
  17. Hey now... Virginia can be quite an exciting place. We had rain today, yeah, rain. It totally broke up the periods of varying heat and humidity ;) Now, that is excitement! BBC Languages Homepage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/ Click "other" and the next page has a tab for Japanese... oh and I think it might be freeeeeeeee!
  18. That's what I said. Who better to devise the plan than the person that is expected to abide by it?
  19. Oh my gosh! Ibbygirl, I'm sorry.


    Thank you for the heads up.



  20. Woohoo :party: I'm so glad to hear everything's going so well. You'll keep doing this, because the rewards are great (amazing how much a happy dh can make a house, or wherever he is, home). :grouphug:
  21. Chick Fillet which for some reason I cannot remember how to spell. Chik-fill-et or something, lol........ You know what I mean.
  22. I think in order might be best. They'll see the reenactment before and after. One thing I've noticed is that the better the field trip, the less ds retains of the lesson. He can tell you all about seeing the craters of the moon and things (we went to get together as a field trip for astronomy), but for the next week that was ALL he would remember. It might work out better that way. You'll get the book learning in and it will mean more, because they'll remember the first reenactment, and the second reenactment will mean even more, because they have a deeper understanding of it.
  23. I agree with the other posters that said to write her a letter. I would offer her forgiveness for having been so cruel for no reason. Then, I would offer to let bygones be bygones and move forward. I would not put anything negative or remotely negative in that letter, I have no doubt your cousin would be tempted to use it to illustrate any point she might have on why YOU are the problem. Be gracious, be kind, be loving. Forgive her, she's bitter from something and that's a sorry way to exist. Forgive her so you don't join her on bitter front. Then, forget about it. Send the obligatory holiday card, if she calls or writes back, be gracious, be kind, be loving. If she continues to be nasty, pull a psychiatrist trip on her. "Let's discuss these feelings, I'm very concerned about the amount of anger you're holding. Let's talk about this and see if we can't find a way to help you release this anger constructively, instead of destructively (if that's even a word, lol)." Take the high road, you and your kids are worth it. Stay up there long enough and the rest of the family is going to tell your cousin they can't understand why she'd be so mean, when you're so gracious, loving and kind.
  24. I didn't click the book link, but it says it's free. Let me check out my quote site and see if they have anything :) ETA, nothing there.
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